
Tregua in Libia: a Mosca sono ore decisive. Al Serraj firma, Haftar chiede tempo fino a domani

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    🔌One single common charger for all mobile devices? We say yes! Our MEP will ask to the…

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    via _AVService

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    Only by 2100 will men and women finally earn the same. To close the pay gap faster we call for binding measures o…

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    RT _Commission: President and the gave a solemn undertaking before the EU Court of Justice. “As I read the…

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    RT : . gave her social media followers an exclusive tour of the Capitol dome that very few get to see …

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    The EU welcomes the decision by the United Nations Security Council on 10 January to extend the authorization for c…

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    Sei giovane? Vuoi collaborare con altri europei e disegnare il futuro dell’Europa? Strasburgo ti aspetta! Iscriviti…

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    The _Commission strongly supports harmonisation of chargers for mobiles. In 2009, we had >30 charging solutions.…

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    Su Autostrade la decisione del Governo arriverà presto e poggerà su solide basi tecnico-giuridiche. Ormai è evident…

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    Most emotional part of my trip: the solemn undertaking of the before the European Court…

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    The threat of organised crime in Europe hitting record levels. Over 5,000 groups investigated, with their profits e…

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    On January 13, Lithuania marks the day of Freedom Defenders, commemorating the victims of Soviet military aggressio…

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    [Ticker] 2,500 children ‘disappear’ from Dutch refugee centres

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    🗨️“We believe in inclusive , where all stakeholders have a seat at the table together. OECD is a le…

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    We’re disappointed with _President decision not to support our MEP to take up his seat. The President…

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    RT : Ο Αντιπρόεδρος της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής Μαργαρίτης Σχοινάς, ο πρώτος Έλληνας στο αξίωμα αυτό, ορκίστηκε πριν λίγο. Αρμοδιότητ…

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    RT _gellinek: Die gesamte EU-Kommission steht stramm vor den Richtern des Europäischen Gerichtshofs zur feierlichen Vereidigung in Luxemb…

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    Au , plus de 3300 écoles sont fermées à cause de l’instabilité. Ce sont 650000 enfants qui sont affectés. La…

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    RT : Credo che quella di Berlino sarà una tappa essenziale per ricostruire un percorso che non sia solo una tregua di qualche or…

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    Today, the _EN observed a minute of silence in memory of the 176 people killed when their plane was shot d…

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