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    Investimenti e più cooperazione, ora l’UE vuole il controllo del bacino del Mediterraneo

    Il commissario per l’Allargamento e le politiche di vicinato, Oliver Varhely, mentre illustra la nuova agenda per il Mediterraneo [Bruxelles, 9 febbraio 2020]
    Presentata la nuova proposta di agenda per il vicinato meridionale, che implica affermare presenza e sfera d’influenza in nord Africa e Medio Oriente. Si parte con 30 miliardi di euro. Sfida a Russia e Turchia. Borrell: “Agire a stretto contatto come partner, nell’interesse di tutti noi”

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    Bielorussia, non c’è unanimità sulle sanzioni. Cipro frena e i ministri degli Esteri non decidono

    nomfupQuello che trovo sempre straordinario delle elezioni è il rovesciamento totale, repentino dei luoghi comuni in altri luoghi comuni

    Antonio_TajaniCi vediamo tra poco a #portaaporta! @RaiUno

    MalmstromEURT @VeraJourova: History is being written in #Belarus – thanks to the immense courage of Sviatlana #Tsikhanouskaya and all the brave women…

    vonderleyenGood discussion with Peter Piot, our special advisor on #COVID19, on the evolution of the pandemic.We’re keeping a…

    TimmermansEUAs #ClimateWeek begins, I spoke with CEOs about our new 2030 target. Something’s in the air and it’s great to see b…

    Antonio_TajaniIl centrodestra nel 2017 governava 3 regioni. Nel 2020 ne governa 15. Ora ci aspettiamo che il governo inizi a coll…

    M5S_EuropaDa anni i cittadini chiedevano Istituzioni più snelle ed efficienti e per anni i partiti hanno voltato loro le spal…

    VDombrovskisTransatlantiskās attiecības ir nozīmīgākā tirdzniecības plūsma pasaulē – tās preču & pakalpojumu tirdzniecības vērt…

    cristinascarfiaMatteo #Salvini che cita @TgLa7 il Giudice #Livatino e che lo fa tra le varie ed eventuali è semplicemente nauseant…

    VDombrovskisRT @LRZinas: Tirdzniecībai ir jābūt ne tikai brīvai, bet arī taisnīgai, intervijā uzsvēra Eiropas Komisijas prezidentes izpildvietnieks @VD…

    cristinascarfiaRT @AlRobecchi: +++ ULTIM’ORA +++ Renzi-Calenda-PiùEuropa, inviata una squadra di spelelogi

    JosepBorrellFOur ambition is clear: we want a stronger EU-Africa partnership. At informal development ministers meeting next wee…

    PaoloGentiloniBella serata. Grazie a chi ha combattuto. Grazie @nzingaretti

    ftbrusselsLawyers offer Johnson help to break state aid impasse in EU talks

    nomfupRT @maddai_: L’applauso per @EugenioGiani, arrivato alla sede del PD di Firenze per dichiarare la vittoria in Toscana??…

    eurodeputatipdRT @itinagli: Oggi ho partecipato a un interessante dibattito sulle tassazioni con @PaoloGentiloni e @OlafScholz. Credo che una riforma fis…

    TheProgressivesWith all the repression against Belarusian people under Lukashenko, it is regretful that EU Foreign Affairs failed…

    JosepBorrellFDuring meeting of EU Foreign Ministers #FAC, we stressed our solidarity with the people of Belarus in their democra…

    eu_eeasOver 1.5 billion children are out of ? school and at least 1 in 3 cannot access remote learning. In the midst of…

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    Crisi UE-Turchia: Erdogan schiera carri armati al confine greco

    luigidimaioVi dicono che con il taglio di 345 parlamentari verrebbe meno la rappresentatività in parlamento. Sono bugie. Sann…

    Bulc_EUDo you want to know #why the interest in #ecocivilisation is growing? Join us at webinar on 16th& 23rd September…

    nomfupI Roxy Music, rega’. I Roxy Music

    nomfupRT @thematthill: .@TeamJoe is tapping into online grassroots enthusiasm and partnering with a teen who started a popular @JoeBiden Instagra…

    GiacomoFassinaRT @caritas_milano: “Non penso a tutta la miseria, ma alla bellezza che rimane ancora” Anna Frank #Colleferro #WillyMonteiro…

    eu_eeasStrongly condemn the unabating arbitrary & unexplained arrests & detentions on political grounds in #Belarus. Expec…

    nomfupRT @nytpolitics: The Chinese government has stopped renewing press credentials for foreign journalists working for American news organizati…

    RebHarmsRT @ichbinilya: fuck.

    jduchRT @EuroParlPress: Press release: COVID-19: @EP_Environment MEPs want safe vaccines, full transparency and liability for companies: https:/…

    eurodeputatipdRT @paolodecastro: ???In che modo e in che tempi la @EU_Commission pensa di mettere a disposizione i 7,5 miliardi del #RecoveryFund❓?Occorr…

