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    Siria, 10 anni di guerra civile e la situazione rimane “la peggiore di sempre”. Borrell invita al-Assad a negoziati con l’ONU

    <!– –> Politica-estera – Federico Baccini @federicobaccini 30 marzo 2021 L’intervento dell’alto rappresentante UE alla quinta conferenza sul futuro del Paese: “Non possiamo accettare elezioni pianificate dal regime”. Bruxelles si impegna a sostenere cittadini e rifugiati con 560 milioni di euro anche per il 2022 CORRELATI

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    Congo: l’ambasciatore italiano ed un carabiniere uccisi in un tentato rapimento

    OliverVarhelyiPleased to have had a good discussion with @Haavisto @Ulkoministerio in the margins of #FAC in Brussels today. We s…

    Antonio_TajaniCon @forza_italia al governo basta comunicazioni all’ultimo minuto. Ci vuole rispetto per chi lavora e fa impresa.

    OliverVarhelyiGood exchange of views with #US @SecBlinken @StateDept at Foreign Affairs Council #FAC today. Strong strategic tran…

    US2EURT @SecBlinken: Pleased to join the EU Foreign Affairs Council today with @JosepBorrellF to discuss the joint U.S.- EU response to pressing…

    helenadalliIn a #UnionOfEquality all victims of crime should be able to fully rely on their rights – no matter where they are…

    epc_euRT @andreas_akt: Excited to join this panel of eminent speakers tomorrow, to speak on boosting AI uptake in Europe, the @EU_Commission’s fo…

    CSpillmann”Contrer, réagir et s’engager”: avec ce triple salto en figure imposée, #UE27 cherche une riposte face à la dérive…

    germanyintheeuRT @GermanyDiplo: “In our discussion with @SecBlinken, we touched upon many international issues. There is a willingness on the #US side to…

    germanyintheeuRT @GermanyDiplo: “It is as necessary to continue a dialogue w/ #Russia. It is a key actor when it comes to working on solutions for Syria…

    germanyintheeuRT @GermanyDiplo: “We have decided to sanction further individuals in #Russia who are responsible for the conviction of Alexei #Navalny. We…

    OlivierBaillyEURT @Europe1: Covid-19 : Sanofi veut rebondir et lance un nouvel essai clinique du vaccin

    helenadalliRT @eurogender: When #violence takes place behind closed doors it can be hard to bring yourself to intervene, but there are ways to make it…

    ecrgroupThe adoption of the #EMFAF is a win for #EU fishing, particularly for the small-scale inshore sector. The €6.1bn d…

    MalmstromEURT @EventsPOLITICO: Happening on March 8, our Virtual Playbook Interviews – Women’s day edition with @vestager, European commission executi…

    EPPGroupGood that agreement on #RussiaSanctions was reached, but this decision is a far cry from the support expected by…

    RenewEuropeRT @sorayarr_: 🇪🇺Tras la reunión de ministros de exteriores, se anuncian futuras sanciones para los responsables de la detención de #Navaln…

    ThierryBretonWomen and men @pfizer in Puurs 🇧🇪 are working night and day to produce the @BioNTech_Group #COVID vaccine. We have…

    CarloCalendaL’analisi di @mraffa1946 sull’uccisione dell’ambasciatore italiano e del carabiniere in #Congo. Da ascoltare

    ItalyinEURT @EttoreSequi: Bandiere a mezz’asta alla #Farnesina per la morte dell’Ambasciatore Luca #Attanasio, del Carabiniere Vittorio #Iacovacci e…

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    Nagorno-Karabakh, la Commissione UE intima la fine del conflitto nel Caucaso: “No a ingerenze esterne da Turchia e Russia”

    L’alto rappresentante Josep Borrell ha ribadito alla plenaria del Parlamento Europeo l’impegno dell’Unione per arrivare a negoziati OSCE, mentre continuano i bombardamenti sulla regione a maggioranza armena dell’Azerbaijan. “Valutare attentamente ogni notizia, sul conflitto in corso c’è molta disinformazione”

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    Pompeo all’Italia: attenti ai cinesi

    JosepBorrellFI spoke today with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to reiterate EU’s continued support to Palestinian state bui…

    MarcoPiantiniRT @ItalyinARG: Adiós al gran historietista y humorista gráfico?? #Quino, padre de la mítica #Mafalda que seguirá en nuestros corazones ete…

    ElisaFerreiraEC2020 in a cartoon. Gracias por tanto Quino #DEP


    jyrkikatainenFull support to @VeraJourova and @dreynders We can’t make compromises on fundamental values. Deterioration of Rule…

    MargSchinasRT @EURightsAgency: Welcome and stimulating discussions today between FRA Director @MichaelCJT and @EU_Commission VP @MargSchinas look towa…

    eu_eeas? Biodiversity is deteriorating in an unprecedented manner. This is a ? planetary emergency that requires an united…

    eu_eeasHigh Representative/Vice-President @JosepBorrellF speaks to Palestinian President Abbas

    Bulc_EURT @TUMInitiative: #UrbanMobility Days: Don’t miss our poster “5 PRINCIPLES TO EMPOWER WOMEN IN TRANSPORT” https:/…

    jyrkikatainenSillä lailla. Puolan ja Unkarin ero on siinä, että Puolassa on yhä vahva oppositio. Varsovan pormestari ⁦…

    ansaeuropaEU DATA NEWS HUB ?? ????Italia, Germania e Irlanda saranno i primi a potersi connettere al sistema Ue #Gateway che…

    MalosseHenriRT @DilReyhan: Many thanks on behalf of Uyghur diaspora all 55 (2 more) deputies who are the first members of the Uyghur Solidarity Collect…

    eu_eeasVenezuela: Press release on EU dialogue with stakeholders in Caracas

    DigitaliansEURT @Luke_like: Finalmente le app di contact tracing in #Europa ??iniziano a parlarsi. Via all’interoperabilità. Il 17/10 partono l’Italia…

    Antonio_TajaniServe un controllo più severo dei social per evitare tragedie come quella di Napoli

    brandobenifeiRT @estrella_dura: Big political changes have never come from the top but from de bottom. Cooperation with local, regional, national and Eu…

    pierremoscoviciUn débat aussi violent qu’inquiétant et malsain. Le résultat d’une élection ne peut être refusé ou contesté par a…

    CSpillmannRT @AnneRovan: Michel #Barnier à propos du tunnel de négociation qui permettrait d’arriver peut-être à un accord commercial avec Londres :…

    CSpillmann#Belgique Un gouvernement par défaut avec une responsabilité historique

    CSpillmannRT @IdafeMartin: El nuevo Gobierno belga tendrá 15 ministros (el máximo que permite la ley) y 5 secretarios de Estado. Exteriores para Wilm…

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    L’UE lancia Irini, la nuova missione nel Mediterraneo per il controllo dell’embargo di armi in Libia

    RT : ►Traçage numérique, sommes-nous fliqués pour le meilleur ou pour le pire ? Dans ce soir avec vice prési… RT : Il Torrino del illuminato con il 🇮🇹 dal tramonto all’alba fino alla fine dell’emergenza h… RT : Raakoja lukuja Finnjävelistä: Jotta nyt pysytään pystyssä, pitää myydä viikossa 16 000€. Jokainen lohisoppa ja lindström […]