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    Bielorussia, UE d’accordo sulle sanzioni mirate. I 27 ci lavorano, per approvarle nei prossimi giorni

    RebHarmsRT @IAPonomarenko: Meanwhile, Belarus’ Lukashenko hands the arrested Wagner mercenaries over to Russia. No extradition to Ukraine. I now wo…

    CSpillmannL’exemption pour les utilisateurs de trottinettes électriques est spécieuse car ils ne font pas beaucoup d’efforts…

    JosepBorrellFToday EU reacted in unity and decisively in defence of EU interests & values, within Union & beyond our borders. W…

    RebHarmsAuch der Versuch zählt. Danke Robert u Petras. #zhivebelarus @petras_petras @RobertBiedron

    eu_eeasRead the main outcomes of today’s Foreign Affairs Council. Good discussions on Eastern Mediterranean & Belarus wit…

    RebHarmsRT @ngumenyuk: Worker of major Belarus plants and industries are striking all over the country. Also businessmen, students, lawyers, doctor…

    ftbrusselsEU nations start work on Belarus sanctions after brutal crackdown

    RebHarmsRT @franakviacorka: Lukashenka’s regime is collapsing. The history is being made right now. The longest dictatorship in Europe’s modern his…

    RebHarmsWow. Police in Lida is changing sides. #Belarus

    RebHarmsRT @shaunwalker7: Listen to what the buskers are playing in Minsk right now

    RenewEuropeRT @petras_petras: #Lukashenko regime did not let my colleague MEP Robert Biedron and me to visit Minsk today. Robert was deported, my tick…

    RebHarmsRT @XSovietNews: Red and white balloons released in Smarhoń.

    RenewEuropeRT @CiolosDacian: Tonight, access to #Belarus was refused to our @reneweurope representative & EP Belarus rapporteur @petras_petras. #Luk…

    RebHarmsRT @Kasparov63: If the citizens of free nations cared about democracy as much as the citizens of dictatorships, soon there wouldn’t be any…

    eunewsit. @JosepBorrellF “Incontro buono e costruttivo”.

    RebHarmsRT @MaximEristavi: Belarus is the pride of Europe. Today’s edition from Hrodna. #FreeBelarus

    RenewEuropeRT @CiolosDacian: Welcome today’s statement by EU Foreign ministers. We need decisive actions to help the people of #Belarus to make their…

    ftbrusselsEurope’s ‘last dictator’ in a brutal fight for survival

    TheProgressives? BREAKING ? Chair of the EP delegation for relations with Belarus and @TheProgressives’ MEP @RobertBiedron denied…

    vonderleyenGood that Foreign Ministers unanimously agreed to work out additional sanctions against those responsible. Europe…

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    Borrell: “Pronti a sanzioni mirate per i responsabili delle violenze in Bielorussia”

    Bulc_EUWhat an experience in a small village of #Sentjanz, ?? #exceptionalFood, engaged #people, beautiful #Nature. Being…

    eu_eeasRT @ExtSpoxEU: Hong Kong: Further arrests of pro-democracy activists under #NationalSecurityLaw, incl. #AgnesChow @chowtingagnes on Tuesday…

    eu_eeasПрезидентские выборы в Беларуси не были ни свободными, ни справедливыми. ЕС призывает власти Беларуси начать подлин…

    eu_eeasПрэзідэнцкія выбары ў Беларусі не былі ні свабодныя, ні справядлівыя. ЕС заклікае ўлады Беларусі распачаць сапраўд…

    nomfupRT @CNN: From Belarus to Hong Kong, journalists ‘are bearing the brunt of the global surge in repression.’ Analysis by @brianstelter http…

    pierremoscoviciL’élection au Bélarus n’a été « ni libre, ni équitable”, la répression et les menaces envers les forces démocratiqu…

    CSpillmannManquent encore une déclaration à 27 pour s’imposer face à la #Turquie et une condamnation claire toujours à 27 des…

    ftbrusselsBelarus opposition leader flees to Lithuania after rejecting election results

    CSpillmannLa réunion de #Berlin sera une réunion sanctions. Il y aura celles que @JosepBorrellF a été mandaté de préparer con…

    JosepBorrellF#BelarusPresidentialElection were neither free nor fair. EU calls on #Belarus leadership to initiate genuine dialo…

    EGardiniAmici, domani ci diamo il buongiorno? Vi aspetto collegati dalle ore 9:00 su @RaiTre. Sarò ospite di @agorarai Es…

    eunewsitIl commissario per la Giustizia non vuole trattamenti di favore, per evitare consumatori di ‘serie A’ e consumatori…

    RebHarmsRT @AliceBota: Maria Kolesnikowa heute auf ihrer PK (sie saß allein zwischen zwei leeren Stühlen): „Swetlana, wenn du mich hörst: Ich unt…

    SKyriakidesEURT @EUCYPRUS: «Η κόπωση από τα μέτρα κατά του #COVID19 είναι φυσιολογική, αλλά σε αυτές τις δύσκολες στιγμές, πρέπει να συνεργαστούμε για ν…

    eunewsitL’Alto rappresentante dell’UE esce allo scoperto. E’ il primo rappresentante europeo a menzionare ufficialmente l’o…

