
Merkel esulta per Biden: “UE e Stati Uniti lavorino insieme per affrontare le sfide globali”

  • RebHarms
    They won‘t give up until former President leaves: Uchodi Lukashenka! #StandWithBelarus #Belarus

  • EPPGroup
    The people of #Belarus continue their peaceful protest and are met with consistent brutality by the #Lukashenko reg…

  • FedericaMog
    Here my interview on #USAelection2020 #BidenHarris2020 #EU – #US relations with @camanpour on @cnni

  • EPPGroup
    RT @listenlund: EU negotiators from the parliament and member states are due this week to discuss a longstanding plan that would force plat…

  • jduch
    MEPs want the amount of €672,5 billion euros in grants and loans to be available to finance national measures desig…

  • nomfup
    RT @TIME: Capping off a contentious two-year stint, Rep. Cheri Bustos, the head of House Democrats’ campaign arm, has decided to exit her p…

  • ManfredWeber
    RT @simoncoveney: It’s for UK Parl to legislate as it sees fit. But understand, if UK passes law designed to break International Law, WI &…

  • nomfup
    RT @nytimes: Dan Quayle, a Republican who was vice president to President George H.W. Bush when their ticket lost to Bill Clinton in 1992,…

  • nomfup
    Nel frattempo, in un universo parallelo

  • FedericaMog
    RT @camanpour: Former EU Foreign Policy Chief @FedericaMog says she has been saddened to see the US “denying so many of its fundamental val…

  • LJahierEU
    This is simply…. unique #Music make miracles and it’s #Magic

  • EP_President
    If COVID-19 has taught us one thing, it’s that we need to strengthen European democracy. The Conference on the Futu…

  • EP_President
    Wenn uns COVID-19 eines gelehrt hat, dann, dass wir europäische Demokratie stärken müssen. Die Konferenz zur Zukunf…

  • ecrgroup
    ECR MEP Jadwiga Wiśniewska: “We support all measures aimed at protecting the Union’s budget, but they must be legal…

  • JosepBorrellF
    We often say ‘Europe comes out of the crisis stronger’. To this end, we need to be mobilised on all fronts and EU D…

  • nomfup
    RT @nytpolitics: Even in defeat, Republicans saw clear indicators of the enduring power of Trump-style populism. By the time Joe Biden gave…

  • nomfup
    RT @nytopinion: The competitiveness of the Trump coalition, the fact that his party came through the election in better-than-expected shape…

  • EPPGroup
    It’s what we have been saying for weeks. @eucopresident agrees with us that there can be no impunity for those glor…

  • nomfup
    Empatia si sta rucolizzando, siamo già nei paraggi della resilienza

  • ansaeuropa
    Coinvolgere le regioni di confine dotandole di risorse specifiche e procedure accelerate, concludere i negoziati pe…

  • Source:


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