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    Von der Leyen sente Biden: sospese le tariffe per la questione Airbus-Boeing. “Nuova collaborazione”

    jwojcWe need to create a predicibility not only to farmers but also to national administrations, to build Strategic Plan…

    brandobenifei#Zingaretti ha ricevuto attacchi ingiustificati, dentro e fuori il #PD, e spero scelga di rimanere. Noi oggi dobbia…

    brandobenifeiApprovo la logica con cui #Draghi vuole cambiare il meccanismo dei #ristori. Le risorse devono arrivare con maggior…

    ecfrNew podcast alert 🎙️ What kind of implications do the developments in #Belarus have for the wider neighborhood & Eu…

    RebHarmsRT @UNClimateSummit: Renewables roar, electrifying everything, reducing carbon dependency. The new 5YP reveals details about how the world…

    RebHarmsRT @ThomasWalde: Wenn man sich ansieht, wer in Deutschland alles beim Ankauf von Masken mitgewirkt hat und welchen Wildwuchs es davei gab -…

    RebHarmsEine chinesische Spionagegruppe und russische Hacker (wahrscheinlich APT29) haben es geschafft, die Europäische Arz…

    eu_eeas🇨🇾Cyprus: High Representative/Vice-President @JosepBorrellF visited Nicosia to discuss resumption of settlement tal…

    EU_MARERT @SustDev: “At the heart of #SDG14 is the Sustainable Blue Economy” — UNSG’s SEO @ThomsonFiji ‘s speech at the World Ocean Summit ➡️h…

    RebHarmsRT @MFA_Ukraine: Look how beautiful 🇺🇦 #Crimea is! Just imagine – you, mountains and sea 🌄💙💛 #discoverUkraineNOW Photo: Andrii Stepaniuk…

    RebHarmsFor a better understanding of the fate and fights of Mustafa Dzhemilev and Crimean Tatars this documentary is key…

    RebHarmsRT @Tsihanouskaya: It was my honour to meet with 🇵🇹 Prime Minister @antoniocostapm. As the current EU President, Portugal can champion the…

    helenadalliRT @EU_Justice: Read the full text of @EU_Commission’s proposal for an EU Directive on #PayTransparency here. ➡️ ht…

    EUClimateActionRT @EUClimateAction: ⏰⏰⏰ Only 1⃣ week left until the closing of the #InnovationFund call for small-scale projects. Finalise and submit you…

    EUClimateActionRT @EUClimateAction: We need to do more for our forests 🌳🪱🌿 From restoration to sustainable management, we must step up our efforts to prot…

    EUClimateActionRT @EUClimateAction: #ICYMI: Last Friday we discussed knowledge-sharing for innovative #CleanTech projects. Watch “From NER300 to the #In…

    MalosseHenri#Covid-19 : L’enquête bidon de l’OMS téléguidée par #Pekin dénoncée : des scientifiques demandent une nouvelle enq…

    RebHarmsEs ist schlotterkalt.

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    Congo: l’ambasciatore italiano ed un carabiniere uccisi in un tentato rapimento

    OliverVarhelyiPleased to have had a good discussion with @Haavisto @Ulkoministerio in the margins of #FAC in Brussels today. We s…

    Antonio_TajaniCon @forza_italia al governo basta comunicazioni all’ultimo minuto. Ci vuole rispetto per chi lavora e fa impresa.