    CSpillmannLe peuple du #Belarus “mérite mieux”. La présidentielle n’a été “ni libre ni équitable” Déclaration forte de #UE27…

    brandobenifeiRT @AbdelallLinda: ⚡️Human rights do not go on holiday! The letter that @InoltreA is sending with dozens of signatu…

    nomfupRT @nytimes: Clearview AI has hired Floyd Abrams, a top lawyer, to help fight claims that selling its data to law enforcement agencies viol…

    OECD?️ “#COVID19 has unveiled what young people have always known: we are resilient & resourceful irrespective of the o…

    nomfupTutto è pronto per l’annuncio del numero due del ticket democratico americano. E stasera @IlhanMN si gioca la sua p…

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    Bielorussia, l’UE: “Nessuno parla di sanzioni, ma sul tavolo tutte le opzioni”

    eu_eeasRT @ExtSpoxEU: Hong Kong: Further arrests of pro-democracy activists under #NationalSecurityLaw, incl. #AgnesChow @chowtingagnes on Tuesday…

    eu_eeasПрезидентские выборы в Беларуси не были ни свободными, ни справедливыми. ЕС призывает власти Беларуси начать подлин…

    eu_eeasПрэзідэнцкія выбары ў Беларусі не былі ні свабодныя, ні справядлівыя. ЕС заклікае ўлады Беларусі распачаць сапраўд…

    nomfupRT @CNN: From Belarus to Hong Kong, journalists ‘are bearing the brunt of the global surge in repression.’ Analysis by @brianstelter http…

    pierremoscoviciL’élection au Bélarus n’a été « ni libre, ni équitable”, la répression et les menaces envers les forces démocratiqu…

    CSpillmannManquent encore une déclaration à 27 pour s’imposer face à la #Turquie et une condamnation claire toujours à 27 des…

    ftbrusselsBelarus opposition leader flees to Lithuania after rejecting election results

    CSpillmannLa réunion de #Berlin sera une réunion sanctions. Il y aura celles que @JosepBorrellF a été mandaté de préparer con…

    JosepBorrellF#BelarusPresidentialElection were neither free nor fair. EU calls on #Belarus leadership to initiate genuine dialo…

    EGardiniAmici, domani ci diamo il buongiorno? Vi aspetto collegati dalle ore 9:00 su @RaiTre. Sarò ospite di @agorarai Es…

    eunewsitIl commissario per la Giustizia non vuole trattamenti di favore, per evitare consumatori di ‘serie A’ e consumatori…

    RebHarmsRT @AliceBota: Maria Kolesnikowa heute auf ihrer PK (sie saß allein zwischen zwei leeren Stühlen): „Swetlana, wenn du mich hörst: Ich unt…

    SKyriakidesEURT @EUCYPRUS: «Η κόπωση από τα μέτρα κατά του #COVID19 είναι φυσιολογική, αλλά σε αυτές τις δύσκολες στιγμές, πρέπει να συνεργαστούμε για ν…

    eunewsitL’Alto rappresentante dell’UE esce allo scoperto. E’ il primo rappresentante europeo a menzionare ufficialmente l’o…

    CSpillmannLe peuple du #Belarus “mérite mieux”. La présidentielle n’a été “ni libre ni équitable” Déclaration forte de #UE27…

    brandobenifeiRT @AbdelallLinda: ⚡️Human rights do not go on holiday! The letter that @InoltreA is sending with dozens of signatu…

    nomfupRT @nytimes: Clearview AI has hired Floyd Abrams, a top lawyer, to help fight claims that selling its data to law enforcement agencies viol…

    OECD?️ “#COVID19 has unveiled what young people have always known: we are resilient & resourceful irrespective of the o…

    nomfupTutto è pronto per l’annuncio del numero due del ticket democratico americano. E stasera @IlhanMN si gioca la sua p…

    nomfupRT @thematthill: We are excited to welcome all-stars to @JoeBiden’s running mate team: @K_JeanPierre, Chief of Staff @sheilanix, Senior Ad…

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    Caos Bielorussia, Lukashenko si proclama vincitore tra scontri e disordini. UE pronta a rispondere

    “La Bielorussia vuole il cambiamento”, slogan elettorale della candidata Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, che non riconosce la vittoria del presidente uscente
    Il presidente uscente rieletto con l’80% dei voti, secondo i dati ufficiali non riconosciuti dalla principale sfidante. La denuncia di brogli. La sfidante Svetlana Tikhanovskaya: “Ho vinto io”. Uso della violenza sulla folla. La Polonia chiede un vertice straordinario, la Commissione: “Valutiamo come plasmare le relazioni con Minsk”

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    “Schiaccia il bacarozzo”: la Bielorussia al voto. Borrell: “Lukashenko rilasci attivisti e giornalisti”. Tusk (PPE): “E’ un popolo coraggioso, che combatte per i diritti europei”.

