Tensioni tra Grecia e Turchia nel Mediterraneo orientale, Berlino tenta la mediazione
MalmstromEURT @PIIE: Despite steady progress since 1997, women remain elusive among the leadership of publicly listed firms. If current trends continu…
CSpillmannSi @PhilHoganEU démissionne, ce qui est annoncé, @vonderleyen doit elle confier le portefeuille commerce à son suc… https://t.co/LJcjnvetm7
JosepBorrellFI thank @jensstoltenberg for his presence with EU defence ministers today. EU-@NATO cooperation remains crucial. In… https://t.co/r3aGgwKbfB
SyedKamallRT @H2Europe: Jaguar Land Rover is embarking on a serious #hydrogen power research project with the aim of developing #fuelcell-powered ver…
MalmstromEURT @PIIE: If you missed the discussion with Robert Zoellick on his new book “America in the World: A History of U.S. Diplomacy and Foreign…
CSpillmannRT @Enthoven_R: Il y a quelques mois encore, on était des milliers à rire de bon coeur des incultes qui s’indignaient de ce titre. Désorma…
CSpillmannRT @SophieintVeld: Indeed EU Commissioners are independent and not accountable to national governments. Only @EU_Commission President can m…
M5S_EuropaLe dimissioni di #Hogan da @Trade_EU sono doverose e rappresentano un monito anche ai politici nostrani. I cittadin… https://t.co/Fnz3dGVjpF
CSpillmannRT @ilfoglio_it: Le dimissioni di #PhilHogan rimangono un rischio per la Commissione europea. Il commissario al Commercio lascia dopo il Go…
CSpillmannRT @matdemees: Paris, mais aussi Marseille, Nice, Montpellier +plages des environs. Tous les touristes/vacanciers belges qui en reviennent…
CSpillmannRT @quatremer: La télévision irlandaise annonce la démission de @PhilHoganEU. Étonnant.
CSpillmannRT @tconnellyRTE: I’ll have an interview with @PhilHoganEU on tonight’s Nine TV News on @rtenews on tonight’s dramatic announcement
CSpillmannQui peut limoger @PhilHoganEU ? @vonderleyen avec l’approbation du collège https://t.co/MetLZLjzP4
JosepBorrellFWe reviewed @EUNAVFOR_MED. Operation Irini has proved his value and impartiality, following UN mandate, contributin… https://t.co/uoXTMKvJmw
MarcoPiantiniRT @AICursaru: Excellent panel discussion @forumalpbach with experts on the EU overcoming the #COVID19 crisis and its vision for the contin…
CSpillmannRT @LithuaniaInEU: #Internet disruptions in #Belarus became part of Lukashenko’s regime modus operandi. Detention and violence against pe…
CSpillmannLa planète rose https://t.co/O8nMaYnQYF
ftbrusselsEU trade commissioner set to resign after furore over Irish dinner https://t.co/dIS986HfdX
CSpillmannRT @ptebibel: Enrico Letta à #LaREF20 “Michel Barnier ne pouvait pas le dire mais moi je vais vous le dire : nous n’aurions pas pu aboutir…
CSpillmannRT @franakviacorka: ”Give me my flag!” — 73 years old Nina Bahinskaja wants her flag back from riot policeman. She is known for her partici…