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    Venezuela, ambasciatrice UE ha lasciato il Paese: “Ma il mio cuore rimane qui”

    eu_nearRT @EUinAlbania: Today, our colleagues Andrea & Sylvain met young members of the H.A.N.A Centre (Hand to hand Against Nation Apathy), an am…

    eu_nearRT @EUinAlbania: Follow their work! Join them! Be inspired! ➡️➡️➡️ 2/2

    Antonio_TajaniRiduzione della pressione fiscale e veri risarcimenti. Sono queste le proposte di @forza_italia per sostenere le im…

    germanyintheeu🏳️‍🌈💕Equal Rights for all 💕🏳️‍🌈 The Federal Government today adopted its LGBTI Inclusion Strategy to promote the i…

    Europarl_ITDomattina alle 9:00, collegati al nostro profilo e segui in diretta streaming 📺 in 🇮🇹 l’incontro organizzato per ce…

    Marcozanni86RT @tomgnaf: Tra poco! @Marcozanni86

    ftbrusselsTensions between EU and UK rise again over Northern Ireland

    straneuropaMa quanto è strano che la Lega voglia il Ppe e i grillini il Pse? @LaStampa @EPPGroup @Europarl_IT

    ThierryBreton🇪🇺Task Force working visit to The Netherlands today 🇳🇱 Ramping up #vaccine production with Halix, a supplier of As…

    vonderleyenGlad to speak to Prime Minister Draghi tonight. We discussed cooperation on vaccine production & delivery. We loo…

    RebHarmsRT @mathieuvonrohr: Gerhard Schröder darf sich über Gesellschaft freuen

    RebHarmsRT @petras_petras: Charles #Michel on #Ukraine: “It’s a tragedy that people continue to die in this war on the European continent in 2021.…

    RebHarmsRT @PromoteUkraine: ❗️ Russian mercenaries in #Donbas announce withdrawal from truce ❗️ @GlasnostGone @OSCE_SMM @O…

    JanezLenarcicOur #ERCC is closely monitoring the aftermath of 6.3 magnitude earthquake that hit #Greece today and is in contact…

    epc_euRT @CGDev: How can we promote open attitudes to immigration and shift views of the movable middle? Why focus on them at all? @helen_dempst…

    TimmermansEUA real pleasure to exchange today with professor Dasgupta. There is no future on a dead planet: our economies are e…

    RenewEurope#Syria10 @NathalieLoiseau : “Tous ce que vous nous avez dit ce soir nous aidera pour la résolution du Parlement eur…

    ecfr”The #EU’s attitude towards the #OHR is reminiscent of Middle Ages dogma: the way we do things now is right, and th…

    brandobenifeiBizzarra idea di democrazia quella di #FdI: stanno all’opposizione ma dicono che #Draghi fa quello che dicono loro…

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    Venezuela, UE espelle l’ambasciatrice a Bruxelles: “Persona non grata”

    ecfr📢 #Podcast time! How can #Portugal deliver a fair and inclusive #climate and digital transition? What will the bigg…

    eu_echoOn #WorldNGOday, we thank all our NGO partners for the tremendous job they are doing! 👏

    EU_opendata📣 #OpenData geeks! Check out #ENDORSE2021, the conference for reference data and semantics … the behind-the-scene…

    ftbrusselsEurope’s AstraZeneca stockpile mounts as citizens snub jab

    ecfrRT @carlbildt: Internering analysis from @ecfr on the domestic political battles in 🇮🇷 over relations with the West and the nuclear deal. h…

    brandobenifeiPenso sia un chiarimento utile, spero che @ilsussidiario corregga l’articolo, perché ha generato sconcerto con una…

    brandobenifeiRT @betman: @ivanscalfarotto @brandobenifei @matteorenzi Ivan, ora è Renzi che deve spiegazioni. E farci sapere se dopo il rapporto Cia fat…

    helenadalliRT @antonioguterres: I am appalled by the abduction of more than 300 girls during an attack on a secondary school in Nigeria today. Attack…

    brandobenifeiSenza polemica anche da parte mia, ma personalmente mi riferivo a questa intervista rilasciata a @ilsussidiario, ri…

    NabilaEUspoxToday, @UN High Commissioner for Human Rights @mbachelet presented her report on situation of Human Rights in…

    RebHarmsRT @GinaDrivingEV: Leaders of dozens of environmental groups send letter to Biden indicating eagerness to work with administration on bold…