    Europarl_ITIl turismo è uno dei settori che più stanno soffrendo per le conseguenze della pandemia #covid19. L’UE lavora per p…

    LJahierEURT @axios: Counterintelligence chief: Russia aiming to “denigrate” Biden ahead of election

    CSpillmannRT @JPvanYpersele: Climate change in action: Italian homes evacuated over risk of Mont-Blanc glacier collapse | World news | The Guardian h…

    CSpillmannValéry Lerouge (France 2): “La façon de faire de Sophie Wilmès pendant la crise a peut-être été plus efficace que c…

    CSpillmannÉdito: un État N-VA et un État PS?

    nomfupRT @nzlabour: “When we stood here three years ago, it wasn’t about winning for the sake of it. It wasn’t about being better than anyone els…

    nomfupRT @nytopinion: “The post-2020, post-Trump Republican future,” writes @nytdavidbrooks, “is embodied by a small group of Republican senators…

    nomfupRT @TheEconomist: “Conversations about monuments outside are being applied to monuments inside,” says Dan Hicks, who oversees world archaeo…

    nomfupLa playlist estiva, ma di ogni estate, prevede di primo rimpasto, a seguire autunno caldo, di rinforzo transumanza,…

    nomfupRT @washingtonpost: Gretchen Whitmer met with Joe Biden to discuss vice presidential nomination

    LGBTIintergroupRT @TerryReintke: Look at Poland right now. Intimidation against LGBTI*s is put into concrete action with arrests and attacks on solidarit…



    CoordEuropaQuattro anni dopo, nessuna giustizia per le vittime delle sparizioni forzate in Ucraina

    CoordEuropaRT @marsemavi: Swiss Federal Court confirmed conviction against human rights defender Anni Lanz. She gave a homeless frost-bitten Afghan a…

    nomfupRT @nytpolitics: Marquita Bradshaw, an environmental justice advocate who has run her Senate campaign on a shoestring budget, won an upset…

    RebHarmsRT @melindaharing: Weekend read: Five lessons Gen. Scowcroft’s career offers by the inimitable @JacobHeilbrunn. We are more than proud to c…

    brandobenifeiRT @GiacomoBottos: Il nuovo numero di @pandorarivista. @fondunipolis @ASviSItalia @DD_Forum @marioricciard18 @paolo_magri @ispionline @col…

    RebHarmsRT @wiczipedia: I would suggest ignoring people who never for a second thought about Belarus before it fit their narrative of “neocons and…

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    Elezioni in Bielorussia: Tikhanovskaya si prepara a dar battaglia a Lukashenko. L’UE: “siano elezioni libere”

    RebHarmsRT @UKRintheUSA: Occupation of #Crimea by Russia brings widespread searches, detentions, violation of the rights to freedom of opinion &rel…

    Ansip_EURT @ERC_Research: Il faut que le budget UE de la recherche «reste ambitieux & réponde aux ambitions politiques affichées; c’est dans cette…

    RebHarmsRT @MattiMaasikas: The book to start with, if one wants to understand contemporary Ukrainian identity(ies) and their roots. For once by Ukr…

    sandrogoziRT @SophieintVeld: “So tell me how you did it Viktor, gagging the media, silencing critics and opponents, capturing the judiciary and still…

    lapopistelliCome sempre, parole semplici e definitive del Presidente Mattarella.

    nomfupRT @Reuters: In the heart New York and metro Los Angeles, Rite Aid deployed facial recognition systems in largely lower-income, non-white n…


    eunewsitElezioni in #Bielorussia: Tikhanovskaya si prepara a dar battaglia a Lukashenko. L’UE: “siano elezioni libere”

    luigidimaioSoluzioni sull’immigrazione: no slogan, no urla. Il piano in 6 punti.

    MalmstromEURT @TradeEconomista: Ta-daa! And here is the final product! Me talking 2 @RobiPiermartini & Jose about their new @WorldBank -@wto report…

    ftbrusselsS&P lifts outlook on EU credit rating

    Europarl_ITViaggiare in sicurezza con i propri animali domestici nell’UE è possibile, basta rispettare alcune regole. Ecco tut…

    nomfupRT @guardian: Young, British & Black: the voices behind the UK’s anti-racism protests

    nomfupRT @washingtonpost: Rep. Karen Bass fought for Blacks and Latinos in South Los Angeles. Now, she’s on Biden’s VP shortlist.…

    nomfupRT @ftukpolitics: Boris Johnson loyalists rewarded with peerages

    nomfupRT @jasondhorowitz: When Italy was the stuff of Covid nightmares, Trump and Biden and much of Europe mocked it as a shorthand for uncontrol…

    vonderleyenI’m getting ready for family time at home. ✅Bags packed. ✅Summer reading sorted. ✅Coronavirus contact tracing app…

    SyedKamallRT @iealondon: ? HOW STRONG ARE BRITISH BANKS? ? Read the new report from Prof Kevin Dowd asking if British banks cab survive the impact of…

    SyedKamallRT @iealondon: “Richard Cobden is the man Jeremy Corbyn thinks he is” @rcolvile joined @syedkamall for the latest episode in our ‘School o…

    SyedKamallRT @epicenterEU: What are the factors that will determine whether the recovery in trade volumes will follow the WTO’s optimistic or pessimi…