Migranti, cooperazione UE-Africa evita il 60% delle partenze irregolari
mariofcentenoEuropean Recovery Fund Is ‘Much Needed’ Deal, Centeno Says https://t.co/QBCRvWqXAN
eunewsitRT @EESC_President: #EUCO: @eucopresident Michel’s proposal is ill-fated with its cuts to the long term #EUbudget and the structural change…
M5S_EuropaRT @Mov5Stelle: “Il primo riconoscimento dopo la fine del lockdown è stato il riconoscimento dell’IGP per il #limone dell’Etna e noi stiamo…
RenewEuropeRT @CiolosDacian: Today is the anniversary of the 1st woman president of any EU institution, Simone Veil, member of ELDR (ancestor of @Rene…
CSpillmannRT @IdafeMartin: El #parásitofiscal holandés succiona cada año a sus “socios” europeos 10.000 millones de euros en ingresos fiscales que no…
CSpillmannRT @marcobreso: Merkel dopo l’incontro con Conte: in Europa restano molte divergenze, non so se venerdì o sabato troveremo un accordo ?♂️
LJahierEU#EUC proposed #NegoBox is a mistake, which risk to waste the enormous capital for change and #rEUnaissance has been… https://t.co/U05xNfxdSL
eu_eeasRT @ExtSpoxEU: Bahrain: EU calls 4 halting the application of #deathpenalty on Mohammed Ramadan & Husain al Moosa,sentenced despite concern…
VivianeRedingEURT @AndrewW71128479: @fromTGA Seems like fascism is alive and kicking in Eastern Europe. First Hungary now Poland…
ftbrusselsBritish business faces £7bn red tape bill as Gove unveils Brexit border plan https://t.co/R81h0ZoKvm
GiuseppeConteITIn Berlin today for an exchange of views with Angela Merkel in preparation for the next #Euco. I reiterated that… https://t.co/4aSRI3Tcri
ElisaFerreiraECΧαιρετίζω θερμά την αποφασιστικότητα της ??να χρησιμοποιήσει την ευελιξία που παρέχει η Πρωτοβουλία Επενδύσεων για… https://t.co/QYaGXXsIGZ
GiuseppeConteITOggi a Berlino per un confronto con Angela Merkel in vista del prossimo #Euco. Ho ribadito che su #NextGenerationEU… https://t.co/wjcXNDLul2
JosepBorrellFSpoke this pm to @ZMnatsakanyan @MFAofArmenia & Elmar Mammadyarov @AzerbaijanMFA. Underlined need to defuse tension… https://t.co/dn7RbeZ3Fk
eunewsitMerkel con Conte: il Recovery fund sia poderoso e non deve essere ridimensionato. Ma resta aperto il tema dei contr… https://t.co/ybHrK3UcZF
RebHarmsRT @Andric1961: Dass Papst/Weltkirchenrat etc „Trauer und Bestürzung“ bekunden, weil in der Hagia Sophia wieder zu einem Gott gebetet werde…
EUCouncilToday | #FAC ?? EU foreign ministers discussed EU-Turkey relations. Also on the agenda: – #COVID19 impact on Latin… https://t.co/mYW1z9aqsd
JosepBorrellFAhead of the EU-India Summit of July 15, I discussed with @EconomicTimes the importance of our strategic partnershi… https://t.co/NSYEj0wQrC
nomfupRT @Telegraph: A series of exclusive documents obtained by The Telegraph reveal how TikTok’s Chinese version, Douyin, uses facial recogniti…
nomfupRT @nypost: NEC’s new facial recognition system can spot workers with masks on https://t.co/TggXHFp76q https://t.co/wBk4HdB1ma