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    Borrell a Roma per l’anniversario di Irini. La missione sarà estesa al 2023

    Europarl_IT Due film in competizione per il Premio LUX del pubblico 2021 – Un altro giro e Collective – sono stati nominati agl… Sono molto grato a @JosepBorrellF per la sua presenza oggi alla Farnesina in una giornata di grande valore simbolic… RT @EULawDataPubs: ‘Interoperability’ is not just about #ENDORSE2021. Digital interoperability is essential and ‘[…] has become one of th…eu_near RT @EUDelegationUA: 🇪🇺 More good news from @ULEADwithEurope! Today, the programme presented 4 Mobile Administrative Service Centers that w…TheProgressives Using financial legislation to combat tax evasion and avoidance is the way to go! #TaxJustice @paultang

    Read more… ✅ We managed to include a provision in STS quick fix that will require investors to notify national tax authoritie… Today, EU environment ministers discussed:

    🌍 #ClimateAdaptation
    🌍 #EUClimateLaw
    🌍 greening the European Semester… Check out statement @SKyriakidesEU on EMA’s review of AstraZeneca vaccine: EU threat to vaccine exports exposes mutual risks to global supply chain RT @EMA_News: Did you miss our press briefing on the conclusion of the review of #COVID19Vaccine AstraZeneca and blood clots? You can watch…NabilaEUspox RT @EUinTZ: Deep condolences to the family and to the Tanzanian people on the passing away of President John Magufuli. The #EuropeanUnion w…VeraJourova It was refreshing to participate in the @ForeignPolicyPR debate on #How2StopFakeNews. We need regulation that sets… There will be no demographic collapse on our watch. Our policies are designed to include families, support them & h… #Covid19: Apres les annonces du PM Français @JeanCASTEX , les Belges se demandent à quelle sauce ils vont être trai… Voices & recommendations of the civil society from #Syria & the region resonate in our new report. It documents the… RT @EFCA_EU: Today with @EMSA_LISBON & @Frontex we signed a new working arrangement defining ways to further support MS.

    Since 2017 nation…ETUI_org .@philippepochet – #Unions have often been framed as ‘powers of the past’, this is #false. The labour movement has… RT @ThomasWieder: “L’Allemagne applique un confinement strict depuis trois mois”, affirme Jean Castex. Non, l’Allemagne n’a jamais été “con…JanezLenarcic RT @MichouParaskevi: Delivering humanitarian assistance worldwide is not an easy task.
    This is when our 200+ partners step in. We would n…CSpillmann RT @Le_Figaro: Les échanges commerciaux entre l’Union européenne et le Royaume-Uni se sont effondrés en janvier. Les exportations de Londre…

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    Crisi umanitarie, l’Unione Europea vuole fare di più. Borrell: “Rischiamo di restare insensibili alla sofferenza umana”

    L’Alto Rappresentante Josep Borrell e il Commissario europeo per la gestione delle crisi Janez Lenarčič
    La Commissione europea vuole migliorare il coordinamento tra l’azione comunitaria e le iniziative degli Stati membri e promette di legare i finanziamenti alle condotte dei Paesi che non garantiscono l’accesso agli aiuti umanitari. Il Commissario Lenarcic: “Non possiamo chiudere un occhio”

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    Venezuela, UE espelle l’ambasciatrice a Bruxelles: “Persona non grata”

    ecfr📢 #Podcast time! How can #Portugal deliver a fair and inclusive #climate and digital transition? What will the bigg…

    eu_echoOn #WorldNGOday, we thank all our NGO partners for the tremendous job they are doing! 👏

    EU_opendata📣 #OpenData geeks! Check out #ENDORSE2021, the conference for reference data and semantics … the behind-the-scene…

    ftbrusselsEurope’s AstraZeneca stockpile mounts as citizens snub jab

    ecfrRT @carlbildt: Internering analysis from @ecfr on the domestic political battles in 🇮🇷 over relations with the West and the nuclear deal. h…

    brandobenifeiPenso sia un chiarimento utile, spero che @ilsussidiario corregga l’articolo, perché ha generato sconcerto con una…

    brandobenifeiRT @betman: @ivanscalfarotto @brandobenifei @matteorenzi Ivan, ora è Renzi che deve spiegazioni. E farci sapere se dopo il rapporto Cia fat…

    helenadalliRT @antonioguterres: I am appalled by the abduction of more than 300 girls during an attack on a secondary school in Nigeria today. Attack…

    brandobenifeiSenza polemica anche da parte mia, ma personalmente mi riferivo a questa intervista rilasciata a @ilsussidiario, ri…