    RebHarmsFacing escalating repression by #Lukashenka : Media Solidarity for #Belarus is urgently needed. Fundraising is a pr…

    ElisaFerreiraECVery fruitful discussion with @NadiaCalvino on how to invest the exceptional ??financial means to ensure a quick an…

    eunewsitSerbia-Kosovo: ‘pace economica’ grazie alla mediazione USA, ma il processo di integrazione in UE rischia di essere…

    ftbrusselsThe perils of Britain’s Brexit brinkmanship

    GreensEFART @micha_bloss: Breaking news: @vonderleyen admits that a reduction path of -55% by 2030 is a must in the #ClimateLaw. But #PlanetaryEme…

    socbxlRT @NadiaCalvino: Constructive meetings with @VDombrovskis @NicolasSchmitEU @ThierryBreton @PaoloGentiloni @JHahnEU & @ElisaFerreiraEC on…

    ElisaFerreiraECExcelente reunião de trabalho com 3 membros do Governo ??: Augusto Santos Silva (MNE) Nelson de Souza (Planeamento…

    SKyriakidesEURT @EU_Commission: Ever had questions about the EU? Ahead of her #SOTEU speech on 16 September, president @vonderleyen is ready to give yo…

    IdeaEuRT @tepsaeu: #InDivEU What do national stakeholders think about #DifferentiatedIntegration? To answer this question, TEPSA and @RobSchuCe…

    OECD?️ “I am confident that countries can find ways to reconcile health and safety and education needs – and it is vita…

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    Senza progressi nel dialogo con la Turchia, l’UE valuterà nuove restrizioni

    Josep Borrell, alto rappresentante UE per la politica estera e di sicurezza e Mevlut Çavuşoğlu, ministro degli Esteri turco [Ankara, 6 luglio 2020]
    In relazione alle tensioni con Grecia e Cipro nel Mediterraneo orientale. Al Gymnich di Berlino tra i ministri degli Esteri europei si fa concreta l’ipotesi di sanzioni contro Ankara che saranno sul tavolo del Consiglio europeo del 24 e 25 settembre

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    Dalla Turchia alla Bielorussia: a Berlino il vertice informale dei ministri degli Esteri dell’UE

    nomfupRT @CNN: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been selected as this year’s recipient of the National Constitution Center’s Liberty…

    nomfupRT @axios: Kamala Harris excoriated Trump in a speech pre-butting the final night of the GOP convention, accusing him and his Republican al…

    nomfupRT @TheWrap: Joe Ruby, the co-creator of “Scooby-Doo,” has died at 87

    nomfupRT @bpolitics: Pence delivers the smallest TV audience of the Republican National Convention so far

    MalmstromEUGrattis Nicola och lycka till! Spännande!

    ecbThe transcript of this interview is now available on the ECB website

    CSpillmannL’Europe apprend à devenir puissance, mais elle prend son temps

    CSpillmannRT @franakviacorka: You already know that Belarus revolution is made by women. And I can’t stop admiring Nina Bahinskaja, 74, who doesn’t g…

    CSpillmannRT @franakviacorka: We see the pattern. Police are targeting people with white-red-white flags and journalists. Here is the moment when an…

    CSpillmannLe troisième est cinglant pour #UE27

    CSpillmannRT @HannaLiubakova: Please share. Happening right now in the #Minsk city centre

    RosaBalfourRT @Datalobbyism: Want to maximise the value of your #network? Contact us to find out how digital tools can help streamlining and organisin…

    CSpillmannRT @diradefo: Le port du masque sur le vélo c’est tellement absurde que j’ai l’impression que la vraie raison c’est qu’ils veulent pas voir…

    nomfupRT @FinancialTimes: Globalisation has, for many, undercut wages and jobs — and fuelled populism. Can three new books unpick an issue that s…

    M5S_EuropaLa consegna del primo materiale scolastico a #Codogno, #Alzano e #Nembro dimostra che il governo #Conte ha a cuore…

    brandobenifeiRT @yasmineouir: Vous inquiétez pas, c’est juste le candidat politique du parti d’extrême-droite italien FDI. Just a political candidate f…

    nomfupRT @TheEconomist: More people are living with dementia than can be looked after humanely. This is already having a knock-on effect on gener…

    brandobenifeiRT @PES_PoA: ?️ 5 September, Sat ?5:30????10:30??CEST ?”Reset” debate! ?What needs to change in our post-corona economy? Maria João Ro…

    sandrogoziSuperbe journée ! Great Day! Che giornata! @ItaliaViva @matteorenzi @CiolosDacian @RenewEurope

    RenewEuropeRT @CiolosDacian: Congratulations to @EdwardJDavey on his election as leader of Britain’s most pro-European party, the @LibDems. Britain’…