Il Parlamento ha approvato le norme sul copyright per assicurare che diritti e doveri che definiscono il diritto d’…

La 🇪🇺 aumenta la ayuda de emergencia en 50 millones de euros en 🇻🇪 La UE está con los venezolanos e…

RT _WB: Commissioner _near, will visit 🇧🇦 on 28 March and will discuss the state of play of the socio-econom…


Ora al , con gli eroici Carabinieri che hanno salvato la vita di ragazzi e insegnanti sull’autobus dirotta…

RT : We are thrilled to welcome , Deputy Secretary-General at _eeas, on Monday 1 April for a lecture on the wor…

Markets wait for rules on securitised financial products

Should no-deal happen it will likely fall on a Friday evening or weekend to avoid market panic—13 April is being mo…

Released additional €50 million emergency assistance to help the people of at this critical time. We re…

RT : Theresa May is about to face PMQs ahead of another crucial day of Brexit votes

RT : Commissioner arriving for a visit to , set to discuss reforms with Bosnian authorities …

RT _near: -Commissioner to visit🇧🇦 &🇷🇸 from 28-29 March. All infos on the agenda👉 …

RT : Reviewed: Process, Consequences and Scenarios. At on April 11. A new step of EuIdea program. _eu …

RT : Best speech was that of , forced out of the Tory Party because of he believes in Britain’s place in the EU. He…

I welcome today’s agreement on NPLs. A common EU 🇪🇺framework for secondary markets is a further step tow…

RT : Quelle surprise: French MEPs led the way in voting in favour of (h/t to for the numbers) …

RT : It is a bit mental that no senior Tory MEP has spoken in the European Parliament debate on Brexit,. Means that basically N…

Brexit: Donald Tusk says EU must not betray pro-Europe UK voters

Excellent news for ! Today’s vote confirms that all Member States stand firmly behind the EU’s new flagshi…

RT _near: -Commissioner at the debate on the situation in five years after the illegal occupation by the R…