
Dal clima alle migrazioni, “l’Africa è partner chiave per l’Unione europea”

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    RT : After a decade of Tory cuts to public services, attacks on our rights at work and needless austerity the UK has lost resilie…

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    RT _Rohart: Le “bouclier” migratoire, tournant des 100 jours d’Ursula von der Leyen Via

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    Réunion très intéressante et productive avec _gourault sur les outils à donner aux régions pour faire revenir les…

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    Our first 100 days are about tackling the twin transition that Europe is facing: 👉 Turning the fight against clima…

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    RT _bxl: No. That’s basic decency

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    RT : Les Européens et tiendront une conférence de presse sans la présence du président turc

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    FOLLOW the press conference of the EU-Turkey leaders’ meeting LIVE in a few min. with and…

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    RT : Meeting with president has come to an end. NEXT on is press conference by and …

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    Very fruitful exchange of views with ; shared concerns on the need of: EU response to economic slowdow…

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    RT : Erdoğan asks NATO allies ‘solidarity without political conditions’. ↨ Oh really? You compromise the Alliance’s air defense…

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    “Onoriamo il mandato parlamentare e rendiamo omaggio a tutti coloro che in Europa e nel mondo svolgono il loro dove…

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    Qui si vince o si perde insieme. Rispettiamo le regole e sconfiggiamo il virus il prima possibile!

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    [Opinion] The phrase “protecting the external border” of the EU is misleading, as it suggests the establishment of…

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    Contro il serve coraggio.Tutta l’Italia deve diventare con maggiori divieti e controlli sev…

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    This afternoon President Sassoli opened the plenary session, exceptionally hold in Brussels and for only one and a…

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    Armenia: High Representative/Vice-President Borrell meets Prime Minister Pashinyan

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    UK and EU set to table competing draft trade deals

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    Solidarité, vous avez dit solidarité ? est devenue une utopie Un grand marché et seulement un grand marché

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    RT : Bene che il Consiglio europeo si sia attivato per coordinare gli sforzi dei 27 Paesi membri per affrontare l’emergenza …

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    This is a shame and not acceptable! _President

  • Source:


    Fico, il Parlamento non si ferma

    Fondo Asilo, Migrazione e Integrazione (FAMI) 2014-2020, Avviso 2/2019: pubblicati i decreti d’incremento delle risorse e di scorrimento della graduatoria