
Svetlana Tikhanovskaya al Parlamento UE: “La Bielorussia si è svegliata, la nostra rivoluzione democratica è in atto”

  • JosepBorrellF
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  • Antonio_Tajani
    Pizza Forza Italia ad Aosta!

  • RebHarms
    Short thread: today is the 29th Independence Day in #Belarus 👇

  • RebHarms
    Der Beleuchter gibt sich Mühe. @selcuksalih

  • cristinascarfia
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  • RebHarms
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  • ThierryBreton
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    We welcome the #SURE proposals 🇪🇺. They must be given the green light as soon as possible, so we can protect worker…

  • nomfup
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    RT @donaldtuskEPP: The decision to arrest the leaders of the Coordination Council, Olga Kovalkova and Sergey Dylevskiy for ten days is abso…

  • eu_eeas
    “We, Europeans, are not mindful of how incredibly lucky we are to be living in the best combination of political fr…

  • VivianeRedingEU

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  • Source:


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