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    I sindaci delle capitali di Visegrad con i manifestanti in Bielorussia. Il Comitato delle regioni: “Difendono comunità e democrazia”

    Trzaskowski, sindaco di Varsavia: “sosteniamo i bielorussi nella lotta per la democrazia e la sovranità”. Le regioni impegnate nella promozione di una “city diplomacy” nel Paese
    L’articolo I sindaci delle capitali di Visegrad con i manifestanti in Bielorussia. Il Comitato delle regioni: “Difendono comunità e democrazia” proviene da Eunews.

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    Dalla Turchia alla Bielorussia: a Berlino il vertice informale dei ministri degli Esteri dell’UE

    nomfupRT @CNN: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been selected as this year’s recipient of the National Constitution Center’s Liberty…

    nomfupRT @axios: Kamala Harris excoriated Trump in a speech pre-butting the final night of the GOP convention, accusing him and his Republican al…

    nomfupRT @TheWrap: Joe Ruby, the co-creator of “Scooby-Doo,” has died at 87

    nomfupRT @bpolitics: Pence delivers the smallest TV audience of the Republican National Convention so far

    MalmstromEUGrattis Nicola och lycka till! Spännande!

    ecbThe transcript of this interview is now available on the ECB website

    CSpillmannL’Europe apprend à devenir puissance, mais elle prend son temps

    CSpillmannRT @franakviacorka: You already know that Belarus revolution is made by women. And I can’t stop admiring Nina Bahinskaja, 74, who doesn’t g…

    CSpillmannRT @franakviacorka: We see the pattern. Police are targeting people with white-red-white flags and journalists. Here is the moment when an…

    CSpillmannLe troisième est cinglant pour #UE27

    CSpillmannRT @HannaLiubakova: Please share. Happening right now in the #Minsk city centre

    RosaBalfourRT @Datalobbyism: Want to maximise the value of your #network? Contact us to find out how digital tools can help streamlining and organisin…

    CSpillmannRT @diradefo: Le port du masque sur le vélo c’est tellement absurde que j’ai l’impression que la vraie raison c’est qu’ils veulent pas voir…

    nomfupRT @FinancialTimes: Globalisation has, for many, undercut wages and jobs — and fuelled populism. Can three new books unpick an issue that s…

    M5S_EuropaLa consegna del primo materiale scolastico a #Codogno, #Alzano e #Nembro dimostra che il governo #Conte ha a cuore…

    brandobenifeiRT @yasmineouir: Vous inquiétez pas, c’est juste le candidat politique du parti d’extrême-droite italien FDI. Just a political candidate f…

    nomfupRT @TheEconomist: More people are living with dementia than can be looked after humanely. This is already having a knock-on effect on gener…

    brandobenifeiRT @PES_PoA: ?️ 5 September, Sat ?5:30????10:30??CEST ?”Reset” debate! ?What needs to change in our post-corona economy? Maria João Ro…

    sandrogoziSuperbe journée ! Great Day! Che giornata! @ItaliaViva @matteorenzi @CiolosDacian @RenewEurope

    RenewEuropeRT @CiolosDacian: Congratulations to @EdwardJDavey on his election as leader of Britain’s most pro-European party, the @LibDems. Britain’…

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    Svetlana Tikhanovskaya al Parlamento UE: “La Bielorussia si è svegliata, la nostra rivoluzione democratica è in atto”

    JosepBorrellFAfrica has been declared free of polio. Historic achievement and a day of hope.  Working together globally on vacci…

    Antonio_TajaniPizza Forza Italia ad Aosta!

    RebHarmsShort thread: today is the 29th Independence Day in #Belarus ?

    RebHarmsDer Beleuchter gibt sich Mühe. @selcuksalih

    cristinascarfiaRT @stanzaselvaggia: Sipario.

    RenewEuropeRT @CiolosDacian: The continued struggle of the people of #Belarus & #HongKong show we in the European Union should never take our libertie…

    MichelBarnierRT @GDarmanin: Heureux de recevoir @MichelBarnier place Beauvau. L’occasion de faire un point sur l’état des négociations du #Brexit et d’é…

    guyverhofstadtJohn McCain was a patriot who stood up against tyrants & authoritarian leaders at home & in Europe. He would be a…

    RebHarmsRT @FranckPapazian: Alerte ! Les extrémistes turcs, les Loups gris, téléguidés par le gouvernement turc menacent la paix civile et la démoc…

    lapopistelliA strong global “#greenrecovery from #coronavirus could allow the world to avoid 0.3C of #globalwarming by the mid…

    ThierryBretonRT @bfmbusiness: Thierry Breton: “il s’est passé quelque chose d’historique” quand “l’Europe a décidé d’emprunter pour l’Europe et pour les…

    PES_PSEWe welcome the #SURE proposals ??. They must be given the green light as soon as possible, so we can protect worker…

    nomfupCatania, o cara (feat: @legatoria_prampolini @lalibraiagrande; cc: @lalibraiapiccola e grazie @concetto.vecchio per…

    JHahnEURT @Huber62: Bei einem Pressegespräch in #Salzburg sprachen sich @JHahnEU, @ManfredWeber und #NRP W. #Sobotka heute angesichts unterschiedl…

    CSpillmannRT @donaldtuskEPP: The decision to arrest the leaders of the Coordination Council, Olga Kovalkova and Sergey Dylevskiy for ten days is abso…

    eu_eeas“We, Europeans, are not mindful of how incredibly lucky we are to be living in the best combination of political fr…


    nomfupRT @NRedizioni: #Inganno racconta la storia contorta della relazione incestuosa tra Donald Trump e Fox News, e dei suoi effetti sulla democ…