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    Dalla Turchia alla Bielorussia: a Berlino il vertice informale dei ministri degli Esteri dell’UE

    nomfupRT @CNN: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been selected as this year’s recipient of the National Constitution Center’s Liberty…

    nomfupRT @axios: Kamala Harris excoriated Trump in a speech pre-butting the final night of the GOP convention, accusing him and his Republican al…

    nomfupRT @TheWrap: Joe Ruby, the co-creator of “Scooby-Doo,” has died at 87

    nomfupRT @bpolitics: Pence delivers the smallest TV audience of the Republican National Convention so far

    MalmstromEUGrattis Nicola och lycka till! Spännande!

    ecbThe transcript of this interview is now available on the ECB website

    CSpillmannL’Europe apprend à devenir puissance, mais elle prend son temps

    CSpillmannRT @franakviacorka: You already know that Belarus revolution is made by women. And I can’t stop admiring Nina Bahinskaja, 74, who doesn’t g…

    CSpillmannRT @franakviacorka: We see the pattern. Police are targeting people with white-red-white flags and journalists. Here is the moment when an…

    CSpillmannLe troisième est cinglant pour #UE27

    CSpillmannRT @HannaLiubakova: Please share. Happening right now in the #Minsk city centre

    RosaBalfourRT @Datalobbyism: Want to maximise the value of your #network? Contact us to find out how digital tools can help streamlining and organisin…

    CSpillmannRT @diradefo: Le port du masque sur le vélo c’est tellement absurde que j’ai l’impression que la vraie raison c’est qu’ils veulent pas voir…

    nomfupRT @FinancialTimes: Globalisation has, for many, undercut wages and jobs — and fuelled populism. Can three new books unpick an issue that s…

    M5S_EuropaLa consegna del primo materiale scolastico a #Codogno, #Alzano e #Nembro dimostra che il governo #Conte ha a cuore…

    brandobenifeiRT @yasmineouir: Vous inquiétez pas, c’est juste le candidat politique du parti d’extrême-droite italien FDI. Just a political candidate f…

    nomfupRT @TheEconomist: More people are living with dementia than can be looked after humanely. This is already having a knock-on effect on gener…

    brandobenifeiRT @PES_PoA: ?️ 5 September, Sat ?5:30????10:30??CEST ?”Reset” debate! ?What needs to change in our post-corona economy? Maria João Ro…

    sandrogoziSuperbe journée ! Great Day! Che giornata! @ItaliaViva @matteorenzi @CiolosDacian @RenewEurope

    RenewEuropeRT @CiolosDacian: Congratulations to @EdwardJDavey on his election as leader of Britain’s most pro-European party, the @LibDems. Britain’…

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    Tensioni tra Grecia e Turchia nel Mediterraneo orientale, Berlino tenta la mediazione

    MalmstromEURT @PIIE: Despite steady progress since 1997, women remain elusive among the leadership of publicly listed firms. If current trends continu…

    CSpillmannSi @PhilHoganEU démissionne, ce qui est annoncé, @vonderleyen doit elle confier le portefeuille commerce à son suc…

    JosepBorrellFI thank @jensstoltenberg for his presence with EU defence ministers today. EU-@NATO cooperation remains crucial. In…

    SyedKamallRT @H2Europe: Jaguar Land Rover is embarking on a serious #hydrogen power research project with the aim of developing #fuelcell-powered ver…

    MalmstromEURT @PIIE: If you missed the discussion with Robert Zoellick on his new book “America in the World: A History of U.S. Diplomacy and Foreign…

    CSpillmannRT @Enthoven_R: Il y a quelques mois encore, on était des milliers à rire de bon coeur des incultes qui s’indignaient de ce titre. Désorma…

    CSpillmannRT @SophieintVeld: Indeed EU Commissioners are independent and not accountable to national governments. Only @EU_Commission President can m…

    M5S_EuropaLe dimissioni di #Hogan da @Trade_EU sono doverose e rappresentano un monito anche ai politici nostrani. I cittadin…

    CSpillmannRT @ilfoglio_it: Le dimissioni di #PhilHogan rimangono un rischio per la Commissione europea. Il commissario al Commercio lascia dopo il Go…

    CSpillmannRT @matdemees: Paris, mais aussi Marseille, Nice, Montpellier +plages des environs. Tous les touristes/vacanciers belges qui en reviennent…

    CSpillmannRT @quatremer: La télévision irlandaise annonce la démission de @PhilHoganEU. Étonnant.

