
“Schiaccia il bacarozzo”: la Bielorussia al voto. Borrell: “Lukashenko rilasci attivisti e giornalisti”. Tusk (PPE): “E’ un popolo coraggioso, che combatte per i diritti europei”.

  • Europarl_IT
    Il turismo è uno dei settori che più stanno soffrendo per le conseguenze della pandemia #covid19. L’UE lavora per p…

  • LJahierEU
    RT @axios: Counterintelligence chief: Russia aiming to “denigrate” Biden ahead of election

  • CSpillmann
    RT @JPvanYpersele: Climate change in action: Italian homes evacuated over risk of Mont-Blanc glacier collapse | World news | The Guardian h…

  • CSpillmann
    Valéry Lerouge (France 2): “La façon de faire de Sophie Wilmès pendant la crise a peut-être été plus efficace que c…

  • CSpillmann
    Édito: un État N-VA et un État PS?

  • nomfup
    RT @nzlabour: “When we stood here three years ago, it wasn’t about winning for the sake of it. It wasn’t about being better than anyone els…

  • nomfup
    RT @nytopinion: “The post-2020, post-Trump Republican future,” writes @nytdavidbrooks, “is embodied by a small group of Republican senators…

  • nomfup
    RT @TheEconomist: “Conversations about monuments outside are being applied to monuments inside,” says Dan Hicks, who oversees world archaeo…

  • nomfup
    La playlist estiva, ma di ogni estate, prevede di primo rimpasto, a seguire autunno caldo, di rinforzo transumanza,…

  • nomfup
    RT @washingtonpost: Gretchen Whitmer met with Joe Biden to discuss vice presidential nomination

  • LGBTIintergroup
    RT @TerryReintke: Look at Poland right now. Intimidation against LGBTI*s is put into concrete action with arrests and attacks on solidarit…

  • CoordEuropa

  • CoordEuropa

  • CoordEuropa
    Quattro anni dopo, nessuna giustizia per le vittime delle sparizioni forzate in Ucraina

  • CoordEuropa
    RT @marsemavi: Swiss Federal Court confirmed conviction against human rights defender Anni Lanz. She gave a homeless frost-bitten Afghan a…

  • nomfup
    RT @nytpolitics: Marquita Bradshaw, an environmental justice advocate who has run her Senate campaign on a shoestring budget, won an upset…

  • RebHarms
    RT @melindaharing: Weekend read: Five lessons Gen. Scowcroft’s career offers by the inimitable @JacobHeilbrunn. We are more than proud to c…

  • brandobenifei
    RT @GiacomoBottos: Il nuovo numero di @pandorarivista. @fondunipolis @ASviSItalia @DD_Forum @marioricciard18 @paolo_magri @ispionline @col…

  • RebHarms
    RT @wiczipedia: I would suggest ignoring people who never for a second thought about Belarus before it fit their narrative of “neocons and…

  • Source:


    Von der Leyen e Charles Michel esortano gli Stati membri a intensificare il loro sostegno al Libano

    Dl agosto: bozza, un altro assegno di 400 euro Reddito emergenza