We supported our colleagues from in this important investigation on suspected terrorist financing and depl…

United we will be stronger! speaking to the press earlier today following her election ⬇️

Good to catch up with my old friend Tony Blair at – always plenty to talk about!

A privilege to meet _satyarthi and to learn about his inspiring work in fighting inequality

Questa maledetta ladra in carcere per trent’anni, messa in condizione di non avere più figli, e i suoi poveri bimbi…

Congrats ! Such a pleasure to have you as the new president of Mucha suerte! We are…

Council adopted conclusions on and the stabilisation and association process. Ministers also di…

RT : Day 1, it’s a wrap! 🙌🏽 Still wondering why addressing inequalities matters for everyone? 🤔 👇🏽 …

Berlin moves to freeze rent for 5 years as prices soar. Well done !

RT : Comienzo con ilusión esta nueva etapa como Presidenta de en la que seguiré trabajando y defendiendo los…

RT : I begin with enthusiasm this new stage as President of in which I will keep working and defending the va…

Danke an für die sehr professionelle Unterstützung bei der Kompromissfindung zum …

20 Giugno Giornata mondiale del Rifugiato

We have an obligation to make our actions as inclusive & adaptable as possible. We must cater for th…

We get on stage and everything is there – stage partners, a moderator, the audience, chairs, lights, backdrops, Twi…

Many thanks to this wonderful team. They are the ones making the European Development Days such a successful event…

Blow for Balkan states as EU delays decision on accession talks

In Italia, per quello che mi riguarda, senza permesso non arriva nessuno: possono mandare chi vogliono ma barchini…

This my passion and key conviction. is the best investment for the future Education is: ⬇️⬇️⬇️ ✅ imme…