
Libia, Europa assente. Senza politica estera comune l’esercito Ue è inutile

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    RT _AVService: 📷 President and several Members of the College of the EC attend the inaugural meeting of the Croatian Presid…

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    ❓Conosci bene le città europee? Le sapresti riconoscere da una foto? ❄️Mettiti alla prova con questo quiz sulle cap…

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    Aspetto Non-notizie che non lo erano,

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    RT : Mo ve lo buco ‘sto , se non la smettete di dire fesserie

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    RT : “Bernie is extremely genuine. He’s consistent. He’s powerful, not because of who he is as one person, but because of the…

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    RT : On Jan. 19, the editorial board will publish our choice for the Democratic nomination for president. It won’t be t…

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    RT : I migranti arrivati in Europa nel 2019 sono pochi, lo dice Frontex. Non c’è un’emergenza immigrazione in Europa. Pecc…

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    RT : S povjerenikom _Commission za proračun o novom proračunu 🇪🇺 i prioritetima , a posebno o financir…

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    Magari oggi avrebbero scritto Paperless Writer o Driverless my Car

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    RT _President: Nach 100 Jahren Zugehörigkeit zu Belgien, haben die deutschsprachigen Belgier heute Grund Ihrem Vaterland dankbar zu sei…

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    RT _Commission: The EU and Belarus signed agreements making it easier for citizens to travel in an orderly and secure manner. This is a…

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    RT : Non c’è niente di più agghiacciante di un nerd che cerca di fare il simpatico ( Elon Musk balla e la conduttrice cerca…

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    RT _Chigi: Nella giornata di domani, venerdì 10 gennaio, il Presidente si collegherà da Palazzo Chigi con _…

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    L’erasmus è stata una fantastica esperienza per milioni di ragazzi. Sbagliano i britannici se vogliono privare i gi…

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    RT : Great to see some traction on this and great to see the Guardian linking back to our piece that broke the story. Many t…

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    La Giustizia spagnola disobbedisce all’UE: Junqueras non sarà scarcerato

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    RT : Chief of ‘s Civil Aviation Organization: The issue of missile hitting passenger is scientifically imp…

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    : 80% contraffatte in viene dalla …

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    Michel Barnier says EU won’t budge on level playing field in Brexit trade talks

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    First experiences stay with you forever. I am delighted to attend the opening ceremony of the first p…

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