
“L’UE fermi Erdogan”. Italia contro la Turchia e l’invasione in Siria

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    Labour leadership eyes pushing for second Brexit referendum

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    Honoured to receive the European Award. My acceptance speech:

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    Tutto l’autobus, tutto, sta facendo il tifo perché ce la faccia. Daje! Te prego! Vai! Sbuffa, muggisce, fischia. Gn…

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    Olga Tokarczuk ist eine sehr sehr gute Wahl für den für Literatur. Beneidenswert ist, wer ihre Bücher n…

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    RT : Clima, le proteste di Extinction Rebellion si estendono in tutto il mondo. Ma ora la questione è: che fare? | _Arlon https…

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    Oramai se non pianti alberi non sei nessuno

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    Many thanks to _MoussaFaki who took time to travel to Brussels for a farewell visit to his European counterpart…

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    Congratulations to graduates of the The role of police officers is becoming more complex because today’…

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    Deeply saddened by the news of Willy Helin’s departure: great man, incredible energy, fantastic humour, one of the…

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    RT : Fancy listening to me reading my new book, or for any budding actors hoping for a role in Peaky Blinders and need to poli…

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    One may treat the Union as a cash cow and its values with a grain of salt. But it is a very short-term game. Our ti…

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    How Boris Johnson moved to break the Brexit deadlock

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    Le foto alle file chilometriche per i taxi all’uscita della stazione Termini sono diventate un tropo come i tramonti sul Lungotevere

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    Vi aspetto domani!

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    🔴 LIVE NOW: Speech by Tusk upon receiving the European Award at the

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    Nella migliore delle ipotesi l’insediamento della nuova slitterà di un mese e quindi non potrà avven…

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    RT _trend: 👉 A l’On. Filippo Sensi () ha raccontato il periodo in cui è stato portavoce dell’ex premier Matteo Ecc…

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    RT : El presidente de EFE y el director gral. de Comunicación y portavoz del _ES firman el manifiesto …

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    Il per la pace al premier ci riempie di gioia: un leader coraggioso, impegnato strenuam…

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    Conte, con Gualtieri stretta su manovra

    Nobel Pace: Mattarella, Italia ammirata