    OliverVarhelyiGood exchange of views with #US @SecBlinken @StateDept at Foreign Affairs Council #FAC today. Strong strategic tran…

    US2EURT @SecBlinken: Pleased to join the EU Foreign Affairs Council today with @JosepBorrellF to discuss the joint U.S.- EU response to pressing…

    helenadalliIn a #UnionOfEquality all victims of crime should be able to fully rely on their rights – no matter where they are…

    epc_euRT @andreas_akt: Excited to join this panel of eminent speakers tomorrow, to speak on boosting AI uptake in Europe, the @EU_Commission’s fo…

    CSpillmann”Contrer, réagir et s’engager”: avec ce triple salto en figure imposée, #UE27 cherche une riposte face à la dérive…

    germanyintheeuRT @GermanyDiplo: “In our discussion with @SecBlinken, we touched upon many international issues. There is a willingness on the #US side to…

    germanyintheeuRT @GermanyDiplo: “It is as necessary to continue a dialogue w/ #Russia. It is a key actor when it comes to working on solutions for Syria…

    germanyintheeuRT @GermanyDiplo: “We have decided to sanction further individuals in #Russia who are responsible for the conviction of Alexei #Navalny. We…

    OlivierBaillyEURT @Europe1: Covid-19 : Sanofi veut rebondir et lance un nouvel essai clinique du vaccin

    helenadalliRT @eurogender: When #violence takes place behind closed doors it can be hard to bring yourself to intervene, but there are ways to make it…

    ecrgroupThe adoption of the #EMFAF is a win for #EU fishing, particularly for the small-scale inshore sector. The €6.1bn d…

    MalmstromEURT @EventsPOLITICO: Happening on March 8, our Virtual Playbook Interviews – Women’s day edition with @vestager, European commission executi…

    EPPGroupGood that agreement on #RussiaSanctions was reached, but this decision is a far cry from the support expected by…

    RenewEuropeRT @sorayarr_: 🇪🇺Tras la reunión de ministros de exteriores, se anuncian futuras sanciones para los responsables de la detención de #Navaln…

    ThierryBretonWomen and men @pfizer in Puurs 🇧🇪 are working night and day to produce the @BioNTech_Group #COVID vaccine. We have…

    CarloCalendaL’analisi di @mraffa1946 sull’uccisione dell’ambasciatore italiano e del carabiniere in #Congo. Da ascoltare

    ItalyinEURT @EttoreSequi: Bandiere a mezz’asta alla #Farnesina per la morte dell’Ambasciatore Luca #Attanasio, del Carabiniere Vittorio #Iacovacci e…

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    G7, i leader rafforzano l’impegno contro il COVID. Oltre sette miliardi di dollari per la distribuzione dei vaccini nel mondo

    ItalyinEURT @ItalyMFA: Colloquio 📞 Min. @luigidimaio con l’omologo tedesco 🇩🇪 @HeikoMaas in previsione del Consiglio Affari Esteri 🇪🇺 In agenda 📗:…

    RebHarmsPolnische Solidarität mit #Belarus.

    US2EURT @POTUS: This morning, I met with my fellow G7 leaders for the first time as president. I made clear that America is back at the table —…

    EU_opendataRT @EULawDataPubs: What tools can organisations use to manage metadata and reference data?🙄 Find out from @georgefirican at #ENDORSE2021…

    eu_echoRT @RPPortugalUE: Signed, sealed and (almost) delivered! ✍🏻✉️ The confirmation letter on the revision of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism…

    RebHarmsThe Turkish MP Omer Faruk @gergerlioglueng shall loose his freedom and his mandate because he loves the people and…

    ansaeuropaLa Commissione europea ha deciso di archiviare dieci procedure ed una lettera amministrativa nei confronti dell’Ita…

    ale_morettiCara @myrtamerlino, il linguaggio violento, sessista e volgare appartiene alle persone frustrate che sfogano tutta…

    ansaeuropaLo stipendio mensile dei parlamentari tedeschi subirà dal primo luglio prossimo un taglio di 60 euro e 50 centesimi…

    ansaeuropaGli autisti di Uber impiegati nel Regno Unito vanno considerati dipendenti, non collaboratori free lance. Lo ha sta…

    RebHarmsDer türk Abgeordnete Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu wurde heute zu 2,5 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt. Er ist einer der konse…

