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    Turchia e Bielorussia, via libera dei leader dell’UE alle sanzioni

    Un momento della riunione straordinaria del Consiglio europeo, che ha dato il via libera a sanzioni contro la Bielorussia e preparato il terreno per provvedimenti contro la Turchia [Bruxelles, 1 ottobre 2020. Foto: European Council]
    Minacciate contro Ankara, ma pronte a essere prese in caso di nuove aggressioni e tensioni nell’area del Mediterraneo orientale. Restrizioni mirate attivate per le violenze a Minsk (ma non contro il contestato presidente Lukashenko). Merkel: “Dibattiti di grande successo”

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    Svizzera, referendum: vince il NO. Von der Leyen: “Ora avanti con l’accordo quadro”

    vonderleyenRT @EU_Commission: “Portugal is not only an example of how to find a way out of the #coronavirus crisis, with good ideas, hard work and dis…

    Bulc_EUWhat an achievement. The first such facility on the mainland. Congratulations #Brussels #airport #aviation…

    RebHarmsRT @zeitonline: Wie geht es einem, wenn man 40 Jahre für etwas gekämpft hat und dann wird es plötzlich wahr? Ein Gespräch mit der #Grünen-P…

    RebHarmsRT @zeitonline: Die Historikerin @RichterHewdig startet mit “Demokratie. Eine deutsche Affäre” von 0 auf 1 in die #Sachbuch-Bestenliste. Eb…

    jduchRT @Europarl_EN: EU long-term budget: the European Parliament is still waiting for Council proposals. Press release →…

    FedericaMogExcellent discours (et merci pour la référence au travail fait ensemble!)

    socbxlRT @MGQ50: This COVID-19 ad from UNICEF IS BRILLIANT.

    nomfupRT @lemondefr: Emmanuel Macron va rencontrer l’opposante biélorusse Svetlana Tsikhanovskaïa. Le président de la République sera le premier…

    PES_PSERT @Channel4News: Analysis by Channel 4 News shows Black Americans – historically a community targeted with voter suppression tactics – wer…

    RenewEurope?We call for an immediate ceasefire and de-escalation of hostilities following two days of heavy fighting that erup…

    vonderleyenRT @EU_Commission: “I want the Portuguese people to know that we are together in the fight against the pandemic. Europe is, was and will be…

    RenewEuropeEvery year 1,4 million Europeans die of #cancer & new cancer cases are expected to rise to 3,9 million by 2040. Our…

    JosepBorrellFAs the new school year starts, @UNICEF & the EU are sending an #SOSEducation to underline importance of education a…

    JHahnEURT @dreynders: I congratulate all the prosecutors of the #EPPO who have just taken their solemn oath at @EUCourtPress. We are now moving cl…

    JHahnEUClose coordination w/ #Brussels authorities is essential for the @EU_Commission + its staff: #corona-related measur…

    JHahnEUA real pleasure to meet and exchange with my friend, @Koen_Geens1, Vice Prime Minister of #Belgium at a key moment…

    nomfupRT @NewYorker: “The human body is an unusual sort of Instagram subject: it can be adjusted, with the right kind of effort, to perform bette…

    CSpillmannLe président @EP_President n’a pas ou exaucer le vœu pressant exprimé par @EmmanuelMacron pour la 1ere session d’oc…

    Europarl_ITBilancio UE a lungo termine: il Parlamento sta ancora aspettando la proposta del Consiglio. Il comunicato stampa in…

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    L’UE ci prova, summit con la Cina per progressi su commercio, clima e digitale

    CSpillmannRT @davcarretta: Ma Giuseppe Conte ieri non aveva detto che l’Italia era “disponibile a sostegno per minori Lesbo”?

    CSpillmannRT @davcarretta: Brexit: i principali gruppi al Parlamento europeo annunciano un veto a un accordo di libero scambio se il governo britanni…

    CSpillmannRT @franakviacorka: Russia Today recognized that 32 of its employees coordinate Lukashenka’s propaganda. They work as embeds with KGB and R…

    CSpillmannRT @anneapplebaum: Belarus police grabbing women out of churches

    CSpillmannRT @IdafeMartin: El 5 agosto un mercante de @Maersk rescató a 27 refugiados en el Mediterráneo. Pidió un puerto para desembarcarlos. 36 día…

    CSpillmannRT @davcarretta: Forza alle donne bielorusse. Forza a questo vecchietto coraggioso.

    LJahierEURT @EURACTIVItalia: La presidente della Commissione #Econ del #ParlamentoUE @itinagli ha chiarito la posizione dell’organo, che chiede un a…

    CSpillmannRT @quatremer: Vous allez bientôt regretter la covid 19…

    JosepBorrellFThis successful action shows the value of Op. #Irini in the implementation of the arms embargo in #Libya, under the…

    RebHarmsRT @CemrPoth: Ich bin immer beeindruckt von den mutigen Frauen und Männern in Belarus! #BelarusProtest

    ManfredWeberRT @mittagsmagazin: EVP-Fraktionschef @ManfredWeber fordert nach dem Brand im Flüchtlingslager Moria schärfere Kontrollen der EU-Außengrenz…

    RebHarmsRT @oonuch: What’s happening in Belarus? Using ⁦@MOBILISEproject⁩ survey data collected w ⁦@GwendolynSasse⁩ – my colleagues who research t…

    ftbrusselsNew law will stop EU ‘breaking up our country’, Johnson tells MPs

    Antonio_Tajani☕ Vi aspetto in #Campania per ascoltarvi e discutere delle problematiche del territorio. È il momento di ripartire.…

    ManfredWeberThe UK internal market bill is an unacceptable breach of trust, a violation of international law, and it should be…

    nomfupE poi all’improvviso

    LJahierEURT @lecese: #Europe « Je suis convaincu que nous atténuerons la défiance qui s’est installée dans nos #démocraties en associant nos concito…

    nomfupSta facendo un lavoro incredibile, come sempre, @Monicanpl. Incredibile

    nomfupRT @politicshome: NEW: Boris Johnson tried to get his MPs to back him over Brexit on a Zoom call. It didn’t quite go to plan…

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    Climate change, l’UE punta a rafforzare la cooperazione con l’India su rinnovabili e clima

    Ursula von der Leyen e Charles Michel in conferenza stampa al 15° Summit UE-India [Bruxelles, 15 luglio]
    Per fare la differenza a livello globale “all’UE serve lavorare con partner internazionali” dice Ursula von der Leyen al termine del 15° Summit bilaterale e avverte il premier indiano: “Servirà compiere scelte difficili” come rinunciare al carbone