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    UE e Stati Uniti pronte a definire un nuovo regime di scambio dei dati personali

    CSpillmannRT @ChristopherJM: Lithuania FM @LinkeviciusL tells local media about Tikhanovskaya’s situation: “The night was really tense, she was detai…

    CSpillmannRT @ChristopherJM: Tikhanovskaya’s team says she was forced to leave Belarus in order for authorities to release her chief of staff Maria M…

    CSpillmannRT @lemondefr: « Comme le gouvernement ne veut pas que l’Apple Daily survive, nous autres, Hongkongais, devons le sauver nous-mêmes » : la…

    CSpillmannRT @UdrescuMaria: A découvrir @lalibrebe, dans un excellent dossier #Bielorussie, le portrait signé @SabVt “#Loukachenko, le petit père don…

    EuropolNOW HIRING! Thinking about furthering your career? Europol could be the opportunity you’re looking for! Take a look…

    euobsTurkey’s decision to send ships to disputed waters near Cyprus was a “serious escalation” which showed Turkey’s “de…

    eu_eeasRT @eu_echo: The EU’s response to the tragic explosion in #Beirut would not be possible without the brave first respondents on the ground.…

    euobs”Our response will be robust,” Lukashenko said after a second night of violence in Minsk, as EU ponders response

    euobs”There had been an abuse of visas issued at the Slovak general consulate in St Petersburg, and in this connection a…

    euobsOver 1.8 million confirmed cases have so far been reported across the European Union, including Liechtenstein, Icel…

    euobsGermany, France, Italy are reportedly drawing up a sanction list of companies and individuals to stem the flow of w…

    euobsAfter invalidating Safe Harbour and Privacy Shield, the European Union and the United States now find themselves in…

    euobsAt least five Italian MPs earning some €13,000 a month have pocketed Covid-19 relief funds meant to help the self-e…

    CSpillmannRT @mariaramirezNY: España multiplica casi por ocho los casos de Italia en el último mes. ¿Qué ha hecho Italia? Mantener el estado de alarm…

    CSpillmannRT @afpfr: La Chine cherche à faire du territoire démocratique qu’est Taïwan “le prochain Hong Kong”, a accusé aujourd’hui le ministre taïw…

    PES_PSERT @SPDEuropa: Beim ??-Hilfspaket gegen die Pandemie hat er’s bewiesen. ?? #Scholz2021 @PES_PSE

    CSpillmannRT @EnricoLetta: Non sono elezioni quelle “vinte” da #Lukashenko. Non c’è democrazia in #Bielorussia. Ai confini dell’UE non c’è posto per…

    CSpillmannRT @grosfilley: Vous voulez savoir comment et pourquoi PS et N-VA ont fini par de retrouver et négocier ? Petite enquête dans les coulisses…

    nomfupRT @lemondefr: Gabrielle Deydier, autrice d’« On ne naît pas grosse » : « Quand on sort de la norme, comme c’est le cas pour les personnes…

    CSpillmannRT @lucdebarochez: La candidate de l’opposition en #Biélorussie s’est réfugiée en Lituanie

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    Hong Kong, l’UE limita l’esportazione di tecnologia utile per possibili usi repressivi

    Bulc_EUVarnost v cestnem prometu so ljudje, njihove zgodbe in posledice neodgovornega obnašanja na cestah. Road Safety are…

    ftbrusselsGove urges sceptical businesses to embrace £50m customs broker scheme

    JHahnEURT @EUKommWien: .@vonderleyen und @JHahnEU in der @WienerZeitung: In diesem Moment globaler Unsicherheit ist Europa ?? der beste Ort, an de…

    JHahnEURT @EU_Commission: We want to ensure that the EU recovery package is in place by 1 January 2021 President @vonderLeyen, @EP_President Sass…

    eunewsit#RecoveryFund, Parlamento UE pronto ad approvare le nuove risorse proprie a settembre

    JHahnEUThe dialogue with the #holysee is important to ensure we work together to reach our common global goals, such as th…

    JHahnEUAlways good to exchange views with different constituencies: Thank you for the interesting exchange @globsec…

    straneuropaScontro Piemonte-governo: “Basta migranti” Cirio vuole chiudere la porta Altri seguiranno via @LaStampa

    vonderleyenMy priority, together with @EP_President Sassoli & Chancellor Merkel, is to have the EU’s recovery package…

    DigitaliansEURT @RiccardoLuna: La fine dell’età dell’innocenza digitale via @repubblica

    ansaeuropa#Nato, #Usa consultati con alleati su ritiro soldati

    ThierryBretonRT @Le_Figaro: Ursula von der Leyen et Thierry Breton: «Faire rimer avenir de l’Europe et vision pour les générations futures» #FigaroVox…

    OECD?? #Tourism is a major contributor to OECD economies. Prior to the #COVID19 crisis, the sector directly contribut…

    SKyriakidesEURT @EU_Health: We must be prepared for possible resurgences of #coronavirus Tackling new outbreaks efficiently requires closely coordinate…

    eunewsitLa @EU_Commission approva l’#etichetta italiana “a batteria”, la soddisfazione del settore. @FedAlimentare : “Un la…

    SkaKellerSuspending the limited room for work and family life of the Catalan pro-independence leaders is a harsh decision fr…

    eunewsit. @jwojc vuole la sovranità alimentare dell’UE: “Meno importazioni non è protezionismo”. Il commissario all’…

    eurodeputatipd#La situazione del #Mediterraneo continua ad essere insostenibile ed inumana”. La lettera di @bartolopietro1,…

    MarosSefcovicEurope has shown that it is up to the task. ? Read our joint op-ed with President @vonderleyen “Making Europe’s fut…

    US2EURT @StateDeputySPOX: .@SecPompeo has been clear: The United States must engage and empower the Chinese people – a dynamic, freedom-loving p…

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    “La Libia non è un posto sicuro”. L’UNHCR critica la politica migratoria dell’UE

    Operatori dell’UNHCR in mezzo a richiedenti asilo provenienti dalla Libia [foto: UNCHR]

    Politica-estera, Tiscalinewsit – Emanuele Bonini

    29 luglio 2020

    L’alto commissariato per i rifugiati dell’ONU contesta il trattamento dei migranti bloccati in mare e riportati nel Paese nordafricano dalla guardia costiera di Tripoli, che l’Europa ha addestrato. La replica di Bruxelles: “Salviamo vite”