RT : L’articolo più letto del mondo sul coronavirus via
En fait le plan de relance 🇪🇺 est plus que menacé : Conseil européen incertain, blocages annoncés de parlements nat…
e salari equi: la presidenza tedesca al Consiglio dell’UE vuole uscire dalla crisi con un’Europa sociale.…
Summer. In the village. Community pool.
We’re fighting for the rights of EU citizens in 🇬🇧 that are at risk! “I want a deal to ensure that the rights of al…
“Creating debt is an easy decision for populists, but for responsible politicians, like we are, creating debt is al…
MEP Burkhardt presents her draft report _Environment asking Commission to come fwd with legislative p…
Assessment of the fiscal stance appropriate for the euro area
Un applauso virtuale
Have a successful presidency, 🇩🇪. Keep among along with and mitigation of…
RT : Le Rassemblement National a remporté la ville de Moissac, refuge des enfants juifs pendant la guerre. L’histoire entre Moi…
Le Kroll du jour sur la présidence allemande de l’UE
In audizione in Commissione affari europei indica tre ambiti di priorità su cui come paese credo do…
We kick off the last day of the with: 🗳️ Vote on political priorities and 8 opinions 💶 Debate on…
RT : Je n’invente pas 😀 Le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères 🇬🇧 révèle que si la GB a manqué d’équipement de protection médi…
Why only those? This should be a property of A truly integrated economy on equal footing. Fragmentat…
This is the type of of which more is needed. _layers…
Mon entretien hier soir avec Thomas Sotto: préparons l’avenir! Dette publique : “Les Français doivent consommer”, e…
Fixing elections & creating new terms through manipulation shows Putin’s insecurity & weakness, not strength.…