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    NATO, si rafforza la cooperazione transatlantica. Borrell: “Passi avanti nel 2021 per il partenariato strategico UE”

    Jens Stoltenberg, segretario generale Nato

    Politica-estera, Tiscalinewsit – Federico Baccini

    18 febbraio 2021

    Discussa alla riunione dei ministri della Difesa dell’Alleanza la piattaforma di coordinamento per risolvere le tensioni Grecia-Turchia. Il segretario generale Stoltenberg: “Spianeremo la strada a negoziati o colloqui esplorativi tra i due Paesi”


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    “Agire come un unico” per un maggior peso dell’Unione nel multilateralismo

    Europarl_ITAiutano a evitare la congestione del traffico, a ridurre le emissioni di CO2 e a offrire cure sanitarie migliori: m…

    JosepBorrellFParticipated today at @NATO defence ministerial. The transatlantic relationship is the EU’s most indispensable stra…

    ansaeuropa”Il primo ministro #Draghi ci ricorda l’essenza dell’integrazione europea”: lo scrive su Twitter l’Alto rappresenta…

    PiaAhrenkildeICYMI: Today @EU_Commission announced action that will help protect people against new #coronavirus variants in the…

    ansaeuropaLavoro, inclusione scolastica, eliminazione delle barriere architettoniche e programmi di protezione sociale. Le pr…

    eu_nearTomorrow, a new website with up-to-date information on 🇪🇺#EU-funded projects in 🇦🇿#Azerbaijan will be launched❗ Fo…

    ansaeuropa#LaTuaEuropa: il #Recovery and Resilience Facility prevede che la @EU_Commission e gli Stati membri interessati coi…

    ansaeuropa#LaTuaEuropa: valorizzare al meglio la rete #Natura2000, composta da 102 siti su 140,000 ettari. È lo scopo del pro…

    PiaAhrenkildeRT @PeterMueller9: Kommissionschefin Ursula ⁦@vonderleyen⁩ zu #Impfungen : „Ich kann erhebliche Frustration verstehen, dass es dauert.“ Nat…

    JanezLenarcicI deplore the IDF’s repeated seizures of 🇪🇺 funded humanitarian relief items for protection of families and their l…

    FMCastaldoHassan #Mushaima was sentenced to life in an unfair trial in 2011 for exercising his legitimate right to freedom of…

    ftbrussels‘Slash and burn’ of EU rules ruled out post-Brexit

    Marcozanni86RT @Capezzone: Ottimo intervento in Aula di @AlbertoBagnai, complimenti. È stato il primo, e per ora l’unico, a mettere a verbale il rischi…

    Marcozanni86RT @borghi_claudio: Ecco, diciamo che dopo questo intervento Draghi, che sicuramente parla la stessa lingua di Alberto, sa che sappiamo cos…

    brandobenifeiRT @EnricoLetta: « Non c’è sovranità nella solitudine »Chi vota SÌ alla fiducia lo fa su questa bella frase-manifesto dell’europeismo virtu…


    sandrogozi🇪🇺 L’Europe agit ! 750 milliards d’€ pour relancer l’Europe, on en parle. Je réponds ce soir aux questions de Deni…

    EU_opendataRT @EULawDataPubs: 📣 Don’t miss #ENDORSE2021 for better knowledge management in the EU institutions and beyond! It’s online, free, over 1…

    eunewsit. @BotengaM ( @Left_EU ): “#Draghi is not the alternative, he poses a democratic trouble” @Europarl_EN

    dubravkasuicaToday I presented the Green Paper on #EUAgeing to Members of the Global Future Council on Healthy Ageing and Longev…

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    Brexit, Commissione UE propone proroga fino al 30 aprile per ratificare l’accordo con Londra



    CoordEuropaOsservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa Per il “Giorno del ricordo” riproponiamo i materiali sempre attuali del pr…

    CoordEuropaRT @Jelena_Sesar: IOM urges EU & member states to end pushbacks and violence at external borders and strengthen accountability & compliance…

    MarosSefcovic🇪🇺🇺🇦 Working towards launching a strategic partnership on #rawmaterials and #batteries that will help shape our pos…

    JosepBorrellFPositive first conversation today with Canadian FM @MarcGarneau to discuss ways to fight #COVID19, ensure economic…

    RebHarmsRT @machiavellipod: 🇷🇺 Vergiftete politische Gegner, Rapper von Eliteunis, nie dagewesene Proteste – Russland bietet gerade Filmstoff. Doch…

    CSpillmannLe mystère Jack Ma #Économie via @LePoint

    RebHarmsRT @APHClarkson: Brexit means 17th century retro

    Antonio_Tajani.@regionepiemonte Complimenti al Presidente @Alberto_Cirio per aver istituito la giornata in memoria delle ‘Vittime…

    APisoneroECSpoxRT @GaviSeth: Excellent news: @WHO’s SAGE interim guidance states that the @AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine is safe and effective and is recomme…

    US2EURT @StateDept: .@StateDeptSpox Price: We stand with the people of Burma and support their right to peacefully assemble, including the right…

    US2EURT @StateDept: .@SecBlinken: Whether it’s the adversarial aspects of the relationship, the competitive ones, or the cooperative ones which…

    ftbrusselsAmsterdam ousts London as Europe’s top share trading hub

    MargSchinasRT @fabienne_keller: Très heureuse d’avoir échangé avec @MargSchinas. Nous partageons la volonté d’avancer dès maintenant sur la gestion de…

    germanyintheeuRT @RegSprecher: Es zeigt sich, dass unsere Maßnahmen wirken – wir müssen aber weiterhin die Gefahr durch die Mutationen bekämpfen. Die Zei…

