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    Merkel esulta per Biden: “UE e Stati Uniti lavorino insieme per affrontare le sfide globali”

    RebHarmsThey won‘t give up until former President leaves: Uchodi Lukashenka! #StandWithBelarus #Belarus

    EPPGroupThe people of #Belarus continue their peaceful protest and are met with consistent brutality by the #Lukashenko reg…

    FedericaMogHere my interview on #USAelection2020 #BidenHarris2020 #EU – #US relations with @camanpour on @cnni

    EPPGroupRT @listenlund: EU negotiators from the parliament and member states are due this week to discuss a longstanding plan that would force plat…

    jduchMEPs want the amount of €672,5 billion euros in grants and loans to be available to finance national measures desig…

    nomfupRT @TIME: Capping off a contentious two-year stint, Rep. Cheri Bustos, the head of House Democrats’ campaign arm, has decided to exit her p…

    ManfredWeberRT @simoncoveney: It’s for UK Parl to legislate as it sees fit. But understand, if UK passes law designed to break International Law, WI &…

    nomfupRT @nytimes: Dan Quayle, a Republican who was vice president to President George H.W. Bush when their ticket lost to Bill Clinton in 1992,…

    nomfupNel frattempo, in un universo parallelo

    FedericaMogRT @camanpour: Former EU Foreign Policy Chief @FedericaMog says she has been saddened to see the US “denying so many of its fundamental val…

    LJahierEUThis is simply…. unique #Music make miracles and it’s #Magic

    EP_PresidentIf COVID-19 has taught us one thing, it’s that we need to strengthen European democracy. The Conference on the Futu…

    EP_PresidentWenn uns COVID-19 eines gelehrt hat, dann, dass wir europäische Demokratie stärken müssen. Die Konferenz zur Zukunf…

    ecrgroupECR MEP Jadwiga Wiśniewska: “We support all measures aimed at protecting the Union’s budget, but they must be legal…

    JosepBorrellFWe often say ‘Europe comes out of the crisis stronger’. To this end, we need to be mobilised on all fronts and EU D…

    nomfupRT @nytpolitics: Even in defeat, Republicans saw clear indicators of the enduring power of Trump-style populism. By the time Joe Biden gave…

    nomfupRT @nytopinion: The competitiveness of the Trump coalition, the fact that his party came through the election in better-than-expected shape…

    EPPGroupIt’s what we have been saying for weeks. @eucopresident agrees with us that there can be no impunity for those glor…

    nomfupEmpatia si sta rucolizzando, siamo già nei paraggi della resilienza

    ansaeuropaCoinvolgere le regioni di confine dotandole di risorse specifiche e procedure accelerate, concludere i negoziati pe…

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    Dombrovskis: “UE aperta al commercio, ma pronti a reagire contro trattamenti ingiusti”

    Valdis Dombrovskis durante la 20esima edizione del Brussels Economic Forum [Bruxelles, 8 settembre 2020]

    Enindustry, Politica-estera – Emanuele Bonini

    8 settembre 2020

    Le prime dichiarazioni da commissario designato per le relazioni commerciali del vicepresidente esecutivo della Commissione. “Con Stati Uniti e Cina navighiamo in acque agitate”


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    UE e Stati Uniti pronte a definire un nuovo regime di scambio dei dati personali

    CSpillmannRT @ChristopherJM: Lithuania FM @LinkeviciusL tells local media about Tikhanovskaya’s situation: “The night was really tense, she was detai…

    CSpillmannRT @ChristopherJM: Tikhanovskaya’s team says she was forced to leave Belarus in order for authorities to release her chief of staff Maria M…

    CSpillmannRT @lemondefr: « Comme le gouvernement ne veut pas que l’Apple Daily survive, nous autres, Hongkongais, devons le sauver nous-mêmes » : la…

    CSpillmannRT @UdrescuMaria: A découvrir @lalibrebe, dans un excellent dossier #Bielorussie, le portrait signé @SabVt “#Loukachenko, le petit père don…

    EuropolNOW HIRING! Thinking about furthering your career? Europol could be the opportunity you’re looking for! Take a look…

    euobsTurkey’s decision to send ships to disputed waters near Cyprus was a “serious escalation” which showed Turkey’s “de…

    eu_eeasRT @eu_echo: The EU’s response to the tragic explosion in #Beirut would not be possible without the brave first respondents on the ground.…

    euobs”Our response will be robust,” Lukashenko said after a second night of violence in Minsk, as EU ponders response

    euobs”There had been an abuse of visas issued at the Slovak general consulate in St Petersburg, and in this connection a…

    euobsOver 1.8 million confirmed cases have so far been reported across the European Union, including Liechtenstein, Icel…

    euobsGermany, France, Italy are reportedly drawing up a sanction list of companies and individuals to stem the flow of w…

    euobsAfter invalidating Safe Harbour and Privacy Shield, the European Union and the United States now find themselves in…

    euobsAt least five Italian MPs earning some €13,000 a month have pocketed Covid-19 relief funds meant to help the self-e…

