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    Elezioni in Bielorussia: Tikhanovskaya si prepara a dar battaglia a Lukashenko. L’UE: “siano elezioni libere”

    RebHarmsRT @UKRintheUSA: Occupation of #Crimea by Russia brings widespread searches, detentions, violation of the rights to freedom of opinion &rel…

    Ansip_EURT @ERC_Research: Il faut que le budget UE de la recherche «reste ambitieux & réponde aux ambitions politiques affichées; c’est dans cette…

    RebHarmsRT @MattiMaasikas: The book to start with, if one wants to understand contemporary Ukrainian identity(ies) and their roots. For once by Ukr…

    sandrogoziRT @SophieintVeld: “So tell me how you did it Viktor, gagging the media, silencing critics and opponents, capturing the judiciary and still…

    lapopistelliCome sempre, parole semplici e definitive del Presidente Mattarella.

    nomfupRT @Reuters: In the heart New York and metro Los Angeles, Rite Aid deployed facial recognition systems in largely lower-income, non-white n…


    eunewsitElezioni in #Bielorussia: Tikhanovskaya si prepara a dar battaglia a Lukashenko. L’UE: “siano elezioni libere”

    luigidimaioSoluzioni sull’immigrazione: no slogan, no urla. Il piano in 6 punti.

    MalmstromEURT @TradeEconomista: Ta-daa! And here is the final product! Me talking 2 @RobiPiermartini & Jose about their new @WorldBank -@wto report…

    ftbrusselsS&P lifts outlook on EU credit rating

    Europarl_ITViaggiare in sicurezza con i propri animali domestici nell’UE è possibile, basta rispettare alcune regole. Ecco tut…

    nomfupRT @guardian: Young, British & Black: the voices behind the UK’s anti-racism protests

    nomfupRT @washingtonpost: Rep. Karen Bass fought for Blacks and Latinos in South Los Angeles. Now, she’s on Biden’s VP shortlist.…

    nomfupRT @ftukpolitics: Boris Johnson loyalists rewarded with peerages

    nomfupRT @jasondhorowitz: When Italy was the stuff of Covid nightmares, Trump and Biden and much of Europe mocked it as a shorthand for uncontrol…

    vonderleyenI’m getting ready for family time at home. ✅Bags packed. ✅Summer reading sorted. ✅Coronavirus contact tracing app…

    SyedKamallRT @iealondon: ? HOW STRONG ARE BRITISH BANKS? ? Read the new report from Prof Kevin Dowd asking if British banks cab survive the impact of…

    SyedKamallRT @iealondon: “Richard Cobden is the man Jeremy Corbyn thinks he is” @rcolvile joined @syedkamall for the latest episode in our ‘School o…

    SyedKamallRT @epicenterEU: What are the factors that will determine whether the recovery in trade volumes will follow the WTO’s optimistic or pessimi…

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    Crimea, la Russia apre altri cantieri navali: nuovo richiamo dell’UE a difesa della sovranità dell’Ucraina

    Bulc_EUVarnost v cestnem prometu so ljudje, njihove zgodbe in posledice neodgovornega obnašanja na cestah. Road Safety are…

    ftbrusselsGove urges sceptical businesses to embrace £50m customs broker scheme

    JHahnEURT @EUKommWien: .@vonderleyen und @JHahnEU in der @WienerZeitung: In diesem Moment globaler Unsicherheit ist Europa ?? der beste Ort, an de…

    JHahnEURT @EU_Commission: We want to ensure that the EU recovery package is in place by 1 January 2021 President @vonderLeyen, @EP_President Sass…

    eunewsit#RecoveryFund, Parlamento UE pronto ad approvare le nuove risorse proprie a settembre

    JHahnEUThe dialogue with the #holysee is important to ensure we work together to reach our common global goals, such as th…

    JHahnEUAlways good to exchange views with different constituencies: Thank you for the interesting exchange @globsec…

    straneuropaScontro Piemonte-governo: “Basta migranti” Cirio vuole chiudere la porta Altri seguiranno via @LaStampa

    vonderleyenMy priority, together with @EP_President Sassoli & Chancellor Merkel, is to have the EU’s recovery package…

    DigitaliansEURT @RiccardoLuna: La fine dell’età dell’innocenza digitale via @repubblica

    ansaeuropa#Nato, #Usa consultati con alleati su ritiro soldati

    ThierryBretonRT @Le_Figaro: Ursula von der Leyen et Thierry Breton: «Faire rimer avenir de l’Europe et vision pour les générations futures» #FigaroVox…

    OECD?? #Tourism is a major contributor to OECD economies. Prior to the #COVID19 crisis, the sector directly contribut…

    SKyriakidesEURT @EU_Health: We must be prepared for possible resurgences of #coronavirus Tackling new outbreaks efficiently requires closely coordinate…

    eunewsitLa @EU_Commission approva l’#etichetta italiana “a batteria”, la soddisfazione del settore. @FedAlimentare : “Un la…

    SkaKellerSuspending the limited room for work and family life of the Catalan pro-independence leaders is a harsh decision fr…

    eunewsit. @jwojc vuole la sovranità alimentare dell’UE: “Meno importazioni non è protezionismo”. Il commissario all’…

    eurodeputatipd#La situazione del #Mediterraneo continua ad essere insostenibile ed inumana”. La lettera di @bartolopietro1,…

    MarosSefcovicEurope has shown that it is up to the task. ? Read our joint op-ed with President @vonderleyen “Making Europe’s fut…

    US2EURT @StateDeputySPOX: .@SecPompeo has been clear: The United States must engage and empower the Chinese people – a dynamic, freedom-loving p…

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    Caso Prokopyeva: l’UE denuncia il nuovo attacco della Russia alla libertà di stampa e al giornalismo indipendente

    RebHarmsRT @ansuschwarz: “The EU itself is a multilateral construction. It is also a community of law and therein lies its sleeping beauty.” The fu… RebHarmsRT @NordhausenFrank: Türkischer Oppositionsführer Kemal Kilicdaroglu in einem Interview mit mir: “In der Türkei ist niemand sicher.” – Aber… VivianeRedingEUsome hours left to registrate FMCastaldoIl dibattito sul #MES c’è solo […]