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    L’UE ci prova, summit con la Cina per progressi su commercio, clima e digitale

    CSpillmannRT @davcarretta: Ma Giuseppe Conte ieri non aveva detto che l’Italia era “disponibile a sostegno per minori Lesbo”?

    CSpillmannRT @davcarretta: Brexit: i principali gruppi al Parlamento europeo annunciano un veto a un accordo di libero scambio se il governo britanni…

    CSpillmannRT @franakviacorka: Russia Today recognized that 32 of its employees coordinate Lukashenka’s propaganda. They work as embeds with KGB and R…

    CSpillmannRT @anneapplebaum: Belarus police grabbing women out of churches

    CSpillmannRT @IdafeMartin: El 5 agosto un mercante de @Maersk rescató a 27 refugiados en el Mediterráneo. Pidió un puerto para desembarcarlos. 36 día…

    CSpillmannRT @davcarretta: Forza alle donne bielorusse. Forza a questo vecchietto coraggioso.

    LJahierEURT @EURACTIVItalia: La presidente della Commissione #Econ del #ParlamentoUE @itinagli ha chiarito la posizione dell’organo, che chiede un a…

    CSpillmannRT @quatremer: Vous allez bientôt regretter la covid 19…

    JosepBorrellFThis successful action shows the value of Op. #Irini in the implementation of the arms embargo in #Libya, under the…

    RebHarmsRT @CemrPoth: Ich bin immer beeindruckt von den mutigen Frauen und Männern in Belarus! #BelarusProtest

    ManfredWeberRT @mittagsmagazin: EVP-Fraktionschef @ManfredWeber fordert nach dem Brand im Flüchtlingslager Moria schärfere Kontrollen der EU-Außengrenz…

    RebHarmsRT @oonuch: What’s happening in Belarus? Using ⁦@MOBILISEproject⁩ survey data collected w ⁦@GwendolynSasse⁩ – my colleagues who research t…

    ftbrusselsNew law will stop EU ‘breaking up our country’, Johnson tells MPs

    Antonio_Tajani☕ Vi aspetto in #Campania per ascoltarvi e discutere delle problematiche del territorio. È il momento di ripartire.…

    ManfredWeberThe UK internal market bill is an unacceptable breach of trust, a violation of international law, and it should be…

    nomfupE poi all’improvviso

    LJahierEURT @lecese: #Europe « Je suis convaincu que nous atténuerons la défiance qui s’est installée dans nos #démocraties en associant nos concito…

    nomfupSta facendo un lavoro incredibile, come sempre, @Monicanpl. Incredibile

    nomfupRT @politicshome: NEW: Boris Johnson tried to get his MPs to back him over Brexit on a Zoom call. It didn’t quite go to plan…

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    Myanmar, il Parlamento UE esclude Aung San Suu Kyi dalla comunità del Premio Sacharov

    RebHarmsRT @Den_2042: “Sasha drink some tea. Putin invites [thee]”, – chant protesters in #Minsk For the second month in a row people continue to…

    VDombrovskisGood to see @Paschald to prepare the #Eurogroup in Berlin and discuss further work on the Banking Union & more. Loo…

    guyverhofstadtNew #OLAF report is out… How long will the European Council and Commission continue to tolerate this?

    ItalyinEURT @ItalyMFA: Min. @luigidimaio ha incontrato alla #Farnesina il Commissario UE?? per il vicinato e per l’allargamento @OliverVarhelyi In…

    nomfupRT @benrileysmith: NEW: Microsoft just released a 1,400-word statement revealing new cyberhacks targetting the US election. Groups from R…

    GiuseppeConteITRT @Palazzo_Chigi: Dichiarazioni del Presidente @GiuseppeConteIT al termine dei lavori del 7º Vertice dei Paesi del Sud dell’Unione europea…

    PaoloGentiloniBrexit: U.K. Needs to Reestablish Trust With EU, Gentiloni Says – Bloomberg

    nomfupMa insomma i genitori di Wind tornano insieme o no?

    RebHarmsRT @BerlinerNotizen: Appell an Merkel: Oberbürgermeister wollen #Moria-Flüchtlingen helfen via @RND_de @BelitOnay

    RebHarmsPlease participate! Send a mail to #FreeKolesnikova ! E-mail campaign for the release of Maria Kolesnikova – Libere…

    nomfupRT @libe: A la une de Libé ce vendredi : Attentat de Charlie Hebdo – «Je me souviens de ce silence»…

    nomfupRT @PickardJE: “By the end of the week Johnson had succeeded in uniting Brussels, former Tory leaders, US politicians and even leading Tory…

    ansaeuropa#Gentiloni, problema oggi non è euro forte ma incertezza @PaoloGentiloni @EU_Commission

    RebHarmsEU supports anti-corruption reforms and cicil society in #Ukraine???

    RebHarmsNow in #Minsk #Belarusprotests

    ansaeuropaDi Maio, bene candidatura #Milano per sede Tribunale #Brevetti @ItalyMFA @EPOorg…

    nomfupRT @prospect_uk: “What frightens you most?” “The possibility that Joe Biden will lose the November election.”

