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    Borrell: “Pronti a sanzioni mirate per i responsabili delle violenze in Bielorussia”

    Bulc_EUWhat an experience in a small village of #Sentjanz, ?? #exceptionalFood, engaged #people, beautiful #Nature. Being…

    eu_eeasRT @ExtSpoxEU: Hong Kong: Further arrests of pro-democracy activists under #NationalSecurityLaw, incl. #AgnesChow @chowtingagnes on Tuesday…

    eu_eeasПрезидентские выборы в Беларуси не были ни свободными, ни справедливыми. ЕС призывает власти Беларуси начать подлин…

    eu_eeasПрэзідэнцкія выбары ў Беларусі не былі ні свабодныя, ні справядлівыя. ЕС заклікае ўлады Беларусі распачаць сапраўд…

    nomfupRT @CNN: From Belarus to Hong Kong, journalists ‘are bearing the brunt of the global surge in repression.’ Analysis by @brianstelter http…

    pierremoscoviciL’élection au Bélarus n’a été « ni libre, ni équitable”, la répression et les menaces envers les forces démocratiqu…

    CSpillmannManquent encore une déclaration à 27 pour s’imposer face à la #Turquie et une condamnation claire toujours à 27 des…

    ftbrusselsBelarus opposition leader flees to Lithuania after rejecting election results

    CSpillmannLa réunion de #Berlin sera une réunion sanctions. Il y aura celles que @JosepBorrellF a été mandaté de préparer con…

    JosepBorrellF#BelarusPresidentialElection were neither free nor fair. EU calls on #Belarus leadership to initiate genuine dialo…

    EGardiniAmici, domani ci diamo il buongiorno? Vi aspetto collegati dalle ore 9:00 su @RaiTre. Sarò ospite di @agorarai Es…

    eunewsitIl commissario per la Giustizia non vuole trattamenti di favore, per evitare consumatori di ‘serie A’ e consumatori…

    RebHarmsRT @AliceBota: Maria Kolesnikowa heute auf ihrer PK (sie saß allein zwischen zwei leeren Stühlen): „Swetlana, wenn du mich hörst: Ich unt…

    SKyriakidesEURT @EUCYPRUS: «Η κόπωση από τα μέτρα κατά του #COVID19 είναι φυσιολογική, αλλά σε αυτές τις δύσκολες στιγμές, πρέπει να συνεργαστούμε για ν…

    eunewsitL’Alto rappresentante dell’UE esce allo scoperto. E’ il primo rappresentante europeo a menzionare ufficialmente l’o…

    CSpillmannLe peuple du #Belarus “mérite mieux”. La présidentielle n’a été “ni libre ni équitable” Déclaration forte de #UE27…

    brandobenifeiRT @AbdelallLinda: ⚡️Human rights do not go on holiday! The letter that @InoltreA is sending with dozens of signatu…

    nomfupRT @nytimes: Clearview AI has hired Floyd Abrams, a top lawyer, to help fight claims that selling its data to law enforcement agencies viol…

    OECD?️ “#COVID19 has unveiled what young people have always known: we are resilient & resourceful irrespective of the o…

    nomfupTutto è pronto per l’annuncio del numero due del ticket democratico americano. E stasera @IlhanMN si gioca la sua p…

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    Caos Bielorussia, Lukashenko si proclama vincitore tra scontri e disordini. UE pronta a rispondere

    “La Bielorussia vuole il cambiamento”, slogan elettorale della candidata Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, che non riconosce la vittoria del presidente uscente
    Il presidente uscente rieletto con l’80% dei voti, secondo i dati ufficiali non riconosciuti dalla principale sfidante. La denuncia di brogli. La sfidante Svetlana Tikhanovskaya: “Ho vinto io”. Uso della violenza sulla folla. La Polonia chiede un vertice straordinario, la Commissione: “Valutiamo come plasmare le relazioni con Minsk”

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    “Schiaccia il bacarozzo”: la Bielorussia al voto. Borrell: “Lukashenko rilasci attivisti e giornalisti”. Tusk (PPE): “E’ un popolo coraggioso, che combatte per i diritti europei”.

    Europarl_ITIl turismo è uno dei settori che più stanno soffrendo per le conseguenze della pandemia #covid19. L’UE lavora per p…

    LJahierEURT @axios: Counterintelligence chief: Russia aiming to “denigrate” Biden ahead of election

    CSpillmannRT @JPvanYpersele: Climate change in action: Italian homes evacuated over risk of Mont-Blanc glacier collapse | World news | The Guardian h…

    CSpillmannValéry Lerouge (France 2): “La façon de faire de Sophie Wilmès pendant la crise a peut-être été plus efficace que c…

    CSpillmannÉdito: un État N-VA et un État PS?

    nomfupRT @nzlabour: “When we stood here three years ago, it wasn’t about winning for the sake of it. It wasn’t about being better than anyone els…

    nomfupRT @nytopinion: “The post-2020, post-Trump Republican future,” writes @nytdavidbrooks, “is embodied by a small group of Republican senators…

    nomfupRT @TheEconomist: “Conversations about monuments outside are being applied to monuments inside,” says Dan Hicks, who oversees world archaeo…

    nomfupLa playlist estiva, ma di ogni estate, prevede di primo rimpasto, a seguire autunno caldo, di rinforzo transumanza,…

    nomfupRT @washingtonpost: Gretchen Whitmer met with Joe Biden to discuss vice presidential nomination

