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    Caso Navalny, Merkel potrebbe fermare North Stream 2. Pressioni dalla CDU, “gasdotto dannoso a livello geopolitico”

    RebHarmsRT @jenssiegert: Erklärung von Memorial “Am 7. September haben ‘Unbekannte’ in Minsk Maria Kolesnikova entführt, eine Führerin der belaru…

    Ansip_EUIt is a great recognition and shows trust. I wish you luck! @VDombrovskis

    RebHarmsRT @JeroenAkkermans: Ik heb in het verleden meerdere keren samengewerkt met cameraman Ilja Kuznetsov in Minsk, Belarus. Hij vertelt in deze…

    jduchRT @jimbrunsden:

    RebHarmsRT @vkaramurza: Historic day as the #Magnitsky Act is introduced in the German Bundestag. Provides for visa bans and asset freezes on those…

    RebHarmsRT @AliceBota: Dear @TIME – I think we found your person of the year 2020. Her name is Maria Kolesnikova. #Belarus

    RebHarmsMaria Kolesnikova is still missing. #Belarus


    JosepBorrellFToday I met Gerd Müller, the German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, to prepare the Infor…

    JHahnEUI wish you all the best for your future and I take today’s #IndependenceDay of ?? as an opportunity to wish also…

    JHahnEUDear Samuel,I would like to thank you sincerely for the excellent cooperation during your term as @AmbassadorEU of…

    luigidimaioSono contento che con coerenza tutte le forze politiche presenti in parlamento, dopo aver votato alla camera a favo…

    nomfupEffetto Necco

    Antonio_TajaniPiù giriamo la #Puglia e più ci convinciamo che il destino della sinistra in questa Regione è segnato. Siamo pronti…

    nomfupRT @KamalaHarris: Mask up.

    ftbrusselsUK government admits it will break international law over Brexit treaty

    DavidSassoliRT @PE_Italia: ?@EP_President Sassoli “Sono molto preoccupato dall’assenza di progressi nei negoziati su Brexit. L’Unione europea è unita e…

    JosepBorrellFMany thanks to @FP_Champagne for a fruitful ???? virtual ministerial meeting today. Our friendship and partnership…

    CoordEuropaNel 2020, prima che la pandemia prendesse il sopravvento, la carovana di Filomè è partita in direzione Bosnia, pass…

    CoordEuropaThe situation in Belarus is at a tipping point. The truth needs to be told. Donate and support Amnesty in exposing…

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    Alexei Navalny avvelenato, l’Ue accusa: “Inaccettabile uso di armi chimiche, viola il diritto internazionale”

    In una nota l’Alto rappresentante Borrell chiede al governo russo di indagare in modo trasparente sul tentato omicidio dell’oppositore di Vladimir Putin: “Il caso non deve rimanere irrisolto”. Merkel: “Attacco con un agente nervino chimico in Russia è scioccante”
    L’articolo Alexei Navalny avvelenato, l’Ue accusa: “Inaccettabile uso di armi chimiche, viola il diritto internazionale” proviene da Eunews.

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    Tensioni tra Grecia e Turchia nel Mediterraneo orientale, Berlino tenta la mediazione

    MalmstromEURT @PIIE: Despite steady progress since 1997, women remain elusive among the leadership of publicly listed firms. If current trends continu…

    CSpillmannSi @PhilHoganEU démissionne, ce qui est annoncé, @vonderleyen doit elle confier le portefeuille commerce à son suc…

    JosepBorrellFI thank @jensstoltenberg for his presence with EU defence ministers today. EU-@NATO cooperation remains crucial. In…

    SyedKamallRT @H2Europe: Jaguar Land Rover is embarking on a serious #hydrogen power research project with the aim of developing #fuelcell-powered ver…

    MalmstromEURT @PIIE: If you missed the discussion with Robert Zoellick on his new book “America in the World: A History of U.S. Diplomacy and Foreign…

    CSpillmannRT @Enthoven_R: Il y a quelques mois encore, on était des milliers à rire de bon coeur des incultes qui s’indignaient de ce titre. Désorma…

    CSpillmannRT @SophieintVeld: Indeed EU Commissioners are independent and not accountable to national governments. Only @EU_Commission President can m…

    M5S_EuropaLe dimissioni di #Hogan da @Trade_EU sono doverose e rappresentano un monito anche ai politici nostrani. I cittadin…

    CSpillmannRT @ilfoglio_it: Le dimissioni di #PhilHogan rimangono un rischio per la Commissione europea. Il commissario al Commercio lascia dopo il Go…

    CSpillmannRT @matdemees: Paris, mais aussi Marseille, Nice, Montpellier +plages des environs. Tous les touristes/vacanciers belges qui en reviennent…

    CSpillmannRT @quatremer: La télévision irlandaise annonce la démission de @PhilHoganEU. Étonnant.

