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    Brexit, il Consiglio Europeo pronto a “qualunque scenario, anche il no deal”. Barnier incalza: “Negoziati intensi, ma ora tocca a Londra”

    OECDRT @OECDgov: ?LAUNCH EVENT Join @A_Gurria, Princess Laurentien @koninklijkhuis, Caren Marks @BMFSFJ & Alexandra Robinson @AIESEC, along wi…

    EUCouncilEU countries agreed to coordinate better on travel measures in response to #COVID19: ▶️ 3 common key criteria ▶️ a…

    CSpillmannRT @OlileBussy: #EUCO Et comme les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement sont chauds, ils enchaînent sur le sujet #Covid dont ils devaient initia…

    CSpillmannRT @OlileBussy: #EUCO #Climat L’Union européenne doit-elle réduire d’au moins 55% ses émissions de gaz à effet de serre d’ici 2030 (par rap…

    EUCouncilTo find out how the EU and its member states are fighting the #COVID19 pandemic, see our timeline of EU actions:…

    MichelBarnierRT @DanielFerrie: ???? Worth listening back to #EUCO press conference. @MichelBarnier said: “We remain determined to reach a fair deal. We…

    EUCouncil?? EU leaders are now discussing #COVID19 coordination & EU vaccine strategy. ? #EUCO All about the summit:…

    RebHarmsRT @oonuch: Great piece by ⁦@CoilinOConnor⁩ of ⁦@RFERL⁩ on #RevolutionOnTheGranite & its 30 year anniversary. In it I stress a little known…

    ItalyinEUConclusioni su #ambiente #clima?

    TNavracsicsEURT @EUSTRAT_uni_nke: ✍️?? “Ez lehetne az első olyan polgári kezdeményezés, amelynek konkrét eredménye lehet majd” – @TarnokB kollégánk az @…

    RebHarmsRT @UA_EUMission: Statement by @eu_eeas Spokesperson: RU forced military conscription in illegally-annexed Crimea is part of continued effo…

    EUCouncilPressRT @BarendLeyts: At #EUCO conclusions on climate have been adopted @eucopresident has now started discussion on #COVID__19…

    RebHarmsRT @AliceBota: Die Namensliste der Russen, die von den EU-Sanktionen betroffen sind wg Nawalnys Vergiftung. Sie treffen Putins engeren Mach…

    CSpillmannRT @eoghanwalsh: Iconic Brussels café “A la Mort Subite” in danger of bankruptcy. Squeezed by absence of both tourists and office workers,…

    CSpillmannRT @jimbrunsden: On fish: “I indicated as early as July an openness to discussion, I have never received really a reciprocal opening. [We n…

    CSpillmannRT @DariusRochebin: Perquisitions. «La notion de CYA (cover-your-ass medicine, policy), si américaine -et intraduisible cela va de soi-, au…

    CSpillmann#France à éviter

    nomfupRT @brianstelter: Turning reporters, producers, photojournalists, and engineers into hate objects for five years running. Never normal, no…

    JosepBorrellFIsrael has announced significant expansion of settlements in occupied West Bank, in and around Jerusalem. Settlemen…

    MalosseHenriRT @adrianzenz: NEW: Torment of the Uyghurs – Cover of the new Economist Magazine. Based on new data provided by me to the Economist, show…

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    Nagorno-Karabakh, la Commissione UE intima la fine del conflitto nel Caucaso: “No a ingerenze esterne da Turchia e Russia”

    L’alto rappresentante Josep Borrell ha ribadito alla plenaria del Parlamento Europeo l’impegno dell’Unione per arrivare a negoziati OSCE, mentre continuano i bombardamenti sulla regione a maggioranza armena dell’Azerbaijan. “Valutare attentamente ogni notizia, sul conflitto in corso c’è molta disinformazione”

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    Brexit, braccio di ferro UE-UK. “Via il progetto sul mercato interno entro fine settembre”. Londra rifiuta: “Protezione vitale”

    Nell’ultimo round di negoziati, il vicepresidente della Commissione, Maroš Šefčovič, ha ribadito che “solo ritirando il disegno di legge sarebbe ripristinata la fiducia”. Muro del ministro britannico, Michael Gove: “Non lo faremo”. Entro metà ottobre si riunirà il comitato speciale per il protocollo delle frontiere irlandesi