    CSpillmannRT @tconnellyRTE: I’ll have an interview with @PhilHoganEU on tonight’s Nine TV News on @rtenews on tonight’s dramatic announcement

    CSpillmannQui peut limoger @PhilHoganEU ? @vonderleyen avec l’approbation du collège

    JosepBorrellFWe reviewed @EUNAVFOR_MED. Operation Irini has proved his value and impartiality, following UN mandate, contributin…

    MarcoPiantiniRT @AICursaru: Excellent panel discussion @forumalpbach with experts on the EU overcoming the #COVID19 crisis and its vision for the contin…

    CSpillmannRT @LithuaniaInEU: #Internet disruptions in #Belarus became part of Lukashenko’s regime modus operandi. Detention and violence against pe…

    CSpillmannLa planète rose

    ftbrusselsEU trade commissioner set to resign after furore over Irish dinner

    CSpillmannRT @ptebibel: Enrico Letta à #LaREF20 “Michel Barnier ne pouvait pas le dire mais moi je vais vous le dire : nous n’aurions pas pu aboutir…

    CSpillmannRT @franakviacorka: ”Give me my flag!” — 73 years old Nina Bahinskaja wants her flag back from riot policeman. She is known for her partici…

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    Bielorussia, UE d’accordo sulle sanzioni mirate. I 27 ci lavorano, per approvarle nei prossimi giorni

    RebHarmsRT @IAPonomarenko: Meanwhile, Belarus’ Lukashenko hands the arrested Wagner mercenaries over to Russia. No extradition to Ukraine. I now wo…

    CSpillmannL’exemption pour les utilisateurs de trottinettes électriques est spécieuse car ils ne font pas beaucoup d’efforts…

    JosepBorrellFToday EU reacted in unity and decisively in defence of EU interests & values, within Union & beyond our borders. W…

    RebHarmsAuch der Versuch zählt. Danke Robert u Petras. #zhivebelarus @petras_petras @RobertBiedron

    eu_eeasRead the main outcomes of today’s Foreign Affairs Council. Good discussions on Eastern Mediterranean & Belarus wit…

    RebHarmsRT @ngumenyuk: Worker of major Belarus plants and industries are striking all over the country. Also businessmen, students, lawyers, doctor…

    ftbrusselsEU nations start work on Belarus sanctions after brutal crackdown

    RebHarmsRT @franakviacorka: Lukashenka’s regime is collapsing. The history is being made right now. The longest dictatorship in Europe’s modern his…

    RebHarmsWow. Police in Lida is changing sides. #Belarus

    RebHarmsRT @shaunwalker7: Listen to what the buskers are playing in Minsk right now

    RenewEuropeRT @petras_petras: #Lukashenko regime did not let my colleague MEP Robert Biedron and me to visit Minsk today. Robert was deported, my tick…

    RebHarmsRT @XSovietNews: Red and white balloons released in Smarhoń.

    RenewEuropeRT @CiolosDacian: Tonight, access to #Belarus was refused to our @reneweurope representative & EP Belarus rapporteur @petras_petras. #Luk…

    RebHarmsRT @Kasparov63: If the citizens of free nations cared about democracy as much as the citizens of dictatorships, soon there wouldn’t be any…

    eunewsit. @JosepBorrellF “Incontro buono e costruttivo”.

    RebHarmsRT @MaximEristavi: Belarus is the pride of Europe. Today’s edition from Hrodna. #FreeBelarus

    RenewEuropeRT @CiolosDacian: Welcome today’s statement by EU Foreign ministers. We need decisive actions to help the people of #Belarus to make their…

    ftbrusselsEurope’s ‘last dictator’ in a brutal fight for survival

    TheProgressives? BREAKING ? Chair of the EP delegation for relations with Belarus and @TheProgressives’ MEP @RobertBiedron denied…

    vonderleyenGood that Foreign Ministers unanimously agreed to work out additional sanctions against those responsible. Europe…