    CSpillmannRT @tconnellyRTE: I’ll have an interview with @PhilHoganEU on tonight’s Nine TV News on @rtenews on tonight’s dramatic announcement

    CSpillmannQui peut limoger @PhilHoganEU ? @vonderleyen avec l’approbation du collège

    JosepBorrellFWe reviewed @EUNAVFOR_MED. Operation Irini has proved his value and impartiality, following UN mandate, contributin…

    MarcoPiantiniRT @AICursaru: Excellent panel discussion @forumalpbach with experts on the EU overcoming the #COVID19 crisis and its vision for the contin…

    CSpillmannRT @LithuaniaInEU: #Internet disruptions in #Belarus became part of Lukashenko’s regime modus operandi. Detention and violence against pe…

    CSpillmannLa planète rose

    ftbrusselsEU trade commissioner set to resign after furore over Irish dinner

    CSpillmannRT @ptebibel: Enrico Letta à #LaREF20 “Michel Barnier ne pouvait pas le dire mais moi je vais vous le dire : nous n’aurions pas pu aboutir…

    CSpillmannRT @franakviacorka: ”Give me my flag!” — 73 years old Nina Bahinskaja wants her flag back from riot policeman. She is known for her partici…

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    L’SPD ha deciso: Olaf Scholz è il candidato socialdemocratico per il post-Merkel

    Il ministro delle Finanze tedesco, Olaf Scholz, è il candidato dell’SPD per le elezioni dederali del 2021. [fonte foto: account twitter di Olaf Scholz]
    Il partito punta tutto sull’attuale ministro delle Finanze nonché vice di Merkel nel governo di coalizione. Con lui Berlino ha virato verso politiche meno rigoriste, permettendo di avere un piano per la ripresa

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    Gasdotto Nord Stream 2: la Polonia multa Gazprom

    Ansip_EURT @Reuters: Roger Federer surprised two young girls in Italy who had staged a remarkable rally from the rooftops of neighboring buildings…

    MichelBarnierDentro de 5 meses, termina o período de transição do #Brexit: o ?? deixa o mercado único e a União Aduaneira da ??.…

    euobs”As the police, we take action not because somebody hung a flag, but because by so doing they insulted religious fe…

    luigidimaioBisogna puntare a fermare le partenze. La questione migranti va risolta alla radice, dialogando con la Tunisia e ra…

    nomfupSoundtrack of the Day: #SOTD20

    nomfupSoundtrack of the Day: #SOTD20

    nomfupSoundtrack of the Day: #SOTD20

    CSpillmannRT @JPvanYpersele: Il faut lire ce thread:

    straneuropaRT @LaStampa: #Zavoli architetto della migliore tv pubblica e socio indiscusso del club dei padri dell’inchiesta, televisiva e no. Ci manch…

    straneuropaZavoli, il socialista di Dio e “quella falsa sensazione di essere immortale” Era una sera fredda e trasparente…

    euobs”The measure will apply to all Chinese exporters, with the exception of one cooperating company,” says the European…

    euobsBulgaria’s troubled prime minister has not ruled out stepping down, following weeks of anti-government protests

    euobsSweden’s economy slumped by 8.6 percent in the April-to-June period from the previous three months.

    RebHarmsGuten Morgen! Und Tschüss Lauenburg ?

    euobs[Stakeholder] ‘These women need our help. Their safety is the surest sign of European values in real life: When the…

    euobs[Opinion] ‘I hate to break it to you, but excuses have run out. You have to look at the images of sobbing journalis…

    EU_CoRWe will work for: ✅Bringing Europe closer to people #EUlocal ✅Building resilient local communities #EUGreenDeal ✅Pu…

    nomfupRT @AOC: Two years ago, three out of the four women running grassroots campaigns in @knockdownmovie lost their primary election. Today, 3…

    nomfupRT @nytopinion: Big Tech companies insist that their rise to power has been “a saga of ingenuity and courage, and that their market dominan…

    nomfupUna delle – non so se poche o molte – chances che ha Trump di rivincere la Casa Bianca: la guerra totale dei social…