    JosepBorrellFNouveaux massacres en #Ituri. Ce qui se passe à l’Est de la #RDC n’est pas une crise oubliée. Un engagement plus fo…

    nomfupRT @thehill: WATCH: The Joe Biden 2020 campaign has released an ad using the bombshell Bob Woodward tapes of President Trump.…

    ecbWatch again: Lagarde on what a more complete monetary union needs

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    Caso Navalny, Merkel potrebbe fermare North Stream 2. Pressioni dalla CDU, “gasdotto dannoso a livello geopolitico”

    RebHarmsRT @jenssiegert: Erklärung von Memorial “Am 7. September haben ‘Unbekannte’ in Minsk Maria Kolesnikova entführt, eine Führerin der belaru…

    Ansip_EUIt is a great recognition and shows trust. I wish you luck! @VDombrovskis

    RebHarmsRT @JeroenAkkermans: Ik heb in het verleden meerdere keren samengewerkt met cameraman Ilja Kuznetsov in Minsk, Belarus. Hij vertelt in deze…

    jduchRT @jimbrunsden:

    RebHarmsRT @vkaramurza: Historic day as the #Magnitsky Act is introduced in the German Bundestag. Provides for visa bans and asset freezes on those…

    RebHarmsRT @AliceBota: Dear @TIME – I think we found your person of the year 2020. Her name is Maria Kolesnikova. #Belarus

    RebHarmsMaria Kolesnikova is still missing. #Belarus


    JosepBorrellFToday I met Gerd Müller, the German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, to prepare the Infor…

    JHahnEUI wish you all the best for your future and I take today’s #IndependenceDay of ?? as an opportunity to wish also…

    JHahnEUDear Samuel,I would like to thank you sincerely for the excellent cooperation during your term as @AmbassadorEU of…

    luigidimaioSono contento che con coerenza tutte le forze politiche presenti in parlamento, dopo aver votato alla camera a favo…

    nomfupEffetto Necco

    Antonio_TajaniPiù giriamo la #Puglia e più ci convinciamo che il destino della sinistra in questa Regione è segnato. Siamo pronti…

    nomfupRT @KamalaHarris: Mask up.

    ftbrusselsUK government admits it will break international law over Brexit treaty

    DavidSassoliRT @PE_Italia: ?@EP_President Sassoli “Sono molto preoccupato dall’assenza di progressi nei negoziati su Brexit. L’Unione europea è unita e…

    JosepBorrellFMany thanks to @FP_Champagne for a fruitful ???? virtual ministerial meeting today. Our friendship and partnership…

    CoordEuropaNel 2020, prima che la pandemia prendesse il sopravvento, la carovana di Filomè è partita in direzione Bosnia, pass…

    CoordEuropaThe situation in Belarus is at a tipping point. The truth needs to be told. Donate and support Amnesty in exposing…

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    Crisi UE-Turchia: Erdogan schiera carri armati al confine greco

    luigidimaioVi dicono che con il taglio di 345 parlamentari verrebbe meno la rappresentatività in parlamento. Sono bugie. Sann…

    Bulc_EUDo you want to know #why the interest in #ecocivilisation is growing? Join us at webinar on 16th& 23rd September…

    nomfupI Roxy Music, rega’. I Roxy Music

    nomfupRT @thematthill: .@TeamJoe is tapping into online grassroots enthusiasm and partnering with a teen who started a popular @JoeBiden Instagra…

    GiacomoFassinaRT @caritas_milano: “Non penso a tutta la miseria, ma alla bellezza che rimane ancora” Anna Frank #Colleferro #WillyMonteiro…

    eu_eeasStrongly condemn the unabating arbitrary & unexplained arrests & detentions on political grounds in #Belarus. Expec…

    nomfupRT @nytpolitics: The Chinese government has stopped renewing press credentials for foreign journalists working for American news organizati…

    RebHarmsRT @ichbinilya: fuck.

    jduchRT @EuroParlPress: Press release: COVID-19: @EP_Environment MEPs want safe vaccines, full transparency and liability for companies: https:/…

    eurodeputatipdRT @paolodecastro: ???In che modo e in che tempi la @EU_Commission pensa di mettere a disposizione i 7,5 miliardi del #RecoveryFund❓?Occorr…

    RebHarmsFacing escalating repression by #Lukashenka : Media Solidarity for #Belarus is urgently needed. Fundraising is a pr…

    ElisaFerreiraECVery fruitful discussion with @NadiaCalvino on how to invest the exceptional ??financial means to ensure a quick an…

    eunewsitSerbia-Kosovo: ‘pace economica’ grazie alla mediazione USA, ma il processo di integrazione in UE rischia di essere…

    ftbrusselsThe perils of Britain’s Brexit brinkmanship

    GreensEFART @micha_bloss: Breaking news: @vonderleyen admits that a reduction path of -55% by 2030 is a must in the #ClimateLaw. But #PlanetaryEme…

    socbxlRT @NadiaCalvino: Constructive meetings with @VDombrovskis @NicolasSchmitEU @ThierryBreton @PaoloGentiloni @JHahnEU & @ElisaFerreiraEC on…

    ElisaFerreiraECExcelente reunião de trabalho com 3 membros do Governo ??: Augusto Santos Silva (MNE) Nelson de Souza (Planeamento…

    SKyriakidesEURT @EU_Commission: Ever had questions about the EU? Ahead of her #SOTEU speech on 16 September, president @vonderleyen is ready to give yo…

    IdeaEuRT @tepsaeu: #InDivEU What do national stakeholders think about #DifferentiatedIntegration? To answer this question, TEPSA and @RobSchuCe…

    OECD?️ “I am confident that countries can find ways to reconcile health and safety and education needs – and it is vita…

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    Senza progressi nel dialogo con la Turchia, l’UE valuterà nuove restrizioni

    Josep Borrell, alto rappresentante UE per la politica estera e di sicurezza e Mevlut Çavuşoğlu, ministro degli Esteri turco [Ankara, 6 luglio 2020]
    In relazione alle tensioni con Grecia e Cipro nel Mediterraneo orientale. Al Gymnich di Berlino tra i ministri degli Esteri europei si fa concreta l’ipotesi di sanzioni contro Ankara che saranno sul tavolo del Consiglio europeo del 24 e 25 settembre