EUROPEAN DATA NEWS HUB Il partito del premier ha incassato 365 seggi, al 43,6%: vicino ai massimi storici dell’era…

RT _President: Excellent meeting with my friend to discuss the _Commission work programme, the conference on the …

Ue, la non può essere un …

Boris Johnson calls for ‘closure’ on Brexit agony

🔊Follow now on the interview with and hear about: ▶️ the 🇪🇺 EU after ▶️ the…

Le a frôlé l’enterrement sans gloire au sommet européen de Récit d’une longue nuit de négoci…

RT _Politik: Der Brexit bleibt ein historischer Fehler, aber die Zeit für Trauerarbeit ist begrenzt. Der EU-Austritt Großbritanniens is…

italiane troppo esposte al rischio da …

Fête de la citoyenneté de Vendredi 13 décembre _UE …

RT _Chigi: Il Presidente il 12 e 13 dicembre ha partecipato ai lavori di , e Consiglio Europeo St…

RT : President following UK elections: “Congratulations to We expect the ratification of the With…

Tra poco ad Arce ospite della XV comunità montana Valle Del Liri e della Fondazione Marco Tullio Cicerone. Felice d…

🤓 Hai già sentito parlare del programma europeo Espon? Fornisce dati, analisi e strumenti per migliorare l’attuazio…

Strong presence in the plenary in the defense of fundamental freedoms 💪🏼 🔰With…

RT : « Je suis encouragé par le fait que l’Union européenne🇪🇺 a décidé d’aller de l’avant avec son engagement en faveur de la neutr…

RT : Spannender Austausch mit Kommissar zur aktuellen Situation in Europa und den kommenden Herausforderungen. Konnte vie…

Speech Luis de Guindos: Financial innovation for inclusive growth – A European approach

RT : “To win this election, the Tory Party needed Boris Johnson, but he could not have won without Brexit, and Brexit could not…

Employers across OECD countries report having difficulties finding employees with the they need. To prepar…