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    Brexit, Commissione UE propone proroga fino al 30 aprile per ratificare l’accordo con Londra



    CoordEuropaOsservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa Per il “Giorno del ricordo” riproponiamo i materiali sempre attuali del pr…

    CoordEuropaRT @Jelena_Sesar: IOM urges EU & member states to end pushbacks and violence at external borders and strengthen accountability & compliance…

    MarosSefcovic🇪🇺🇺🇦 Working towards launching a strategic partnership on #rawmaterials and #batteries that will help shape our pos…

    JosepBorrellFPositive first conversation today with Canadian FM @MarcGarneau to discuss ways to fight #COVID19, ensure economic…

    RebHarmsRT @machiavellipod: 🇷🇺 Vergiftete politische Gegner, Rapper von Eliteunis, nie dagewesene Proteste – Russland bietet gerade Filmstoff. Doch…

    CSpillmannLe mystère Jack Ma #Économie via @LePoint

    RebHarmsRT @APHClarkson: Brexit means 17th century retro

    Antonio_Tajani.@regionepiemonte Complimenti al Presidente @Alberto_Cirio per aver istituito la giornata in memoria delle ‘Vittime…

    APisoneroECSpoxRT @GaviSeth: Excellent news: @WHO’s SAGE interim guidance states that the @AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine is safe and effective and is recomme…

    US2EURT @StateDept: .@StateDeptSpox Price: We stand with the people of Burma and support their right to peacefully assemble, including the right…

    US2EURT @StateDept: .@SecBlinken: Whether it’s the adversarial aspects of the relationship, the competitive ones, or the cooperative ones which…

    ftbrusselsAmsterdam ousts London as Europe’s top share trading hub

    MargSchinasRT @fabienne_keller: Très heureuse d’avoir échangé avec @MargSchinas. Nous partageons la volonté d’avancer dès maintenant sur la gestion de…

    germanyintheeuRT @RegSprecher: Es zeigt sich, dass unsere Maßnahmen wirken – wir müssen aber weiterhin die Gefahr durch die Mutationen bekämpfen. Die Zei…

    FedericaMogRT @collegeofeurope: Yesterday, the students of the European Legal Studies Department of our Bruges campus had an online discussion with th…

    FedericaMogRT @collegeofeurope: Rector @FedericaMog spoke on the role of the European Union in supporting women’s rights at a panel discussion on secu…

    FedericaMogRT @EmreKursatKaya: We finally launched the Future of Europe Talks (@FoE_Talks) initiative at the @collegeofeurope! We will organize a seri…

    EU_opendataRT @IATI_aid: Register & submit session proposals for #IATI’s 1st Virtual Community Exchange on 13 April! Join inf…

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    L’UE ci prova, summit con la Cina per progressi su commercio, clima e digitale

    CSpillmannRT @davcarretta: Ma Giuseppe Conte ieri non aveva detto che l’Italia era “disponibile a sostegno per minori Lesbo”?

    CSpillmannRT @davcarretta: Brexit: i principali gruppi al Parlamento europeo annunciano un veto a un accordo di libero scambio se il governo britanni…

    CSpillmannRT @franakviacorka: Russia Today recognized that 32 of its employees coordinate Lukashenka’s propaganda. They work as embeds with KGB and R…

    CSpillmannRT @anneapplebaum: Belarus police grabbing women out of churches

    CSpillmannRT @IdafeMartin: El 5 agosto un mercante de @Maersk rescató a 27 refugiados en el Mediterráneo. Pidió un puerto para desembarcarlos. 36 día…

    CSpillmannRT @davcarretta: Forza alle donne bielorusse. Forza a questo vecchietto coraggioso.

    LJahierEURT @EURACTIVItalia: La presidente della Commissione #Econ del #ParlamentoUE @itinagli ha chiarito la posizione dell’organo, che chiede un a…

    CSpillmannRT @quatremer: Vous allez bientôt regretter la covid 19…

    JosepBorrellFThis successful action shows the value of Op. #Irini in the implementation of the arms embargo in #Libya, under the…

    RebHarmsRT @CemrPoth: Ich bin immer beeindruckt von den mutigen Frauen und Männern in Belarus! #BelarusProtest

    ManfredWeberRT @mittagsmagazin: EVP-Fraktionschef @ManfredWeber fordert nach dem Brand im Flüchtlingslager Moria schärfere Kontrollen der EU-Außengrenz…

