RT : Una cosa bella bellissima che succede a Perugia sabato Venite a sentire e che sono miei p…

A couple of enlightening thoughts by after Putin met Orban yesterday in Budapest. Via

Oh, finalmente arriva l’autobus, lo aspettavo da tre quarti d’ora, piove, ora lo prend … (Virginia, sono sempre i…

E se non ci girassimo troppo attorno e usassimo una parola molto precisa, senza timori di sembrare corrivi o demoni…

RT _near: 🇪🇺🇲🇩The approves a new package of budget assistance of almost €25mio to the Republic of to support rule of law &…

RT : I yield the balance of my time for now, but not forever.

RT _it: La vignetta di di oggi. Qui tutte le altre realizzate per Il Foglio

This ‘CliMate plant’ from young activists is now in my office. Thank you for making sure that we all hear…

Is your city on the map? 🗺️ We teamed up with to track the ways local governments around the worl…

RT : (comunque è interessante constatare come un dibattito sull’eccessiva litigiosità e gli insulti online si è evoluto rapidamen…

RT : Ringo Starr gets ‘emotional’ as he brings The Beatles back together

RT : Mohring landet auf Platz drei und will Ministerpräsident einer Minderheitesregierung werden-mit den Parteien, die bisher m…

RT : “Senza una sovranità europea rimarremo deboli perché saremo dipendenti da tecnologie prodotte da altri, senza c…

RT : Sechs Monate lang hat eine Reporterin undercover in einer polnischen Trollfarm gearbeitet. Sie hat gegen LGBTs gehetzt,…

RT _Live: Jede weitere Gleichsetzung von Linkspartei und AfD lässt die CDU noch unsouveräner und verzweifelter wirken.

We thank Mario Draghi for his leadership over the past eight years and wish him the very best for the future (9/9)

RECOVERY FOR EUROPE: Our measures achieve results: ➡️more than 11 million new jobs since 2012 ➡️sustained economic…

NOT THE ONLY GAME IN TOWN: While the ECB can contribute to economic growth through monetary policy, other policy ar…

RT : “Ce n’est pas la fin de l’histoire”, déclare , le négociateur en chef de l’Union européenne htt…

STARTING FORWARD GUIDANCE: The ECB began to provide information about its future monetary policy intentions – a too…