    FedericaMogRT @collegeofeurope: Yesterday, the students of the European Legal Studies Department of our Bruges campus had an online discussion with th…

    FedericaMogRT @collegeofeurope: Rector @FedericaMog spoke on the role of the European Union in supporting women’s rights at a panel discussion on secu…

    FedericaMogRT @EmreKursatKaya: We finally launched the Future of Europe Talks (@FoE_Talks) initiative at the @collegeofeurope! We will organize a seri…

    EU_opendataRT @IATI_aid: Register & submit session proposals for #IATI’s 1st Virtual Community Exchange on 13 April! Join inf…

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    Bielorussia: UE sanziona Lukashenko e altri 14 funzionari per la repressione in corso

    RebHarmsRT @Peine01: „Wisse, daß es kein Leid gibt, dem nicht Freude folgte, kein Unglück, das nicht irgendein Glück nach sich zöge.“ Gute Nacht mi…

    nomfupRT @voxdotcom: If the two Georgia seats go to the Democrats, the Senate will be split 50-50, but the Democratic half will represent 41,549,…

    RebHarmsRT @ConStelz: Dignity advice from Danes. It has come to this.

    VivianeRedingEURT @Channel4News: Philadelphia’s mayor has told Donald Trump to “put his big boy pants on” and accept defeat. The president has alleged el…

    CSpillmannRT @Veroauger_eu: Pourquoi la France a t elle aujourd’hui les plus mauvais résultats en Europe dans la lutte contre le #COVID19france ? Une…

    nomfupRT @nowthisnews: ‘History right now is unfolding in Georgia’ — Jon Ossoff on his runoff race and all eyes turning to the Peach State https:…

    nomfupRT @axios: If Democrats pull off Senate runoffs in Georgia, the 50-50 Senate split would give a President Biden a razor-thin window to make…

    RebHarmsRT @MaximEristavi: A great example that there are no lost causes, even in autocracies. A joint effort by superb independent journalism of @…

    jameskanterRT @RosaTristan: Lesbos. Terrible la llegada del frío y la lluvia

    CSpillmannRT @SabVt: Il revient comme un boomerang, ce tweet-là ! #Election2020

    ansaeuropa#Lavoro: Ue, gap di genere nei salari ancora elevato #donne

    ansaeuropa#Schengen: #Ue, entro dicembre primo forum per riformare @EU_Commission

    RebHarmsRT @IMatviyishyn: My new story is about women’s power: an IDP from Donbas and a single mother of three from the west of Ukraine who started…

    VivianeRedingEUWhen will the Info-Business go back to reasonable?!?!??

    ansaeuropa#Covid: #Ue, bene piattaforme contro fake news, proseguire sforzi #fakenews #disinformazione @VeraJourova

    ansaeuropa#Brexit: domani telefonata von Der Leyen-Johnson @vonderleyen

    nomfupRT @GuyKawasaki: She’ll be back, and she’s going to kick a lot of ass.

    EPPGroupRT @nathalie_conrad: Our letter to @vonderleyen today “All of us have united here to ask you to stand up to the ambitions you have set out…


    sandrogoziMerci @NathalieLoiseau Jeu d’équipe, comme d’habitude !

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    Kosovo, si dimette il presidente Thaci per le accuse di crimini di guerra. Spiazzata l’UE

    CSpillmannRT @ArLeparmentier: Soyons lucides, les marchés financiers s’envolent depuis trois jours car ils jugent qu’il n’y a aucun risque de guerre…

    CSpillmannRT @piris_jc: Clear.

    CSpillmannRT @giopank: Notizie dalla Georgia: le autorità statali stanno spiegando che mancano più di 40k voti da scrutinare di cui più di 7k nella c…

    CSpillmannRT @ArLeparmentier: La démocratie américaine fonctionne, elle compte les votes, tout va bien et si Trump perd, il sera mis dehors de la Mai…

    RebHarmsRT @jerrysaltz: In which a broken son of Donald Trump threatens the Vichy Republicans if they do not fall into line a reject the results of…

    nomfupLo splendore di MyDrama #XFactor2020

    ansaeuropa#Sindacati #Ue, Commissione valuta rifinanziamento #Sure @etuc_ces #lavoro #occupazione #coronavirus

    nomfupRT @nytimes: Joe Biden beat President Trump by a single vote in each of two Massachusetts towns that had been dominated by Democrats, but h…

    nomfupMagna tranquillo, Neva’

    socbxlRT @ecfin: Missed the Autumn 2020 #ECForecast? Catch up here 👇 with Commissioner @PaoloGentiloni in English or in Italian.…

    nomfupRT @JoeBiden: Every vote must be counted.

    FedericaMogRT @BelferCenter: TUESDAY: Join @futurediplomacy for a conversation with @HonJulieBishop, @FedericaMog, and Peter Wittig on their reactions…

    brandobenifeiC’è bisogno di un database europeo sul #Covid. Uno strumento in grado di fornire ai governi dati affidabili, puntua…

    GiacomoFassinaRT @GretaThunberg: So ridiculous. Donald must work on his Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Ch…

    CSpillmannRT @mathieugallard: 🇺🇲🗳️ Et quand le Nevada *sera* acquis à Biden, Fox News devrait être le premier média américain à le déclarer élu. #iro…

    jyrkikatainenRT @Romakka: Näinkin voi vaalitappionsa tunnustaa. Tällaisia hienoja poliitikkoja kuin John McCain ei valitettavasti taideta enää tehdä.…

    nomfupNon mi disturbate, per cortesia. Stasera ho da fare

    RebHarmsSomeone at @ABC likes 🇬🇪.

    nomfupLAW AND ORDER!

    brandobenifeiRT @JoeBiden: Let me be clear: I campaigned as a proud Democrat, but I will govern as an American president.