    RebHarmsRT @oonuch: What’s happening in Belarus? Using ⁦@MOBILISEproject⁩ survey data collected w ⁦@GwendolynSasse⁩ – my colleagues who research t…

    ftbrusselsNew law will stop EU ‘breaking up our country’, Johnson tells MPs

    Antonio_Tajani☕ Vi aspetto in #Campania per ascoltarvi e discutere delle problematiche del territorio. È il momento di ripartire.…

    ManfredWeberThe UK internal market bill is an unacceptable breach of trust, a violation of international law, and it should be…

    nomfupE poi all’improvviso

    LJahierEURT @lecese: #Europe « Je suis convaincu que nous atténuerons la défiance qui s’est installée dans nos #démocraties en associant nos concito…

    nomfupSta facendo un lavoro incredibile, come sempre, @Monicanpl. Incredibile

    nomfupRT @politicshome: NEW: Boris Johnson tried to get his MPs to back him over Brexit on a Zoom call. It didn’t quite go to plan…

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    UE e Stati Uniti pronte a definire un nuovo regime di scambio dei dati personali

    CSpillmannRT @ChristopherJM: Lithuania FM @LinkeviciusL tells local media about Tikhanovskaya’s situation: “The night was really tense, she was detai…

    CSpillmannRT @ChristopherJM: Tikhanovskaya’s team says she was forced to leave Belarus in order for authorities to release her chief of staff Maria M…

    CSpillmannRT @lemondefr: « Comme le gouvernement ne veut pas que l’Apple Daily survive, nous autres, Hongkongais, devons le sauver nous-mêmes » : la…

    CSpillmannRT @UdrescuMaria: A découvrir @lalibrebe, dans un excellent dossier #Bielorussie, le portrait signé @SabVt “#Loukachenko, le petit père don…

    EuropolNOW HIRING! Thinking about furthering your career? Europol could be the opportunity you’re looking for! Take a look…

    euobsTurkey’s decision to send ships to disputed waters near Cyprus was a “serious escalation” which showed Turkey’s “de…

    eu_eeasRT @eu_echo: The EU’s response to the tragic explosion in #Beirut would not be possible without the brave first respondents on the ground.…

    euobs”Our response will be robust,” Lukashenko said after a second night of violence in Minsk, as EU ponders response

    euobs”There had been an abuse of visas issued at the Slovak general consulate in St Petersburg, and in this connection a…

    euobsOver 1.8 million confirmed cases have so far been reported across the European Union, including Liechtenstein, Icel…

    euobsGermany, France, Italy are reportedly drawing up a sanction list of companies and individuals to stem the flow of w…

    euobsAfter invalidating Safe Harbour and Privacy Shield, the European Union and the United States now find themselves in…

    euobsAt least five Italian MPs earning some €13,000 a month have pocketed Covid-19 relief funds meant to help the self-e…

    CSpillmannRT @mariaramirezNY: España multiplica casi por ocho los casos de Italia en el último mes. ¿Qué ha hecho Italia? Mantener el estado de alarm…

    CSpillmannRT @afpfr: La Chine cherche à faire du territoire démocratique qu’est Taïwan “le prochain Hong Kong”, a accusé aujourd’hui le ministre taïw…

    PES_PSERT @SPDEuropa: Beim ??-Hilfspaket gegen die Pandemie hat er’s bewiesen. ?? #Scholz2021 @PES_PSE

    CSpillmannRT @EnricoLetta: Non sono elezioni quelle “vinte” da #Lukashenko. Non c’è democrazia in #Bielorussia. Ai confini dell’UE non c’è posto per…

    CSpillmannRT @grosfilley: Vous voulez savoir comment et pourquoi PS et N-VA ont fini par de retrouver et négocier ? Petite enquête dans les coulisses…

    nomfupRT @lemondefr: Gabrielle Deydier, autrice d’« On ne naît pas grosse » : « Quand on sort de la norme, comme c’est le cas pour les personnes…

    CSpillmannRT @lucdebarochez: La candidate de l’opposition en #Biélorussie s’est réfugiée en Lituanie

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    Venezuela, dalla Conferenza dei donatori oltre 2,5 miliardi a sostegno di rifugiati e migranti

    (Da sinistra) Janez Lenarčič, commissario europeo per la gestione delle crisi, Josep Borell, alto rappresentante per la politica estera e di sicurezza UE, Jutta Urpilainen, commissario europeo per le partnership internazionali – Fabiana Luca 27 maggio 2020 L’iniziativa promossa da Unione europea e Spagna, con il sostegno dell’Agenzia ONU per i rifugiati (UNHCR) e dell’Organizzazione […]