    NabilaEUspoxToday, @UN High Commissioner for Human Rights @mbachelet presented her report on situation of Human Rights in…

    RebHarmsRT @GinaDrivingEV: Leaders of dozens of environmental groups send letter to Biden indicating eagerness to work with administration on bold…

    RebHarmsBruxelles 🚴‍♂️🚴🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️🚴🚴‍♀️

    ecfrRT @ECFRMena: With #Biden, #Tehran has the door open for a US return to the #JCPOA offering several pathways for achieving this. Yet, it in…

    RebHarmsRT @annettedittert: Just had my 💉💉💉. Didn’t expect to be so moved by it. But as the Queen said, it is incredibly relieving. And: Unbelievab…

    GiacomoFassinaMy plans for Easter

    RebHarmsRT @HURI_Harvard: Today, on the 7th anniversary of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, the @POTUS Biden administration released a statement of i…

    OlivierBaillyEU#factchecking : Et la vaccination en Europe, on en est où? 3 chiffres simples qui montrent qu’on accélère 🇪🇺

    RosaBalfourFor fish eaters everywhere: things can be done differently. It’s about sustainability.…

    OlivierBaillyEUBravo Jobst! C’est un beau jour pour nos amis de #cotedivoire. La vaccination va pouvoir commencer, en partie grâce…

    PiaAhrenkildeBest wishes & muchas gracias, dear Paco, for all your achievements & inspiration as member of our #DGCOMM family of…

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    Congo: l’ambasciatore italiano ed un carabiniere uccisi in un tentato rapimento

    OliverVarhelyiPleased to have had a good discussion with @Haavisto @Ulkoministerio in the margins of #FAC in Brussels today. We s…

    Antonio_TajaniCon @forza_italia al governo basta comunicazioni all’ultimo minuto. Ci vuole rispetto per chi lavora e fa impresa.

    OliverVarhelyiGood exchange of views with #US @SecBlinken @StateDept at Foreign Affairs Council #FAC today. Strong strategic tran…

    US2EURT @SecBlinken: Pleased to join the EU Foreign Affairs Council today with @JosepBorrellF to discuss the joint U.S.- EU response to pressing…

    helenadalliIn a #UnionOfEquality all victims of crime should be able to fully rely on their rights – no matter where they are…

    epc_euRT @andreas_akt: Excited to join this panel of eminent speakers tomorrow, to speak on boosting AI uptake in Europe, the @EU_Commission’s fo…

    CSpillmann”Contrer, réagir et s’engager”: avec ce triple salto en figure imposée, #UE27 cherche une riposte face à la dérive…

    germanyintheeuRT @GermanyDiplo: “In our discussion with @SecBlinken, we touched upon many international issues. There is a willingness on the #US side to…

    germanyintheeuRT @GermanyDiplo: “It is as necessary to continue a dialogue w/ #Russia. It is a key actor when it comes to working on solutions for Syria…

    germanyintheeuRT @GermanyDiplo: “We have decided to sanction further individuals in #Russia who are responsible for the conviction of Alexei #Navalny. We…

    OlivierBaillyEURT @Europe1: Covid-19 : Sanofi veut rebondir et lance un nouvel essai clinique du vaccin

    helenadalliRT @eurogender: When #violence takes place behind closed doors it can be hard to bring yourself to intervene, but there are ways to make it…

    ecrgroupThe adoption of the #EMFAF is a win for #EU fishing, particularly for the small-scale inshore sector. The €6.1bn d…

    MalmstromEURT @EventsPOLITICO: Happening on March 8, our Virtual Playbook Interviews – Women’s day edition with @vestager, European commission executi…

    EPPGroupGood that agreement on #RussiaSanctions was reached, but this decision is a far cry from the support expected by…

    RenewEuropeRT @sorayarr_: 🇪🇺Tras la reunión de ministros de exteriores, se anuncian futuras sanciones para los responsables de la detención de #Navaln…

