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    Arresto Navalny: dall’UE sanzioni mirate contro quattro dirigenti russi

    arianna_podesta🇪🇺 @EU_Commission opened in-depth investigation to assess whether 🇩🇪 plans to compensate with €4.35 billion lignite…

    Europarl_ITAperte le candidature al Premio del cittadino europeo 2021: candida il tuo progetto o nominane uno che ti è piaciut…

    epc_euRT @J_Greubel: Below #CoFoE comparison not only shows which institution (as of now) got its way in which area & where EP might try to re-ne…

    brandobenifeiIl Presidente #Draghi ha esperienza e può governare bene col nostro sostegno, ma sono preoccupato per il comportame…

    OECDOur dedicated #COVID19 digital Hub is available in 6⃣ languages: ✅ English ✅ French ✅ Spanish ✅ Portuguese ✅ Germa…

    ecfrRT @majda_ruge: My latest for @ecfr on 🇩🇪 nomination of Christian Schmidt as the new High Representative to #Bosnia. Read about the risks s…

    ecfrRT @ECFRMadrid: We’re listening to the fascinating conversation between @philipstephens @FT & @jitorreblanca @ecfr on the #UK’s search for…

    CarloCalendaCredo purtroppo che abbia perfettamente ragione

    JosepBorrellFMon post de blog au sujet du partenariat avec nos voisins du sud de la Méditerranée discuté au dernier Conseil Euro…

    MalosseHenriExclusif, la Taxonomie, cette nouvelle invention de la Bureaucratie européenne qui menace les petits métiers europé…

    EU_ENVRT @InterregBSR: Through the #Interreg project #BSRStarsS3, business support organisations, public authorities & policymakers around the #B…

    epc_euRT @EgmontInstitute: Tomorrow @EgmontInstitute @epc_eu event on: The #EU’s new #tradestrategy: open, sustainable and assertive? With @We…

    ecfrRT @ECFRPower: In case you missed the latest @ecfr podcast – last week @markhleonard was joined by Claudia Azevedo, Teresa Gouveia & @Moeda…

    ftbrusselsErdogan pledges human rights reforms

    cristinascarfiaNon l’avrei mai detto!

    straneuropaExport di armi, record del governo #Renzi e boom di commesse dall’Arabia Saudita I conti di @raphael_zanotti…

    CarloCalendaRT @Azione_it: Questa sera, alle ore 22:20, @CarloCalenda sarà ospite a @diMartedi su @La7tv. #Azione #DiMartedì

    US2EURT @EUintheUS: The EU and U.S. are in lockstep in dealing with #Russia over Alexei Navalny. ⤵️

    OECDRT @CSharrockParis: My report on the fourth round of consultations for the selection of the OECD Secretary-General went live on the OECD we…

    RenewEuropeRT @CiolosDacian: I salute the first use of the EU Magnitsky Act. #Navalny Despots need to learn they can’t disregard #humanrights and de…