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    Russia: l’UE contagiata dagli USA, impone sanzioni al posto della diplomazia

    nomfupRT @JoeBiden: Today would have been George Floyd’s 47th birthday, and he should be alive to celebrate it. I made a promise to his family t…

    RebHarmsRT @matikolb: Great scoop by @SZ colleague @dbroessler abt ?? sanctions on Russia following #Nawalny poisoning: The wealthy businessman nic…

    luigidimaioRT @ItalyMFA: ???? ? La missione a #Mosca, in #Russia, del Ministro degli Esteri @luigidimaio. @ItalyinRussia

    MarosSefcovic? Now is the time to press the accelerator on #batteries, so to speak. I am positive that the #EUBatteryAlliance wi…

    vonderleyenTook stock of negotiations with ?? in a call with @BorisJohnson, together with @eucopresident. The EU is working…

    LGBTIintergroupRT @rownoscorgpl: Uwaga, uwaga! Dobre wieści z ostatniej chwili z @Radamiasta! Właśnie przegłosowano uchwałę zaproponowana przez radną @Nin…

    ConfindustriaEUIntervista @eunewsit al delegato del Presidente @Confindustria per le relazioni con le confindustrie europee…

    eucopresidentWe discussed #Brexit with @BorisJohnson and @vonderleyen On the eve of the #EUCO we pressed again for progress to…

    eunewsitRT @IEP_Berlin: Interested in learning about #transnational networks of #local authorities from the angle of institutional #differentiation…

    GreensEFADisappointing to see no deal on how to tax tech giants & multinationals fairly at #G20 Ministers of Finance meeting…


    ansaeuropa??‍♂️Gli occupati stranieri oggi producono il 9,5% del #Pil italiano, ovvero 147 milioni di euro, ma il potenziale…

    CSpillmannRT @OlileBussy: Bonne ambiance entre les négociateurs du Parlement et la présidence allemande.

    CSpillmannRT @NoraHamadi: Et évidemment, comme d’habitude depuis cette crise, a t’on eu le droit à un débat parlementaire, avec nos représentants élu…

    CSpillmannRT @NoraHamadi: On a supprimé des dizaines de milliers de lits dans l’hopital public depuis des années… Et donc, nous voila à gérer la co…

    CSpillmannRT @marcobreso: In Finlandia è esplosa una polemica per la foto con scollatura della premier Sanna Marin apparsa su una rivista femminile.…

    TheProgressives? Introducing the film, @UdoBullmann says: “Letters from the Continent” shows people overcoming struggles. Highlig…

    CSpillmannRT @AgnesCPoirier: President Macron has spoken: 9pm-6am curfew for four to six weeks in Paris, Lille, Rouen, Toulouse, Lyon, Grenoble, Aix…

    EU_CoRRT @EUinmyRegion: And that’s a wrap for this #Regiostars Awards Ceremony! We congratulate all the 25 finalists: your passion and your ach…

    JosepBorrellFHappy to address the #Africaweek of the @TheProgressives and explain how the strengthening of the #AUEU partnership…

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    Bielorussia, Borrell: “L’insiediamento di Lukashenko è illegittimo, aumenta la crisi politica nel Paese”

    jyrkikatainenSad but necessary story about the most worrying development in the EU. As a Union of Values we must have strength t…

    GreensEFAOur food system accounts for nearly 1/3 of global GHG emissions. We must switch to #sustainable eating habits and p…

    nomfup“Tante cose che avrei voluto dirvi di Rossana ve le dirò un’altra volta”. Luciana Castellina, ricordando Rossana Ro…

    jyrkikatainenRT @ZNConsulting: Number-36 on the 2020 #EUinfluencer list is @AnttiTimonen? This Finnish?? influencer is a member of the Cabinet of VP @J…

    SKyriakidesEURT @EUCYPRUS: Europe’s #Covid19 cases surge ‘a real cause for concern’ @SKyriakidesEU on @CNN speaking about this decisive moment for Europ…

    nomfupRT @ValeSantarelli: 3 donne elette su 40 in Liguria, 8 su 50 in Puglia. Meglio in Toscana (16 su 40) e in Veneto (17 su 50). Solo 9 in Camp…

    LJahierEUDedicato a quel burlone di @BorisJohnson

    nomfupRT @BarackObama: You don’t need me to tell you what’s at stake in this election. Now is the time to show up and vote like never before to e…

    LJahierEURT @GuntramWolff: Another great speech by @Isabel_Schnabel on the unequal effect the pandemic has had on euro area countries and different…

    LJahierEURT @EESC_President: #Migration and #Asylum have been two divisive issues in the EU. With the new #MigrationEU pact we must avoid to dwell o…

    nomfupRT @MRohava: If Liudmila Kazak, the lawyer of Maryia Kalesnikava, is detained for representing her client, #Belarus will spiral into the sy…

    nomfupRT @JoeBiden: We are a more just, more equal nation because of Justice Ginsburg. Now it’s up to all of us to carry on her fight. https://t.…

    nomfupEcco, mi vergogno

    CSpillmannRT @Beadelvaux: Mais la liberté, aujourd’hui, C’EST le masque! « Votre appel n est pas seulement d une irresponsabilité crasse il est d un…

    nomfupParlare come presente di chi non è più, una umana ingiustizia

    sandrogoziNous l’avons vu et vécu durant cette crise sanitaire, la prolifération des contenus illégaux est un véritable fléau…

    OECD?️ “As #recovery plans will be at the heart of gov’ts budget preparation for 2021, the opportunity to reboot the ec…

    nomfupNon sta andando affatto bene. Mascherina, distanziamento sociale, lavare le mani. Mascherina, distanziamento social…

    nomfupA sabato, Patrick #freepatrickzaki

    nomfupRT @repubblica: La morte di Paciolla: “Difficile credere al suicidio, l’Onu collabori per la verità”