    RebHarmsBruxelles 🚴‍♂️🚴🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️🚴🚴‍♀️

    ecfrRT @ECFRMena: With #Biden, #Tehran has the door open for a US return to the #JCPOA offering several pathways for achieving this. Yet, it in…

    RebHarmsRT @annettedittert: Just had my 💉💉💉. Didn’t expect to be so moved by it. But as the Queen said, it is incredibly relieving. And: Unbelievab…

    GiacomoFassinaMy plans for Easter

    RebHarmsRT @HURI_Harvard: Today, on the 7th anniversary of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, the @POTUS Biden administration released a statement of i…

    OlivierBaillyEU#factchecking : Et la vaccination en Europe, on en est où? 3 chiffres simples qui montrent qu’on accélère 🇪🇺

    RosaBalfourFor fish eaters everywhere: things can be done differently. It’s about sustainability.…

    OlivierBaillyEUBravo Jobst! C’est un beau jour pour nos amis de #cotedivoire. La vaccination va pouvoir commencer, en partie grâce…

    PiaAhrenkildeBest wishes & muchas gracias, dear Paco, for all your achievements & inspiration as member of our #DGCOMM family of…

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    Bielorussia: UE sanziona Lukashenko e altri 14 funzionari per la repressione in corso

    RebHarmsRT @Peine01: „Wisse, daß es kein Leid gibt, dem nicht Freude folgte, kein Unglück, das nicht irgendein Glück nach sich zöge.“ Gute Nacht mi…

    nomfupRT @voxdotcom: If the two Georgia seats go to the Democrats, the Senate will be split 50-50, but the Democratic half will represent 41,549,…

    RebHarmsRT @ConStelz: Dignity advice from Danes. It has come to this.

    VivianeRedingEURT @Channel4News: Philadelphia’s mayor has told Donald Trump to “put his big boy pants on” and accept defeat. The president has alleged el…

    CSpillmannRT @Veroauger_eu: Pourquoi la France a t elle aujourd’hui les plus mauvais résultats en Europe dans la lutte contre le #COVID19france ? Une…

    nomfupRT @nowthisnews: ‘History right now is unfolding in Georgia’ — Jon Ossoff on his runoff race and all eyes turning to the Peach State https:…

    nomfupRT @axios: If Democrats pull off Senate runoffs in Georgia, the 50-50 Senate split would give a President Biden a razor-thin window to make…

    RebHarmsRT @MaximEristavi: A great example that there are no lost causes, even in autocracies. A joint effort by superb independent journalism of @…

    jameskanterRT @RosaTristan: Lesbos. Terrible la llegada del frío y la lluvia

    CSpillmannRT @SabVt: Il revient comme un boomerang, ce tweet-là ! #Election2020

    ansaeuropa#Lavoro: Ue, gap di genere nei salari ancora elevato #donne

    ansaeuropa#Schengen: #Ue, entro dicembre primo forum per riformare @EU_Commission

    RebHarmsRT @IMatviyishyn: My new story is about women’s power: an IDP from Donbas and a single mother of three from the west of Ukraine who started…

    VivianeRedingEUWhen will the Info-Business go back to reasonable?!?!??

    ansaeuropa#Covid: #Ue, bene piattaforme contro fake news, proseguire sforzi #fakenews #disinformazione @VeraJourova

    ansaeuropa#Brexit: domani telefonata von Der Leyen-Johnson @vonderleyen

    nomfupRT @GuyKawasaki: She’ll be back, and she’s going to kick a lot of ass.

    EPPGroupRT @nathalie_conrad: Our letter to @vonderleyen today “All of us have united here to ask you to stand up to the ambitions you have set out…


    sandrogoziMerci @NathalieLoiseau Jeu d’équipe, comme d’habitude !

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    Turchia e Bielorussia, via libera dei leader dell’UE alle sanzioni

    Un momento della riunione straordinaria del Consiglio europeo, che ha dato il via libera a sanzioni contro la Bielorussia e preparato il terreno per provvedimenti contro la Turchia [Bruxelles, 1 ottobre 2020. Foto: European Council]
    Minacciate contro Ankara, ma pronte a essere prese in caso di nuove aggressioni e tensioni nell’area del Mediterraneo orientale. Restrizioni mirate attivate per le violenze a Minsk (ma non contro il contestato presidente Lukashenko). Merkel: “Dibattiti di grande successo”