OliverVarhelyiPleased to have had a good discussion with @Haavisto @Ulkoministerio in the margins of #FAC in Brussels today. We s… https://t.co/eo3dsnmgt1
Antonio_TajaniCon @forza_italia al governo basta comunicazioni all’ultimo minuto. Ci vuole rispetto per chi lavora e fa impresa. https://t.co/Mm7bbtGjHM
OliverVarhelyiGood exchange of views with #US @SecBlinken @StateDept at Foreign Affairs Council #FAC today. Strong strategic tran… https://t.co/PhHLq1WrPK
US2EURT @SecBlinken: Pleased to join the EU Foreign Affairs Council today with @JosepBorrellF to discuss the joint U.S.- EU response to pressing…
helenadalliIn a #UnionOfEquality all victims of crime should be able to fully rely on their rights – no matter where they are… https://t.co/XlMctfaGSx
epc_euRT @andreas_akt: Excited to join this panel of eminent speakers tomorrow, to speak on boosting AI uptake in Europe, the @EU_Commission’s fo…
CSpillmann”Contrer, réagir et s’engager”: avec ce triple salto en figure imposée, #UE27 cherche une riposte face à la dérive… https://t.co/BvFTndROLo
germanyintheeuRT @GermanyDiplo: “In our discussion with @SecBlinken, we touched upon many international issues. There is a willingness on the #US side to…
germanyintheeuRT @GermanyDiplo: “It is as necessary to continue a dialogue w/ #Russia. It is a key actor when it comes to working on solutions for Syria…
germanyintheeuRT @GermanyDiplo: “We have decided to sanction further individuals in #Russia who are responsible for the conviction of Alexei #Navalny. We…
OlivierBaillyEURT @Europe1: Covid-19 : Sanofi veut rebondir et lance un nouvel essai clinique du vaccin https://t.co/rcB0EWai27
helenadalliRT @eurogender: When #violence takes place behind closed doors it can be hard to bring yourself to intervene, but there are ways to make it…
ecrgroupThe adoption of the #EMFAF is a win for #EU fishing, particularly for the small-scale inshore sector. The €6.1bn d… https://t.co/yiH7OSnm0Y
MalmstromEURT @EventsPOLITICO: Happening on March 8, our Virtual Playbook Interviews – Women’s day edition with @vestager, European commission executi…
EPPGroupGood that agreement on #RussiaSanctions was reached, but this decision is a far cry from the support expected by… https://t.co/Ka2PkjYVIN
RenewEuropeRT @sorayarr_: 🇪🇺Tras la reunión de ministros de exteriores, se anuncian futuras sanciones para los responsables de la detención de #Navaln…
ThierryBretonWomen and men @pfizer in Puurs 🇧🇪 are working night and day to produce the @BioNTech_Group #COVID vaccine. We have… https://t.co/4yr6A6L3f6
CarloCalendaL’analisi di @mraffa1946 sull’uccisione dell’ambasciatore italiano e del carabiniere in #Congo. Da ascoltare https://t.co/2tiIiibV9s
ItalyinEURT @EttoreSequi: Bandiere a mezz’asta alla #Farnesina per la morte dell’Ambasciatore Luca #Attanasio, del Carabiniere Vittorio #Iacovacci e…