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    Bielorussia, l’UE: “Nessuno parla di sanzioni, ma sul tavolo tutte le opzioni”

    eu_eeasRT @ExtSpoxEU: Hong Kong: Further arrests of pro-democracy activists under #NationalSecurityLaw, incl. #AgnesChow @chowtingagnes on Tuesday…

    eu_eeasПрезидентские выборы в Беларуси не были ни свободными, ни справедливыми. ЕС призывает власти Беларуси начать подлин…

    eu_eeasПрэзідэнцкія выбары ў Беларусі не былі ні свабодныя, ні справядлівыя. ЕС заклікае ўлады Беларусі распачаць сапраўд…

    nomfupRT @CNN: From Belarus to Hong Kong, journalists ‘are bearing the brunt of the global surge in repression.’ Analysis by @brianstelter http…

    pierremoscoviciL’élection au Bélarus n’a été « ni libre, ni équitable”, la répression et les menaces envers les forces démocratiqu…

    CSpillmannManquent encore une déclaration à 27 pour s’imposer face à la #Turquie et une condamnation claire toujours à 27 des…

    ftbrusselsBelarus opposition leader flees to Lithuania after rejecting election results

    CSpillmannLa réunion de #Berlin sera une réunion sanctions. Il y aura celles que @JosepBorrellF a été mandaté de préparer con…

    JosepBorrellF#BelarusPresidentialElection were neither free nor fair. EU calls on #Belarus leadership to initiate genuine dialo…

    EGardiniAmici, domani ci diamo il buongiorno? Vi aspetto collegati dalle ore 9:00 su @RaiTre. Sarò ospite di @agorarai Es…

    eunewsitIl commissario per la Giustizia non vuole trattamenti di favore, per evitare consumatori di ‘serie A’ e consumatori…

    RebHarmsRT @AliceBota: Maria Kolesnikowa heute auf ihrer PK (sie saß allein zwischen zwei leeren Stühlen): „Swetlana, wenn du mich hörst: Ich unt…

    SKyriakidesEURT @EUCYPRUS: «Η κόπωση από τα μέτρα κατά του #COVID19 είναι φυσιολογική, αλλά σε αυτές τις δύσκολες στιγμές, πρέπει να συνεργαστούμε για ν…

    eunewsitL’Alto rappresentante dell’UE esce allo scoperto. E’ il primo rappresentante europeo a menzionare ufficialmente l’o…

    CSpillmannLe peuple du #Belarus “mérite mieux”. La présidentielle n’a été “ni libre ni équitable” Déclaration forte de #UE27…

    brandobenifeiRT @AbdelallLinda: ⚡️Human rights do not go on holiday! The letter that @InoltreA is sending with dozens of signatu…

    nomfupRT @nytimes: Clearview AI has hired Floyd Abrams, a top lawyer, to help fight claims that selling its data to law enforcement agencies viol…

    OECD?️ “#COVID19 has unveiled what young people have always known: we are resilient & resourceful irrespective of the o…

    nomfupTutto è pronto per l’annuncio del numero due del ticket democratico americano. E stasera @IlhanMN si gioca la sua p…

    nomfupRT @thematthill: We are excited to welcome all-stars to @JoeBiden’s running mate team: @K_JeanPierre, Chief of Staff @sheilanix, Senior Ad…

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    UE-Turchia, Borrell: “Esploriamo nuovi modi per ridurre le tensioni”

    Josep Borrell, alto rappresentante UE per la politica estera e di sicurezza e Mevlut Çavuşoğlu, ministro degli Esteri turco [Ankara, 6 luglio 2020]
    Continuano le frizioni alimentate dalla politica estera aggressiva di Ankara nel Mediterraneo orientale. Resta aperto il canale diplomatico dell’UE, che condanna la riconversione della Basilica di Santa Sofia in una moschea

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    Dall’UE solidarietà a Grecia e Bulgaria, ma nessuna proposta per risolvere la crisi migratoria

    Companies would be able to use edge computing to process data generated from the internet of things (IoT) gadgets -… RT : “Kiertotalousratkaisumme eivät riitä muuttamaan talouttamme tarpeeksi kestävälle pohjalle, elleivät ne leviä kansainväli… RT : De quoi Roman Polanski est-il le nom ? Magnifique article de Pascal Bruckner sur le naufrage de la pensée, […]