    LGBTIintergroupRT @TerryReintke: Look at Poland right now. Intimidation against LGBTI*s is put into concrete action with arrests and attacks on solidarit…



    CoordEuropaQuattro anni dopo, nessuna giustizia per le vittime delle sparizioni forzate in Ucraina

    CoordEuropaRT @marsemavi: Swiss Federal Court confirmed conviction against human rights defender Anni Lanz. She gave a homeless frost-bitten Afghan a…

    nomfupRT @nytpolitics: Marquita Bradshaw, an environmental justice advocate who has run her Senate campaign on a shoestring budget, won an upset…

    RebHarmsRT @melindaharing: Weekend read: Five lessons Gen. Scowcroft’s career offers by the inimitable @JacobHeilbrunn. We are more than proud to c…

    brandobenifeiRT @GiacomoBottos: Il nuovo numero di @pandorarivista. @fondunipolis @ASviSItalia @DD_Forum @marioricciard18 @paolo_magri @ispionline @col…

    RebHarmsRT @wiczipedia: I would suggest ignoring people who never for a second thought about Belarus before it fit their narrative of “neocons and…

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    Elezioni in Bielorussia: Tikhanovskaya si prepara a dar battaglia a Lukashenko. L’UE: “siano elezioni libere”

    RebHarmsRT @UKRintheUSA: Occupation of #Crimea by Russia brings widespread searches, detentions, violation of the rights to freedom of opinion &rel…

    Ansip_EURT @ERC_Research: Il faut que le budget UE de la recherche «reste ambitieux & réponde aux ambitions politiques affichées; c’est dans cette…

    RebHarmsRT @MattiMaasikas: The book to start with, if one wants to understand contemporary Ukrainian identity(ies) and their roots. For once by Ukr…

    sandrogoziRT @SophieintVeld: “So tell me how you did it Viktor, gagging the media, silencing critics and opponents, capturing the judiciary and still…

    lapopistelliCome sempre, parole semplici e definitive del Presidente Mattarella.

    nomfupRT @Reuters: In the heart New York and metro Los Angeles, Rite Aid deployed facial recognition systems in largely lower-income, non-white n…


    eunewsitElezioni in #Bielorussia: Tikhanovskaya si prepara a dar battaglia a Lukashenko. L’UE: “siano elezioni libere”

    luigidimaioSoluzioni sull’immigrazione: no slogan, no urla. Il piano in 6 punti.

    MalmstromEURT @TradeEconomista: Ta-daa! And here is the final product! Me talking 2 @RobiPiermartini & Jose about their new @WorldBank -@wto report…

    ftbrusselsS&P lifts outlook on EU credit rating

    Europarl_ITViaggiare in sicurezza con i propri animali domestici nell’UE è possibile, basta rispettare alcune regole. Ecco tut…

    nomfupRT @guardian: Young, British & Black: the voices behind the UK’s anti-racism protests

    nomfupRT @washingtonpost: Rep. Karen Bass fought for Blacks and Latinos in South Los Angeles. Now, she’s on Biden’s VP shortlist.…

    nomfupRT @ftukpolitics: Boris Johnson loyalists rewarded with peerages

    nomfupRT @jasondhorowitz: When Italy was the stuff of Covid nightmares, Trump and Biden and much of Europe mocked it as a shorthand for uncontrol…

    vonderleyenI’m getting ready for family time at home. ✅Bags packed. ✅Summer reading sorted. ✅Coronavirus contact tracing app…

    SyedKamallRT @iealondon: ? HOW STRONG ARE BRITISH BANKS? ? Read the new report from Prof Kevin Dowd asking if British banks cab survive the impact of…

    SyedKamallRT @iealondon: “Richard Cobden is the man Jeremy Corbyn thinks he is” @rcolvile joined @syedkamall for the latest episode in our ‘School o…

    SyedKamallRT @epicenterEU: What are the factors that will determine whether the recovery in trade volumes will follow the WTO’s optimistic or pessimi…

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    UE-Turchia, Borrell: “Esploriamo nuovi modi per ridurre le tensioni”

    Josep Borrell, alto rappresentante UE per la politica estera e di sicurezza e Mevlut Çavuşoğlu, ministro degli Esteri turco [Ankara, 6 luglio 2020]
    Continuano le frizioni alimentate dalla politica estera aggressiva di Ankara nel Mediterraneo orientale. Resta aperto il canale diplomatico dell’UE, che condanna la riconversione della Basilica di Santa Sofia in una moschea

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    Borrell: “Con la Turchia tendenze negative, ma serve dialogo per la stabilità del Mediterraneo”

    Josep Borrell, alto rappresentante UE per la politica estera e di sicurezza, interviene alla plenaria del Parlamento europeo [9 luglio 2020] L’alto rappresentante UE per la politica estera e di sicurezza di fronte al Parlamento europeo cerca di mediare le tensioni crescenti tra Bruxelles e Ankara. Il tema sarà sul tavolo del Consiglio degli Esteri […]

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    Violazioni dei diritti umani a Hong Kong e sugli uiguri: Borrell e Parlamento condannano la Cina

    RT : 🇩🇪Pour Angela Merkel qui a pris aujourd’hui la présidence du Conseil de l’Union européenne 🇪🇺on est encore loin d’un acco… RT : Comme le disait Claude Cheysson, ministre des Affaires étrangères de François Mitterrand, en décembre 1981 lors du coup d’Et… RT : Bachelot disruptive. “j’entends un syndicaliste médecin se plaindre : “je […]