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    Polonia, per sopprimere le proteste il premier Morawiecki chiama l’esercito

    LuciaCaudetDie @EU_Commission wird Webkonzernen mehr Pflichten auferlegen, um Hasspropaganda oder den Verkauf gefälschter Güte…

    eunewsitDal governo contributi lampo per le categorie danneggiate dalle chiusure anti #COVID19. @GiuseppeConteIT : deriva v…

    ansaeuropa”Non tolleriamo alcuna violazione dei diritti fondamentali in nessuna delle nostre attività”, afferma il direttore…

    jduchRT @petrisarvamaa: Talks with @EU2020DE on #RuleOfLaw conditionality closed for today. Some progress, but we are not there yet. The Parliam…

    US2EURT @statedeptspox: The United States and the world stand in solidarity with the people of Belarus. They have demonstrated remarkable courag…

    ansaeuropaSi punterà piuttosto a rafforzare la contrattazione collettiva spingendo quei Paesi dove oggi non arriva a coprire…

    JHahnEURT @Xavier_Bettel: A memorable day for ?? and ?? : Together with Commissioner @JHahnEU and Robert Scharfe, CEO @LuxembourgSE we ‘rang the b…

    jduchRT @SFischer_EU: #RuleOfLaw: Positive and constructive 3rd trilogue on the conditionality mechanism. A lot of progress has been made. Cross…

    ansaeuropaE’ il secondo commissario Ue positivo nell’esecutivo. #COVID19 @MargSchinas

    FMCastaldoHearing in @EP_Economics of @EU_Finance Director-General Berrigan. I sought reassurance on financial stability in c…

    MarosSefcovicRT @EuropeanFiles: “With the #Covid_19 crisis accelerating the twin green and digital transitions, significant investments are being chann…

    CSpillmannRT @mdetaillac: Pendant que l’Espagne multiplie les restrictions contre le Covid, la crème de la crème de l’élite politique, médiatique et…

    FedericaMogRT @CoE_POL: ??? Today was the last class of Prof. Jacqué for the students of the POL department. Thank you Professor for spreading your kn…

    JosepBorrellFA lire mon nouveau post de blog sur les relations entre l’Union et le Maghreb: Mes réf…

    FMCastaldoAudizione in @EP_Economics del Direttore generale di @EU_Finance Berrigan. Sono intervenuto per chiedere rassicuraz…

    jameskanterRT @CommissionerHR: Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation #SLAPP are intended to intimidate & silence critics. @coe states shld p…

    ansaeuropa”Ci aspettiamo un aumento degli #npl, in particolare una volta scadute le misure di sostegno pubblico, come la mora…

    Europarl_ITRT @PE_Italia: ?28/10 h 15 terzo appuntamento con “Idee per un nuovo mondo”? ?@EP_President @DavidSassoli dialoga con: ?Il Presidente del…

    jameskanterRT @Mikepeeljourno: A Belgian police officer who gave a Nazi salute in a cell where a man lay dying still reportedly works for the force, a…

    GiuseppeConteITRT @Palazzo_Chigi: #DecretoRistori, la conferenza stampa del Presidente @GiuseppeConteIT e dei Ministri @gualtierieurope e @SPatuanelli ?…

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    Gasdotto Nord Stream 2: la Polonia multa Gazprom

    Ansip_EURT @Reuters: Roger Federer surprised two young girls in Italy who had staged a remarkable rally from the rooftops of neighboring buildings…

    MichelBarnierDentro de 5 meses, termina o período de transição do #Brexit: o ?? deixa o mercado único e a União Aduaneira da ??.…

    euobs”As the police, we take action not because somebody hung a flag, but because by so doing they insulted religious fe…

    luigidimaioBisogna puntare a fermare le partenze. La questione migranti va risolta alla radice, dialogando con la Tunisia e ra…

    nomfupSoundtrack of the Day: #SOTD20

    nomfupSoundtrack of the Day: #SOTD20

    nomfupSoundtrack of the Day: #SOTD20

    CSpillmannRT @JPvanYpersele: Il faut lire ce thread:

    straneuropaRT @LaStampa: #Zavoli architetto della migliore tv pubblica e socio indiscusso del club dei padri dell’inchiesta, televisiva e no. Ci manch…

    straneuropaZavoli, il socialista di Dio e “quella falsa sensazione di essere immortale” Era una sera fredda e trasparente…

    euobs”The measure will apply to all Chinese exporters, with the exception of one cooperating company,” says the European…

    euobsBulgaria’s troubled prime minister has not ruled out stepping down, following weeks of anti-government protests

    euobsSweden’s economy slumped by 8.6 percent in the April-to-June period from the previous three months.

    RebHarmsGuten Morgen! Und Tschüss Lauenburg ?

    euobs[Stakeholder] ‘These women need our help. Their safety is the surest sign of European values in real life: When the…

    euobs[Opinion] ‘I hate to break it to you, but excuses have run out. You have to look at the images of sobbing journalis…

    EU_CoRWe will work for: ✅Bringing Europe closer to people #EUlocal ✅Building resilient local communities #EUGreenDeal ✅Pu…

    nomfupRT @AOC: Two years ago, three out of the four women running grassroots campaigns in @knockdownmovie lost their primary election. Today, 3…

    nomfupRT @nytopinion: Big Tech companies insist that their rise to power has been “a saga of ingenuity and courage, and that their market dominan…

    nomfupUna delle – non so se poche o molte – chances che ha Trump di rivincere la Casa Bianca: la guerra totale dei social…