    ElisaFerreiraECInvestment in RAIL 🛤️🚄- the cleanest means of transport – has been and will remain an important priority for 🇪🇺…

    ansaeuropaIn una lettera all’autorità americana del farmaco (FDA), la Pfizer afferma che sarà sufficiente una temperatura com…

    EU_opendataRT @pchampin: The RDF-star “task-force” of the RDF-Dev community group has just published a first draft of its RDF-star specification. htt…

    CarloCalendaMa siamo già alleati con @Piu_Europa. Abbiamo gruppi unici e coordinamento costante. Per ora mi pare unica cosa con…

    ansaeuropa”Io mi impegnerò per portare nuovo slancio nelle trattative”. dice Angela Merkel, dopo il G7, rispondendo a una do…

    ansaeuropaDal G7 l’impegno dei leader per la cooperazione sui vaccini. @vonderleyen “Saremo al sicuro solo se il mondo intero…

    RebHarmsRT @margotoge: Great interview with @Herbert_Diess of #VW Group. #VW has made the most ambitious # electric vehicle investments and hope th…

    ecfrRT @ProSyn: For more than a decade, the #EU and the #US have alternated between phases of engagement and confrontation with #Russia. The @e…

    JosepBorrellFThe EU continues to strengthen its partnership with @_AfricanUnion. Our actions speak for themselves: we provide €1…

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    Brexit, Commissione UE propone proroga fino al 30 aprile per ratificare l’accordo con Londra



    CoordEuropaOsservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa Per il “Giorno del ricordo” riproponiamo i materiali sempre attuali del pr…

    CoordEuropaRT @Jelena_Sesar: IOM urges EU & member states to end pushbacks and violence at external borders and strengthen accountability & compliance…

    MarosSefcovic🇪🇺🇺🇦 Working towards launching a strategic partnership on #rawmaterials and #batteries that will help shape our pos…

    JosepBorrellFPositive first conversation today with Canadian FM @MarcGarneau to discuss ways to fight #COVID19, ensure economic…

    RebHarmsRT @machiavellipod: 🇷🇺 Vergiftete politische Gegner, Rapper von Eliteunis, nie dagewesene Proteste – Russland bietet gerade Filmstoff. Doch…

    CSpillmannLe mystère Jack Ma #Économie via @LePoint

    RebHarmsRT @APHClarkson: Brexit means 17th century retro

    Antonio_Tajani.@regionepiemonte Complimenti al Presidente @Alberto_Cirio per aver istituito la giornata in memoria delle ‘Vittime…

    APisoneroECSpoxRT @GaviSeth: Excellent news: @WHO’s SAGE interim guidance states that the @AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine is safe and effective and is recomme…

    US2EURT @StateDept: .@StateDeptSpox Price: We stand with the people of Burma and support their right to peacefully assemble, including the right…

    US2EURT @StateDept: .@SecBlinken: Whether it’s the adversarial aspects of the relationship, the competitive ones, or the cooperative ones which…

    ftbrusselsAmsterdam ousts London as Europe’s top share trading hub

    MargSchinasRT @fabienne_keller: Très heureuse d’avoir échangé avec @MargSchinas. Nous partageons la volonté d’avancer dès maintenant sur la gestion de…

    germanyintheeuRT @RegSprecher: Es zeigt sich, dass unsere Maßnahmen wirken – wir müssen aber weiterhin die Gefahr durch die Mutationen bekämpfen. Die Zei…

    FedericaMogRT @collegeofeurope: Yesterday, the students of the European Legal Studies Department of our Bruges campus had an online discussion with th…

    FedericaMogRT @collegeofeurope: Rector @FedericaMog spoke on the role of the European Union in supporting women’s rights at a panel discussion on secu…

    FedericaMogRT @EmreKursatKaya: We finally launched the Future of Europe Talks (@FoE_Talks) initiative at the @collegeofeurope! We will organize a seri…

    EU_opendataRT @IATI_aid: Register & submit session proposals for #IATI’s 1st Virtual Community Exchange on 13 April! Join inf…