    CSpillmannRT @mariaramirezNY: España multiplica casi por ocho los casos de Italia en el último mes. ¿Qué ha hecho Italia? Mantener el estado de alarm…

    CSpillmannRT @afpfr: La Chine cherche à faire du territoire démocratique qu’est Taïwan “le prochain Hong Kong”, a accusé aujourd’hui le ministre taïw…

    PES_PSERT @SPDEuropa: Beim ??-Hilfspaket gegen die Pandemie hat er’s bewiesen. ?? #Scholz2021 @PES_PSE

    CSpillmannRT @EnricoLetta: Non sono elezioni quelle “vinte” da #Lukashenko. Non c’è democrazia in #Bielorussia. Ai confini dell’UE non c’è posto per…

    CSpillmannRT @grosfilley: Vous voulez savoir comment et pourquoi PS et N-VA ont fini par de retrouver et négocier ? Petite enquête dans les coulisses…

    nomfupRT @lemondefr: Gabrielle Deydier, autrice d’« On ne naît pas grosse » : « Quand on sort de la norme, comme c’est le cas pour les personnes…

    CSpillmannRT @lucdebarochez: La candidate de l’opposition en #Biélorussie s’est réfugiée en Lituanie

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    Privacy, Corte UE boccia l’accordo tra gli Stati Uniti e la Commissione: protezione inadeguata

    CSpillmann#EUCO #Budget et #NextGenerationEU PM Belge @Sophie_Wilmes est la seule “très satisfaite” des propositions mises s…

    eucopresidentThis #EUCO summit is about more than money. It’s about people, our European future, and our unity. With political…

    CSpillmannJ’espère que malgrè les positions différentes, nous parviendrons à un consensus @BoykoBorissov insistre à son arriv…

    cristinascarfiaRT @marcobreso: La situazione #EUCO

    CSpillmann#EUCO #budget et #NextGenerationUe Tchèque @AndrejBabis critique répartition proposée, juge pénalise les succès de…

    eu_eeasThe EU and Taiwan held their 3rd annual #HumanRights Consultations last Wednesday, July 15, reiterating the importa…

    SKyriakidesEURT @NicolasSchmitEU: Seasonal workers help to underpin hugely important sectors of the EU’s economy. Our guidelines are a wake-up call to M…

    Europarl_IT?? Alle 10.00 @EP_President David Sassoli si rivolgerà ai leader europei riuniti nel Consiglio. ❔ Poi risponderà a…

    EU_CoR☝Did you know? You can give @EU_Commission feedback on policy proposals on the revamped #EUHaveYourSay portal! ☑️ s…

    FMCastaldoLa linea pandemica del #MES prevede vincolo ben definito: spese sanitarie legate all’emergenza #covid. Questi soldi…

    TheProgressivesRT @jonasfernandez: Today, in @el_pais I sign an op-Ed on the sudoku of european negotiations to set up the Recovery Fund. English version…

    RenewEuropeRT @CiolosDacian: There should not be a budget without a rule-of-law mechanism in place. We cannot finance the nationalist populism of some…

    CSpillmannRT @isabelleory: A l’arrivée de l’#euco, les dirigeants ont des petits panneaux sur le sol avec 2 pieds dessinés pour leur indiquer où se m…

    CSpillmannRT @NLatEU: “It is important that there is an agreement, but it must be a good agreement.” – @MinPres Mark Rutte. #EUCO…

    BedaRomanoGrazie per la domanda @rpapaposts. Le CCS sono nate nel 2010, prima del PS (che risale al 2016). Sono contratti ad…

    guyverhofstadtEuropean Solidarity was slow to arrive at the beginning of this crisis. EU leaders must now make amends. The Euro…

    pierremoscoviciSommet décisif à Bruxelles: l’Europe joue son destin. Il s’agit de répondre à la crise avec ambition et solidarité,…

    MargSchinasRT @LasMananas_rne: DIRECTO | Schinas (@MargSchinas), vicepresidente @EU_Commission “Europa necesita el acuerdo ahora. Todos esperamos que…

    CSpillmannBrève présentation du #EUCO par @eucopresident Emu, il se reprend en anglais, alors qu’il est en direct Message sim…

    Europarl_IT❓“Ce lo chiede l’Europa”. Ma chi è l’Europa? L’interessante articolo di @fanpage su ruolo e funzionamento del Parl…

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    Iran, visita a sorpresa di Pompeo a Bruxelles. Restano le divergenze tra UE e USA

    L’Alta rappresentante per la politica estera e di sicurezza dell’UE, Federica Mogherini, riceve il segretario di Stato americano, Mike Pompeo (foto: European Council) Il segretario di Stato americano ha fatto sosta a Bruxelles, dov’era in corso il consiglio Affari esteri. L’invito dell’Europa alla responsabilità e alla diplomazia. Si teme che la situazione sfugga di mano