RebHarmsThey won‘t give up until former President leaves: Uchodi Lukashenka! #StandWithBelarus #Belarus
EPPGroupThe people of #Belarus continue their peaceful protest and are met with consistent brutality by the #Lukashenko reg…
FedericaMogHere my interview on #USAelection2020 #BidenHarris2020 #EU – #US relations with @camanpour on @cnni
EPPGroupRT @listenlund: EU negotiators from the parliament and member states are due this week to discuss a longstanding plan that would force plat…
jduchMEPs want the amount of €672,5 billion euros in grants and loans to be available to finance national measures desig…
nomfupRT @TIME: Capping off a contentious two-year stint, Rep. Cheri Bustos, the head of House Democrats’ campaign arm, has decided to exit her p…
ManfredWeberRT @simoncoveney: It’s for UK Parl to legislate as it sees fit. But understand, if UK passes law designed to break International Law, WI &…
nomfupRT @nytimes: Dan Quayle, a Republican who was vice president to President George H.W. Bush when their ticket lost to Bill Clinton in 1992,…
nomfupNel frattempo, in un universo parallelo
FedericaMogRT @camanpour: Former EU Foreign Policy Chief @FedericaMog says she has been saddened to see the US “denying so many of its fundamental val…
LJahierEUThis is simply…. unique #Music make miracles and it’s #Magic
EP_PresidentIf COVID-19 has taught us one thing, it’s that we need to strengthen European democracy. The Conference on the Futu…
EP_PresidentWenn uns COVID-19 eines gelehrt hat, dann, dass wir europäische Demokratie stärken müssen. Die Konferenz zur Zukunf…
ecrgroupECR MEP Jadwiga Wiśniewska: “We support all measures aimed at protecting the Union’s budget, but they must be legal…
JosepBorrellFWe often say ‘Europe comes out of the crisis stronger’. To this end, we need to be mobilised on all fronts and EU D…
nomfupRT @nytpolitics: Even in defeat, Republicans saw clear indicators of the enduring power of Trump-style populism. By the time Joe Biden gave…
nomfupRT @nytopinion: The competitiveness of the Trump coalition, the fact that his party came through the election in better-than-expected shape…
EPPGroupIt’s what we have been saying for weeks. @eucopresident agrees with us that there can be no impunity for those glor…
nomfupEmpatia si sta rucolizzando, siamo già nei paraggi della resilienza
ansaeuropaCoinvolgere le regioni di confine dotandole di risorse specifiche e procedure accelerate, concludere i negoziati pe…