    ThierryBretonWomen and men @pfizer in Puurs 🇧🇪 are working night and day to produce the @BioNTech_Group #COVID vaccine. We have…

    CarloCalendaL’analisi di @mraffa1946 sull’uccisione dell’ambasciatore italiano e del carabiniere in #Congo. Da ascoltare

    ItalyinEURT @EttoreSequi: Bandiere a mezz’asta alla #Farnesina per la morte dell’Ambasciatore Luca #Attanasio, del Carabiniere Vittorio #Iacovacci e…

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    NATO, si rafforza la cooperazione transatlantica. Borrell: “Passi avanti nel 2021 per il partenariato strategico UE”

    Jens Stoltenberg, segretario generale Nato

    Politica-estera, Tiscalinewsit – Federico Baccini

    18 febbraio 2021

    Discussa alla riunione dei ministri della Difesa dell’Alleanza la piattaforma di coordinamento per risolvere le tensioni Grecia-Turchia. Il segretario generale Stoltenberg: “Spianeremo la strada a negoziati o colloqui esplorativi tra i due Paesi”


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    “Agire come un unico” per un maggior peso dell’Unione nel multilateralismo

    Europarl_ITAiutano a evitare la congestione del traffico, a ridurre le emissioni di CO2 e a offrire cure sanitarie migliori: m…

    JosepBorrellFParticipated today at @NATO defence ministerial. The transatlantic relationship is the EU’s most indispensable stra…

    ansaeuropa”Il primo ministro #Draghi ci ricorda l’essenza dell’integrazione europea”: lo scrive su Twitter l’Alto rappresenta…

    PiaAhrenkildeICYMI: Today @EU_Commission announced action that will help protect people against new #coronavirus variants in the…

    ansaeuropaLavoro, inclusione scolastica, eliminazione delle barriere architettoniche e programmi di protezione sociale. Le pr…

    eu_nearTomorrow, a new website with up-to-date information on 🇪🇺#EU-funded projects in 🇦🇿#Azerbaijan will be launched❗ Fo…

    ansaeuropa#LaTuaEuropa: il #Recovery and Resilience Facility prevede che la @EU_Commission e gli Stati membri interessati coi…

    ansaeuropa#LaTuaEuropa: valorizzare al meglio la rete #Natura2000, composta da 102 siti su 140,000 ettari. È lo scopo del pro…

    PiaAhrenkildeRT @PeterMueller9: Kommissionschefin Ursula ⁦@vonderleyen⁩ zu #Impfungen : „Ich kann erhebliche Frustration verstehen, dass es dauert.“ Nat…

    JanezLenarcicI deplore the IDF’s repeated seizures of 🇪🇺 funded humanitarian relief items for protection of families and their l…

    FMCastaldoHassan #Mushaima was sentenced to life in an unfair trial in 2011 for exercising his legitimate right to freedom of…

    ftbrussels‘Slash and burn’ of EU rules ruled out post-Brexit

    Marcozanni86RT @Capezzone: Ottimo intervento in Aula di @AlbertoBagnai, complimenti. È stato il primo, e per ora l’unico, a mettere a verbale il rischi…

    Marcozanni86RT @borghi_claudio: Ecco, diciamo che dopo questo intervento Draghi, che sicuramente parla la stessa lingua di Alberto, sa che sappiamo cos…

    brandobenifeiRT @EnricoLetta: « Non c’è sovranità nella solitudine »Chi vota SÌ alla fiducia lo fa su questa bella frase-manifesto dell’europeismo virtu…


    sandrogozi🇪🇺 L’Europe agit ! 750 milliards d’€ pour relancer l’Europe, on en parle. Je réponds ce soir aux questions de Deni…

    EU_opendataRT @EULawDataPubs: 📣 Don’t miss #ENDORSE2021 for better knowledge management in the EU institutions and beyond! It’s online, free, over 1…

    eunewsit. @BotengaM ( @Left_EU ): “#Draghi is not the alternative, he poses a democratic trouble” @Europarl_EN

    dubravkasuicaToday I presented the Green Paper on #EUAgeing to Members of the Global Future Council on Healthy Ageing and Longev…